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Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
2/5/2006 8:08:43 PM

Nice one Petal! I bet it's a while since any mail was delivered here... Or maybe this IS where the staff hang out!! Congrats. on the award. Slainte Larry
        Photo By: Petal Wijnen  (K:50989) Donor

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
2/5/2006 9:52:10 AM

Hey Roberto, Unusual Cat shot indeed! They much prefer to curl up in front of a roaring fire... At least mine does. Slainte , Larry
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
2/3/2006 10:35:12 AM

Thanks for the suggestion Art. Slainte, Larry
        Photo By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/30/2006 11:55:26 AM

Hey Art! Wouldn't be so amusing without the in frame titles as somone suggested. Well done on both counts. Tell me this though - WAS COLA ON COKE???? Slainte , Larry
        Photo By: Art McCaffrey  (K:23645) Donor

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/29/2006 1:25:51 AM

Lovely funny natural!! These two birds are without doubt having a conversation, may even an argument? The mark of a good picture is it makes you look at ot fore a while. The mark of a great picture is it makes you look again.

I looked at this yhis picture again and again, Larry. ( will you visit my site as I would value your opinion. L.)
        Photo By: André Sigwalt  (K:219)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/28/2006 1:38:24 AM

Manu. Off the top of my head I'd say that after you got his attention Sid was saddened by that fact that once again you had that big flashing thing in front of you're face instead of a pat or a bone. And he's saying, " O.K. If you have to, go ahead 'cos' I love you- but I wish You knew how much this hurts my eyes.." Slainte , Larry
        Photo By: Manu    (K:13082)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/28/2006 12:58:59 AM

Hi Manu, and thanks for your honest critique. Looking at the original -pre PS, it does look fine as it was. Bear with me a while though, I'm going totally digital on new material after two more Dylan titles. Keep an eye on me as I value your opinion having studied your porfolio. Regards, Larry
        Photo By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/27/2006 6:33:42 PM

When you were in prison- Daddy.
        Photo By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/26/2006 8:56:10 PM

Yeah! 700 hits indeed..Mike Tyson didn't connect with that many. I wonder whos actin' de bollix? Any idea Shane? Desecratin' my site like that. Little apples weill grow again. Watch your spot. DADDY!!!!!
        Photo By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/26/2006 1:23:30 AM

Wonderful, Wonderful, Roby. A fleeting moment ,captured forever. We 'see' this ever other day, driving throgh woods, along Tree lined avenues.. But you SAW it! Well done my friend. Slainte Larry.( Dont leave me now, as your critiques are important to me ) L.
        Photo By: Roberto Arcari Farinetti  (K:209486) Donor

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/25/2006 8:12:40 AM

>LO THEREmARY AND WELCOME TO THE SITE. Youv'e got a nice capture here composition wise, and perhaps when you got to know PS or some "imnproving" system you can make this pretty picture 100% better, because all the ingredients are there. Keep Twing. LOL Larry
        Photo By: Mary DeCourcy  (K:42)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/24/2006 2:26:45 AM

Jeese Art- I'm looking over my shoulder! I think you do live in my Beautiful city. Isn't it lovely to come across someplace familiar on UF ? I cross this bridge daily all my life and I have photographed it lots of times. Must dig out the best. Bet you stayed in the Bridge Hotel or Dooleys! Saoirse agus Slainte, Larry
        Photo By: Art McCaffrey  (K:23645) Donor

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/24/2006 2:13:21 AM

'Lo Cary. We all have places we love, and it's plain to see you love this place, the way way you keep keep caressing it photographically... Saoirse agus Slainte ,Larry
        Photo By: Cary Shaffer  (K:9269)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/24/2006 2:05:49 AM

'Lo Cary. I can't zoom. Is there someone in there ? I can't see any footsteps..Looks like a nice place to be right now with a six pack and Dylan's " Oh Mercy. " The tree looks strange- like it's pressed against glass or something. How did you do that? Slainte agus Saoirse, Larry
        Photo By: Cary Shaffer  (K:9269)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/24/2006 2:05:23 AM

'Lo Cary. I can't zoom. Is there someone in there ? I can't see any footsteps..Looks like a nice place to be right now with a six pack and Dylan's " Oh Mercy. " The tree looks strange- like it's pressed against glass or something. How did you do that? Slainte agus Saoirse, Larry
        Photo By: Cary Shaffer  (K:9269)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/24/2006 1:53:00 AM

Lovely stuff Kid. Terrific clarity. This would only work as a silouette- unless you've got other ideas... And I'm sure it's no accident that you got 3 other "mini" pics in there,naturally framed by the railings. The two couples walking and the three pillars that we know as "the Metal Man". Am I right? Go out there sometime and see what you get. Larry
        Photo By: Shane O'Neill  (K:3054)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/24/2006 12:33:38 AM

Sarky or sewious?
        Photo By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/24/2006 12:33:17 AM

Sarky or sewious?
        Photo By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/23/2006 7:41:28 PM

'Lo Art. Thanks for your reply. Dunno at this stage. I only fairly recently revived an intrest in photography, and boy have things changed! I sort of looked down on "digital" photography 'till i got this computer and I learning (slowly) about the massive potential ofDP. For now I'll use old stuff as I have thousands of pics in stock and it's easy to pick a title of Dylans to match a picture...I haven't got a decent dig. cam. yet-but I'm seeing pics. all the time,and I'm gonna get one soon. as it is -it takes me 1/2 hour in PS to get one ready for UF ! Did you enjoy your stay here in Waterford? I'm posting one especially for you later. Slainte, Larry
        Photo By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/23/2006 11:20:20 AM

Thanks for taking the time to reply Petal. Appreciate it. Keep an eye on me will you? I am using your candles as my " background of the week." Geat Honour indeed for you!!!! Good Luck, Larry
        Photo By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/23/2006 10:46:27 AM

Been lookin' at this for a while Manu... Would you mind if I frame it for my living room? Larry o Neill. Yeah, we O'Neills are mad as a bag of kippers!!! But mad about each other.. Can you please have another glance at my space as I admire yer work and value your opinion. Slainte, Larry
        Photo By: Manu    (K:13082)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/23/2006 10:37:41 AM

Beatiful Berat. May I Please use this as a background? Godd luck. Larry ( will you please re-visit my site as I value your opinion )
        Photo By: berat besir  (K:646)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/21/2006 11:08:36 PM

Lo' Art.I see you've been down my patch! Actually those are street seats- we sit on them as one does! Nice capture though. I have this in a Dawn snow actually, I ll post it soon. Intacta Print bought it for Christmas cards and it's their biggest seller every year. Ahem. Do me a favour Art (and maybe your friends)- have a butchers at my humble Dylan series- should I keep going or drop it? All the best Larry
        Photo By: Art McCaffrey  (K:23645) Donor

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/21/2006 10:58:56 PM

Weely? Would you care to comment on my Dylan Seewees? Wawee..
        Photo By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/21/2006 11:58:07 AM

Hey John! I'M just sittin' here enjoyin' this. Larry
        Photo By: John Finn  (K:1101)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/21/2006 1:52:22 AM

Oh the things you see on the way to work!! Still you took alittle time to make a possibe "snap" into a beautiful image- just by including that branch...Larry. Would you please have a quick glance at my stuff. I dont get many comments and would value your critique as I admire your stuff. L.
        Photo By: Petal Wijnen  (K:50989) Donor

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/21/2006 1:44:16 AM

Lo' Keith! What can I say? Consistant Brillance in all your recent stuff . 2 years time you are No.1 photo-journalist on some big Sunday broadsheet... So keep up the high quality. Larry
        Photo By: Keith Fitzgerald  (K:1117)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/21/2006 1:36:36 AM

Hey John! You got every thing spot on here. Is'nt it a great feeling when you see what you've captured for the first time, and now to know you can Improve it at home. f..kin' magic Kid. See Ya , Larry. ( Lookin' again- maybe slice a bit of the top??)
        Photo By: John Finn  (K:1101)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/21/2006 1:19:42 AM

Again I Looked at this for a long time. Makes ya kinda thirsty. No doubt its a very good piece of work. The dof and clarity of the bubbles are brilliant BUT ( of course! ) The white nothings in both bottom corners spoil it for me. Pride alone must make you do it again? Larry
        Photo By: Shane O'Neill  (K:3054)

Critique By: Larry O'Neill  (K:1285)  
1/21/2006 1:09:24 AM

Hey Cary! This is my fav. of your lighthouse series. Could be a painting even. Gonna git my grandchildren to copy this tomorrow with crayons.DO ya mind? I post ya the results. See my sons Irish lighthouses. Shane O'Neill this site. You prob. wanna come over when you see them. Slainte Larry
        Photo By: Cary Shaffer  (K:9269)

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