Critique By:
Hildegard Schneider (K:96)
2/18/2005 2:43:32 PM
Interesting!! Nice experiment! I've been trying to better see the face of the man behind the glass, but in vain. Perhaps i shouldn't have been doing it for so long, 'cos now he seems to be Frankenstein monster image from the old movie ))).
Photo By: Lodovico Ludoni
Critique By:
Hildegard Schneider (K:96)
2/15/2005 12:52:38 PM
It looks like a classical painting, a feeling of oil on canvas!! Thank you for your comment to my pic )
Photo By: Lodovico Ludoni
Critique By:
Hildegard Schneider (K:96)
2/14/2005 2:44:13 PM
"The MAn who loves too much!" nice title, intriguing picture, intriguing person. (But you forgot to put his name, telephone and address ))). The red heart makes a really wonderful composition.
Photo By: Cetin Ozer
Critique By:
Hildegard Schneider (K:96)
2/14/2005 2:41:13 PM
This is wonderful! The shadow is impressive, mystical light. Wonderful
Photo By: Lodovico Ludoni
Critique By:
Hildegard Schneider (K:96)
2/14/2005 1:26:40 PM
Very nice!! For the experienced typist like me, who used to spend days and nights with Olivetti's typewriters - this pic is very moving, if i may say so. Happy Valentine to your Olivetti from all my Robotrones and Optimas.
Photo By: In Transit
Critique By:
Hildegard Schneider (K:96)
2/12/2005 5:05:02 PM
I love the lights and the simplicity of this corner. the ability of being simple and brilliant at the same time always fascinates me much. )
Photo By: Stefano Gatti
Critique By:
Hildegard Schneider (K:96)
2/12/2005 4:50:53 PM
))))))))))))) God! this pic has rised up my spirit. Thank you, been laughing good. I can find lots of serious things in it, but i dont' feel like doing it. it is just a wonderful humour. ))
Photo By: Stefano Gatti
Critique By:
Hildegard Schneider (K:96)
2/12/2005 3:27:35 PM
A portrait of a wonderful savage! First of all, I like this portrait because of the face angle, the expression of his face and a very nice combination of the sea on the background and the person who seems to be related to that sea (fisherman??). Secondly, his pose, his look, and ... his impressive hairdo ... all speaks to his wonderful brave character. I wish i could see this portrait in colour. ((Is he married???)) Thank you.
Photo By: In Transit
Critique By:
Hildegard Schneider (K:96)
12/18/2004 6:47:46 PM
Very nice. by the way, what kind of sweets do you have there on the table?? ))
Photo By: In Transit
Critique By:
Hildegard Schneider (K:96)
12/18/2004 2:44:33 PM
Pretty terrifying!! ) impressive. Can't understand how it was made. Some antropological museum, may be ?? )
Photo By: giovanni firmani
Critique By:
Hildegard Schneider (K:96)
10/4/2004 8:29:32 PM
Very impressive!! you've managed to make birds fly out of the picture )
Photo By: Richard Bontempi
Critique By:
Hildegard Schneider (K:96)
9/25/2004 3:25:15 PM
so very cute!!!!! very well caught shot!!! one of the rare and cute moments with pets. I like the light and the colours.
Photo By: Pedro Henrique Matsuo
Critique By:
Hildegard Schneider (K:96)
9/25/2004 3:19:05 PM
wonderfully made!!! and I like the colour you choosed for this pic "green b/w" supports the idea very well
Photo By: Joe Ciccone