Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
7/14/2005 7:39:30 AM
Nice catch Ben! Quite rare opportunity, I guess.
I wonder what was the white contrasty "thing" at the bottom? best regards, Rendy
Photo By: Ben Mok
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
6/23/2005 12:35:39 AM
Thanks Rasheed, :-)
Beside sea water, dust & grit, I also worry about what people might think, if I go to beach with a camera instead of towel, sun blocks and swim gear- luckily mine is a small P&S - not likely to be used as a 'professional tools' (if you know what I mean ha..ha..)
have a nice day buddy!
Photo By: Rendy Rendratno
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
6/22/2005 3:16:08 AM
Nice colors!
(I do post processing a lot, in my opinion the white spot at the upper left & left edge of the picture could need some cloning/erasing so not to distract attention, just my 2 cents)
Keep shooting Galal, tks for commenting my picture "lotus"
best regards, Rendy - Indonesia
Photo By: Galal El Missary
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
6/22/2005 3:04:30 AM
Dear buddy,
I've never got a chance to Benoa, maybe next time glad you came across a secluded place. The dog on the left add the "loneliness" in this picture.
Chon, you say midday photo but the title said "morning" - well i guss the difference in miniscule ha..ha.. (ama temen ini laah!)
You could crop more tight
PS: Chon, why you hated post processing so much :-( Take it from me, buddy - I post process, Ansel Adams post, Fuji & Kodak labs post process, so why dont you ??
Photo By: Sony Kusumo
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
6/22/2005 2:51:28 AM
A true moody lights! I like the sharpness and the poetic content of this picture...(really, ghosts? in Croatia?)
I wish we have a beatiful forests & landscapes here like your hometown! tks for commenting my "lotus" picture. You inspired me with your nature photos!
Tks again! Best regards
Rendy, Indonesia
Photo By: Stjepan Mikulic
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
5/10/2005 1:47:51 AM
Thanks Marcio!
I guess when we are photographing people, they & circumstances will sometimes agree to align and form "a nice" picture...:-)
best regards,
Photo By: Rendy Rendratno
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/29/2005 7:39:44 AM
Whoa, he's that big now? I call it lucky shot (or precise?) ha..ha.. A catch for sure!
Photo By: Sony Kusumo
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/29/2005 7:33:28 AM
Nice shot buddy!
Stasiun Kota? I just went there ..from the outside...to do some hunting last week
best regards, Rendy
Photo By: Trisnadi Sutrisno
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/11/2005 1:17:03 AM
I love the colors!
Thanks for the comment on my picture "Hypersonic Bass Player (r)" You have an impressive portofolio here! I agree that digital cameras makes the artist in us go out without fear of paying for useless pics' printing charges ..ha..ha..
Keep snapping (Long live Canon A-series!)
Photo By: Joko Nugroho
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/11/2005 12:59:15 AM
Well, then silly me, we share the same experience on this strainer.
In my country we use very similar strainer on every house hold (noodles, fried food etc), at first I thought you take the picture in Indonesia..;-)
have nice day!
Photo By: Michael Kanemoto
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/11/2005 12:53:01 AM
Lae Hanggan, I forgot I focused to what at the time...ha..ha..(certainly not using auto)
I didnt mean to get the blurred effect (other than the moving clouds above due to long shutter opening) ..thanks for the improvement idea!
best regards, Rendy
Photo By: Rendy Rendratno
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/8/2005 7:27:20 AM
Nice catch, a quickie that turns out beautifully! Thanks for your comment on my picture "Now! Bigger Cheesee!"
A lone warrior wandering early in the morning - the best time to catch the enemy in their sleep (Tour of Duty; dispatch style)
sukses ya! Rendy, Jakarta
Photo By: cessy karina
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/8/2005 7:16:57 AM
Intriguing shot!
Was the strainer still in use or did you find it being hung someplace for years?
The picture is so sharp I can see the dusts; a lint fiber, on top left of the picture make me wonder, 'what was that?' somethin on the noodles ...ha..ha..
best regards, Rendy
Photo By: Michael Kanemoto
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/8/2005 7:10:44 AM
lae Situmorang and also for you all Roberto, CC, and Cessy:
Thanks for the encouraging comments!
I also literally 'gasping' in awe when I first opened this file on my computer-what a genuine expression
Since that was a family gathering snapping - nobody there to direct the people. We just so happy because we could see each other (and having a very noisy lunch).
There's so much things to say to loved ones, muted by the separating distance and busy daily routines; yet there's so little time! (Xmas holiday in Indonesia last 3~7 days only)
thanks again, have a nice day!
Photo By: Rendy Rendratno
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/8/2005 6:52:30 AM
The sharp detail image helped me to imagine what could be in her mind at that time, also an excellent job on the PS!
Photo By: Hanggan Situmorang
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/8/2005 6:47:43 AM
Sexy! Brilliant colors and sharp picture! I agree that the shadow was little bit too strong on the model, the picture looks like journalism picture (telling the whole truth) he..he..sorry lho bang, aku cuma kasih pendapat dr seorang awam!
regards, Rendy (D70 bagus ya? 18-70 nya juga, kalau aku lihat foto abang ini)
Photo By: Hanggan Situmorang
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/7/2005 6:09:30 AM
No, I still need that true-to-the bones camera! Loe sendiri udah punya duapuluh De, kapan belinya buseeet...!
Well, thanks for the encouraging comment man!
I try to cover half my monitor with the paper, re-think your composition; If I cut the Hilton Residence then I should have a MORE on the right in order to obtain 4:3 picture; the right side dont have a good view, and if I move to the road's center to avoid too much right view, I would too loose the parking cars (in-line, on purpose by a car club meeting at that place)
I guess I should move farther back - recompose, and still get what I want...thanks ;-)
Photo By: Rendy Rendratno
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/7/2005 5:59:12 AM
Trims mas,
aku sering dengar nama anda (jurnalis? profesional sih udah pasti) dimana ya?
Portofolionya = WOW ! Beautiful, object dan hasilnya! Kapan ya aku bisa memotret se-profesional anda...mimpi kali ye?
salam, Rendy
Photo By: Rendy Rendratno
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/6/2005 3:59:27 AM
Yes, I agree that some area are too white hot-but I'm a bit tight there, the boy on the left has a rather dark skin tone. I don't want him too look a-way-too dark than others - so I push up the curve (he's my son ha..ha..)
Thanks, Mike! Have a nice day!
Photo By: Rendy Rendratno
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/6/2005 1:40:22 AM
Chon, my naive plan: the big tree filled the left area, full upward, (so you step forward abit, and please, this time STAY AWAY FROM ANY CARS...)
this will reduce blinding white areas make sure the ketchup bottle also seen. You can play with the DOF, so to make impression of size comparison between the two. Also play with the meter, spot maybe. Aim at the not-too-dark area on the tree, to keep the tone clear while reducing harsh backlight. And I will forget the peddler's stalls on the left (the warungs).
Anyway, youre the man, you know how tight your situation at that time. Maybe someone on the car shouting at you to get in and going...ha..ha..
(Melons anyone?)
Why the color tone is so '70s - because of the Sigma zoom, or any filters?
Photo By: Sony Kusumo
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/6/2005 12:55:50 AM
Sharp eye you got, Chon! Definetely funny catch!
What were you doing there on the rain? Looks like the glass sheet's been shifted by the heavy downpour ;-)
Photo By: Sony Kusumo
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/6/2005 12:35:17 AM
Dear Sony, guess and try to recall my preferences on that particular item...think..think....
Nope, you are wrong :-) My wife is the one one the left. The big smile boy is our son.
Sure, lets hunt together, but just wait till I got a bigger, true-to-the-bones, camera..ha..ha..
tks, take care!
Photo By: Rendy Rendratno
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/5/2005 5:37:57 AM
he..he.. makanya loe harus banyak "get closer to" orang-orang Chon, Jangn motretin lilin ama bangunan terus ha..ha..
Go out, mingle, chit-chat! Then ask politely (ada yg bilang begitu, gue lupa) to take their pictures....
Eh, Chon, foto Early Dusk loe mirip foto gue semanggi sore hari ya..., nice shot, warnanya kok minim amat ya? Beda ama punya gue
Photo By: Rendy Rendratno
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
4/5/2005 5:32:50 AM
Thanks folks!
Jan, ss always, I blaze several shots in a row, then check the result, crop heavily, play even more 'heavily' in PS 7.0 and voila, a shot like the one I 've seen before somewhere...copy cat.
Angela, if you mean "littliest boy" was the kid at the bottom left of picture - then I'd say he is not a boy, she is a girl ha..ha..with a very neat haircut like Sinead O Connor in her golden days!
have a nice day!
Photo By: Rendy Rendratno
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
1/6/2005 1:13:11 AM
Nicely captured! A rare display of opportunity at hand, sharp intuition, skill, and maybe, luck.
In Indonesia we rarely get a firework display :-( Congrats Ben!
Photo By: Ben Mok
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
1/6/2005 12:54:40 AM
Chon, "quite small, but" apa?
Nose area blurred on purpose, ya? Nice rabbit!
Sayang the background at the left color-nya white, I wish it could be green, blue or whatever contrasting color is..(he..he..gw textbook banget ya? Tapi I agree bhw bground sebisa mungkin contrasting)
Photo By: Sony Kusumo
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
1/6/2005 12:46:04 AM
ha..ha...not really "skills", Ben A lot of try and error, yes. Plus, maybe a risk of melted plastic body. Thanks!
Photo By: Rendy Rendratno
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
12/22/2004 3:10:12 AM
I beleive it called "candle wick" ...:-) the thing in the middle of a burning candle.
Since I am a beginner, what I did mainly is to "get inspired" from nice pictures I've came across.
I played with anything near me...ha..ha..
In this case, I wanted to capture the candle light only. Beside, the surroundings were not so "photogenic", that why I prevent them to show up on this picture.
Tks anyway for the tips! Oh, not like your habit (ha..ha..ha..), I shot this candle on broad daylight, indoor.
Tks man!
Photo By: Rendy Rendratno
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
12/22/2004 2:50:15 AM
Thanks Marcio, unexpected tripod setup that turns out with lots of shadows and nice night colors captured due to long shutter opening.
Photo By: Rendy Rendratno
Critique By:
Rendy Rendratno (K:442)
12/22/2004 1:47:38 AM
wow, artistic! too bad the piano was not receiving enough light ..understandable, he was performing not posing on some studio :-)
but it's a nice picture & graphics - could be on Egberto's next album cover!
regards, Rendy, Indonesia
Photo By: Marcio Janousek