Critiques From
Critique By:
Baris KIRBAS (K:14)
8/20/2005 9:15:49 AM
she is looking at me whereever I move...
Photo By: Cenk KIRBAS
Critique By:
Baris KIRBAS (K:14)
4/8/2005 8:10:10 PM
Bize bu an'larin varligini farkettirdigin icin tesekkurler. Keske bu kareler hic olusamasa... Baris KIRBAS
Photo By: Cenk KIRBAS
Critique By:
Baris KIRBAS (K:14)
11/30/2004 2:33:46 PM
Excellent. Foto taken at Mr. Murat Tozen's clinic. That fish attacked on me once, real crazy.
Photo By: Cenk KIRBAS
Critique By:
Baris KIRBAS (K:14)
9/30/2004 7:00:57 AM
I was there when the photo is taken. Keep up the good work. Congrags.
Photo By: Cenk KIRBAS
Critique By:
Baris KIRBAS (K:14)
9/30/2004 6:58:22 AM
I liked the foot touching the table. It looks as if it balances the body. )
Photo By: Yeliz Afyonoglu