Critique By:
Lisa B (K:1011)
11/16/2004 10:23:06 AM
Beautiful color rose, great job.
Photo By: Arun Kumar
Critique By:
Arun Kumar (K:126)
11/14/2004 11:12:14 AM
You are right, it was a mistake while selecting the category.
Photo By: Arun Kumar
Critique By:
Keith Naylor (K:13064)
11/8/2004 4:11:13 PM
excellent shot. Now I guess this was taken with a fairly high apperture, f8 to f11. Using these settings gives the lens a large depth of field. so quite a lot (front to back) is in focus.
To make this even better it would be nice to have the backcloth out of focus in order to make the eye concentrate on the flower. So there are two ways we can achieve that.
1) move the backcloth away from the flower and out of the sharp focus area of the lens.
2) set the apperture of the lens to a small number - f2.8/f4 etc. What this does is narrow the depth of field and puts the backcloth in the blurred zone.
Of course you will have to have your camera set to Av mode to do this. Give it a try.
Photo By: Arun Kumar
Critique By:
Henk-Jan Kooiman (K:-129)
11/8/2004 11:50:16 AM
Beautiful macro. Very sharp.
Regards, Henk-Jan
PS. Shouldn't this photo be in the "florals" category?
Photo By: Arun Kumar
Critique By:
Daniel O'Byrne (K:1157)
10/9/2004 1:56:23 PM
wonderful sharp shot
Photo By: Arun Kumar
Critique By:
Keith Naylor (K:13064)
10/5/2004 2:51:50 AM
As Harry mentioned you need to put this into PhotoShop and use the Unsharp Mask Filter. This looks like the raw output from your camera, which is naturally 'soft' and requires additional sharpening to really jump out of the page.
Photo By: Arun Kumar
Critique By:
Peter Daniel (K:33866)
10/4/2004 3:32:35 PM
Wonderful Photograph Arun, Great Colors. Very well presented.
Thanks for sharing, Peter Daniel
Photo By: Arun Kumar
Critique By:
Harry Eggens (K:14804)
10/4/2004 10:22:15 AM
Nice butterfly image Arun, but I would like to have seen a little more sharpness and contrast....Best regards, Harry
Photo By: Arun Kumar
Critique By:
Keith Naylor (K:13064)
10/3/2004 11:51:27 AM
Arun, perfectly exposed, just needs something to help the composition a little. Try moving the flower off onto one of the 1/3 lines - see my attachment.
I also added a border, and sharpened it using Unsharp Mask
Photo By: Arun Kumar
Critique By:
Milton Louizidis (K:1406)
10/3/2004 7:41:44 AM
very beautiful bravo nice work
Photo By: Arun Kumar