Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
10/17/2008 2:36:27 AM
Thanks Bipradas.
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
10/17/2008 2:35:58 AM
Thank you, Supriyo.
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
10/17/2008 2:35:25 AM
Thank you, Supriyo.
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
10/17/2008 2:34:17 AM
Chaterine, thank you for your wonderful comment to my picture.
Regards, Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
9/5/2007 2:34:58 AM
Thanks Okan for your comments and tips.
Best Wishes, Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
9/3/2007 12:58:17 AM
Thanks Hesham, I'm still practicing with the aperture and shutter speeds. May be some day it will all come to me.
Regards, Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
8/30/2007 4:11:26 AM
Dave, thanks for the positive comment and for stopping to visit.
Regards, Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
7/17/2007 3:33:49 AM
Hello Aniko, how are you? I like this picture, everything blends in so well together. What I like about it the most is that it looks very natural. Nice work.
Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Aniko Heart
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
7/13/2007 2:24:52 AM
Thanks Harry, I am surrounded by many farms such as this one in the area where I live. Most of the farms are located on preserved land. Thanks again, Rainy
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
7/13/2007 2:19:41 AM
Hello Niclas, Thanks for your comments. I guess I need to learn Photoshop or just tweak my camera adjustments.
Regards, Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
7/12/2007 7:58:17 AM
Hi Gareth, Thanks for your remarks. It's my brother that actually lives in Avalon, New Jersey. Lucky guy I would say. This picture was taken from his back deck.
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
7/10/2007 11:05:07 PM
Hello Antonella, This is a very adorable picture. Nice capture.
Regards, Reynold Iannucci
Photo By: antonella cusan
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
7/7/2007 4:18:38 AM
Hello Brian, This is a great picture. Nice detail. Good exposure, the shadows in the water really accent the picture.
Good work, Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Brian Watters
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
6/23/2007 1:28:17 PM
Hello Valery. I came upon your galery of pictures the other day and I must say the are all outstanding including this one. All are done with such clarity and detail. AlthoughI have never been to Moscow I feel like I have when I look at some of the pictures you have posted. I didn't think twice about adding you as one of my favorites phtographers.
Regards, Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Valerij Reznikov
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
6/8/2007 12:57:01 AM
Cute picture Maryanne, reminds me of a very famous photo.
Stay well, Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Maryanne Murillo
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
6/1/2007 9:49:58 AM
Hi John, The blue sky as a backgraound realy makes this interesting lighthouse standout. Nice work.
Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: john davis
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
5/31/2007 1:28:08 AM
Hi Edmilson, it's so very nice to meet you. Thanks for your comment, I'm glad you liked the photo. This lovely landscape is a short distance away from my home. I plan on going back very soon now that all the trees are in bloom.
Best wishes, Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
5/30/2007 9:28:30 PM
Hello Ayten, nice to meet you. This is a very lovely picture. The detail is very sharp and in focus. The colors in the picture seem very natural.Very peaceful setting.
Regards, Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Ayten Sadak
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
5/27/2007 4:05:00 AM
Hi Aniko, Thanks for the kind words. I am very luck to live in an area were I'm surrounded with this kind of landscape. As I stated in my bio I do not live to far from New York City and though I like to visit the city a few times a year with my camera and photograph anything from people to skyscrapers I would never trade places for were I'm living now.
Your friend, Rainy
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
5/27/2007 3:41:20 AM
Hello Aniko, How are you? I hope your having a wonderful year and taken lot's of pictures. This very scenic place is not to far from my home. Now that it's spring here I plan on going back to this very peaceful place and take a few more pictures with all the trees in bloom.
Regards, Rainy
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
5/26/2007 4:04:14 AM
Hello Edmilson, nice photo, fantastic detail.
Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Edmilson Feldmann
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
5/25/2007 10:03:10 AM
Hello Hussam, I'm glad you liked the photo. Thanks for visiting.
Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
5/25/2007 1:33:33 AM
Great photo Martin. Stunning detail and contrast. If I were to do anything different I would try to find someway to exclude the flower on the left or maybe crop it out so the focus is just on the flower in the middle. Nice work.
Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Martin Halley
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
5/23/2007 2:22:48 AM
Hello Janet, I came upon your galery of pictures today and this picture really impressed me.I like the contrast in colors. I'm not sure what picture program you used to inhance the picture but it turned out great.
Regards, Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Janet Lee
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
5/22/2007 2:29:08 AM
Hi Darryl, it's so nice to meet you. I'm glad you liked the photo. I liked the way it came out also.
Best wishes, Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
5/21/2007 3:37:53 AM
Hello Noemi, thanks for your comment. The backdrop color was actually the side of a little red barn in my backyard.
Thanks again, Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
5/21/2007 2:52:01 AM
Hello Alicia, so nice to meet you. Thank you very much for your kind words. I'm so glad you liked picture.
Regards, Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
5/18/2007 11:46:39 PM
Hello Aniko, It's nice to meet you. I just came upon your beautiful gallery of photos and I am very impressed with the variety of pictures you have taken. This is a lovely picture, the detail is very sharp and the colors are wonderful.
Regards, Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Aniko Heart
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
5/9/2007 5:52:31 PM
Shirley, you amaze me, you really do. Congratulations on you pick for photo of the day. I think you have many talents when it comes to photography and Photoshop or whatever program you may use to enhance your pictures. You have a great talent and I congratulate you on your fine work.
Rainy Iannucci
Photo By: Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
Critique By:
Rainy Iannucci (K:263)
5/9/2007 10:34:10 AM
Hello Mehul, nice to meet you. I'm glad you liked the picture. Near were I live there are many farms. I'm very lucky to see this just about every day.
Photo By: Rainy Iannucci