Critique By:
Magnus Beierlein (K:853)
10/21/2004 10:24:46 PM
Absoulutely fantastic !!!!!! Should have an award of some sort. The cup of coffee on the left is so rightly placed and she looks so troubled and lonely. it's a real life photo telling such a direct story.
Photo By: Telemahos W.E.S.
Critique By:
Olga Vareli (K:22477)
10/14/2004 6:03:21 AM
Dear Christos first of all thank you for the beautiful comment...it was a real help indeed.As for this photograph of yours, I think it is a percfection in itself.Especially the sea in the foreground gives us this feeling of everything floating.Like floating in a dream...and then here comes the beautiful verse and they all add to the atmoshere of beauty but loneliness too.
Photo By: Telemahos W.E.S.
Critique By:
Dave Stacey (K:150877)
10/13/2004 6:36:28 PM
Very nice composition, Christos! Dave.
Photo By: Telemahos W.E.S.