Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
8/11/2005 3:28:42 AM
Dear Billy, I really like the coffee cup series. The swirls of creamer are beautiful and serene. Best regards, Kyle
Photo By: Billy Houck
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
8/10/2005 4:10:24 AM
Nice effect!
Photo By: Jason v.d.Meer
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
8/10/2005 4:02:50 AM
I really like this photo. The balance overall is nice, but the upper right hand corner seems a little weak. A tighter crop might work?
Photo By: jerry katz
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
8/10/2005 3:50:43 AM
Beautiful effect!
Photo By: Todd Deery
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
8/7/2005 6:26:28 AM
Dear Susie, The main effect was to take a greyscale image of the photo, then to dodge and burn it in photoshop to create an even and rich texture. A copy of this was then pasted into the black channel in CMYK mode.
The blurred effect in the background was produced during shooting by using a narrow depth of field.
The image was taken when I was shooting images of pairs of objects as a theme working on the idea of 'couples'.
The image reminded me of an elegant elderly woman who had lost her life time soulmate. The twisting vine seemed to futher suggest the impending doom of the ravishes of age. Thus the title. There was another play of words in that the pair of flowers was in fact on my door step and I had passed it many times during the summer. Thank you for the comment on the background. I will consider seriously your suggestion. Many thanks, Kyle
Photo By: Kyle Miller
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
8/6/2005 1:26:18 AM
Nice balance and I like the depth of focus. I have a guess as to what the title refers. Maybe sometimes a cigar is not a cigar? Kyle
Photo By: Renzo Nuņez Melgar
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
7/6/2005 7:40:10 AM
Actually, that is an excellent question that is begged by the the title.
Maybe a bone shaped lake?
I'll have to give it a bit of thought!
Thanks, Kyle
Photo By: Kyle Miller
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
6/29/2005 1:35:11 AM
Thanks Robert!
Photo By: Kyle Miller
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
6/23/2005 11:17:23 PM
Hi Art, I like your abstractions. Kyle
Photo By: Art McCaffrey
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
4/17/2005 7:27:37 PM
Hi Michael, I was playing with a way to express the idea that reality can be an illusion or a phantom. Best, Kyle
Photo By: Kyle Miller
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
4/17/2005 7:12:55 PM
Thankyou Adelino. Seeing your work, you have an excellent eye for florals!
Photo By: Kyle Miller
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
4/16/2005 4:18:06 AM
Cool perspective!
Photo By: C.A. Mikulice
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
4/3/2005 2:35:48 AM
Hi again. Nice image, was it taken on the path that goes along the pond where everyone goes out on the row boats?
Photo By: Anne Winters
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
4/2/2005 6:28:15 AM
Hi Joann, Thanks for the comment. I have fond memories of them as well. My brother and I used to have cattail 'fights' when we where kids. It was great fun! Kyle
Photo By: Kyle Miller
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
2/23/2005 7:03:59 AM
hi Ori, Thanks for the comment. I really enjoyed taking the picture and am glad that I can share it. Cheers, Kyle
Photo By: Kyle Miller
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
2/23/2005 4:27:06 AM
Hi Curtis, Thanks for the comments. Kyle
Photo By: Kyle Miller
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
2/16/2005 5:59:19 PM
hey Dan, Thanks for your comments about Lost in a Fog. I like the sense of humor you show in your imagines. So were the eyes lit up by a natural reflection here or by PS?
Photo By: Daniel Silva
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
2/16/2005 5:04:53 AM
Enemy to cars! They all must die! ha ha ha ha ha ha! (really, I'm just joking. Deer are lovely. I can't imagine how anyone would want to kill one. That is of course except when they jump out in front of your car and you have to go and get your front right fender replaced (and mirror also). But, you were cheap and got a really high deductable. so you end up eating the cost of the repair, and live in fear of the evil deer.
Photo By: Daniel Silva
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
1/30/2005 3:42:58 AM
A, I am in awe of your work. You are my muse. I'm in love! K
Photo By: RC. Dany
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
10/9/2004 5:43:09 AM
Hey thanks for the comments! I was walking a line between trying to really make it look like a painting and not overdoing it. I might of overdone it. But, as a first go I had a lot of fun with it.
Photo By: Kyle Miller
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
10/6/2004 2:49:54 AM
I liked the photo, but thought the composition could be tweeked?
Photo By: Tony Quinlan
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
10/6/2004 2:07:04 AM
Darkly beautiful
Photo By: Tom Ross
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
9/12/2004 6:02:53 AM
Thanks for the support. I thought hard about bumping the contrast. It?s good to find that subtly is appreciated. Kyle
Photo By: Kyle Miller
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
9/12/2004 5:29:15 AM
Very interesting. I love the crop.
Photo By: Gabrielle Willson
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
8/27/2004 10:35:02 PM
Good perspective!
Photo By: Robert Staeck
Critique By:
Kyle Miller (K:127)
8/27/2004 9:46:19 PM
Very nice idea with the photography!
Also, I would agree with your provocative title theory. Perhaps, a posting of two images both just pure white, but one with a title like "Nude..." and the other with a title like "Rain..." would prove your theory?
Photo By: Del Metheny