Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/21/2006 1:21:39 PM
Oh I'm soooo sorry R. I missed an entire cleanup shift. I guess I'll have to pull a double shift now. Rod wanted to discuss travel plans last night and we were researching road routes and studying maps. I know - lame excuse and very inconsiderate of him cause he should realise this is my cleanup shift but he said it wouldn't wait. OK so take it out of my Cleanup pay.
"I" ...wonderful work on the uniforms. I just love the image. Bravo! Great job. So sorry I missed my shift last night. Can we call it a sickie? LOL
Looks like I missed a bunch of stuff regarding J's kids huh? OK I can put them all into the cockpit in the boat. It'll be like travelling in the back of a pickup/ute. I'll leave them with water and some McKid packs of food and they'll love the fresh air. No worries.
Will have to post this one twice so J gets it too.
BTW I ....did you receive my request for holiday leave? I'm going to need time off soon.
Cheers for now - A
Photo By: Ina Nicolae
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/21/2006 1:19:56 PM
Oh I'm soooo sorry R. I missed an entire cleanup shift. I guess I'll have to pull a double shift now. Rod wanted to discuss travel plans last night and we were researching road routes and studying maps. I know - lame excuse and very inconsiderate of him cause he should realise this is my cleanup shift but he said it wouldn't wait. OK so take it out of my Cleanup pay.
"I" ...wonderful work on the uniforms. I just love the image. Bravo! Great job. So sorry I missed my shift last night. Can we call it a sickie? LOL
Looks like I missed a bunch of stuff regarding J's kids huh? OK I can put them all into the cockpit in the boat. It'll be like travelling in the back of a pickup/ute. I'll leave them with water and some McKid packs of food and they'll love the fresh air. No worries.
Will have to post this one twice so J gets it too.
BTW I ....did you receive my request for holiday leave? I'm going to need time off soon.
Cheers for now - A
Photo By: Ina Nicolae
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/21/2006 12:45:50 PM
Hi Petal....Thanks for dropping by my little farewell party. I will miss your humour too. I do try to find Hot Spots where I go but because of relocating often I don't get much internet time. If you want to drop me an email I'll put your addy on my list for occasional email updates on my travels. Don't worry I always hide email addresses from everyone elses view. Would love to stay in touch. Have enjoyed our dialogues on each others images.
Cheers for now from Ann 
Photo By: Ann Nida
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/21/2006 12:17:36 PM
Just found this little gem on the front page. Congratulations Kathy for making the front page critique. Also congrats to Gabriel for getting you there with her critique.
This is a lovely peek-a-boo image. Beautiful depth of field used here to get the berries nice and sharp and the barn just a tad soft. Lovely balamce of colour colour throughout. A beautiful image. Always great to see a friend on the front page. Congrats again.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Kathy Hillard
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/21/2006 3:08:31 AM
Thank you for dropping by Robert. Will see you when I return in some months. I appreciate your kind comments.
Cheers for now from Ann
Photo By: Ann Nida
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/21/2006 1:31:33 AM
OK...I can do this....with a few layers of rubber wet suits and a nice pillsbory doughboy look I could sail one of those boats....but only in a gentle breeze....oh without the sails up cause it's too cold for that right now. LOL
Nice composition Kelly. I like the perspective. A nice tranquil looking scene. Good shot Kelly.
Cheers - Ann 
Photo By: Kelly Duntley
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/21/2006 1:02:38 AM
Hey Ina....is it my imagination or is Janet's thread starting to look and smell like a cave to you? LOL
Photo By: Janet B
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/21/2006 1:01:42 AM
Thanks not necessary to me J. It was your image that won you the well deserved award which R so graciously supplied. Congratulations J. LOL
Hey J...you may not realise it yet but we are very subtly making this (YOUR thread) our next cave. (hehehe) Too bad I'm leaving before you get to trash one of my threads. LOL
Photo By: Janet B
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/21/2006 12:35:44 AM
A beautiful moody shot Ade. I guess the crocodiles have moved out cause there's no water in the moat. Looks like you've caught the light at just the right time to put the shadow in what I like to call the moat. Lovely colours. Great composition. Would have had a spectacular view in its day when the castle was in tact. A lovele scene.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: ade mcfade
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/21/2006 12:31:53 AM
Serioulsy though.....naaaaah....I can't be serious with you. LOL
I do like the intricacy in this one. Great detail. Nice textures and tones in the background door too. Another good shot.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Petal Wijnen
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/21/2006 12:28:50 AM
Photo By: Petal Wijnen
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/21/2006 12:19:52 AM
Another classique from Petal's Ye Olde Chastity Belt Shoppe. LOL Where do you find this stuff Petal? Great find! Super muted tones with the flaky paint and wonderful textures. Very cool shot. Good job.
Oh...and nothing to report front page wise today - LOL
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Petal Wijnen
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 10:13:29 PM
Excellent job R. Beautiful Award. 
Congratulations J. A well deserved award indeed. One to be treasured for all time.....or until at least next week. Whichever comes first. LOL
Cheers from Ann
Photo By: Janet B
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 9:05:14 PM
AHA!!! J you're slipping! We can see your reflection in your daughters eye.
R That deserves an award. Can you bring on an award for J for being the most creative in the self portrait project. A BIP for SP.
Thanks for the chuckles again ladies. Tooooo funny.
Cheers from A LOL
Photo By: Janet B
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 8:22:57 PM
Hi Jude...I'm so glad you dropped by so I can personally thank you for your fun and witty comments on my images. I've enjoyed your humour and of course your work. I will drop by your portfolio again before I leave.
Cheers for now - Ann
Photo By: Ann Nida
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 6:31:49 PM
Superb action shot Robert. Great lighting on the surfer. The position of the surfer in the darker water being framed by the white water is excellent. Great timing on this shot Robert. Super shot.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: Robert Gaither
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 6:22:52 PM
Hi Don, I get a chuckle out of the name. San Francisco Peaks in Arizona. Superb clarity right through to the mountain. So sharp. I really like the trees in the foreground shadows making a nice natural fram for the image too. I always enjoy your landscape shots Don. Beautiful work.
Cheers for now from Ann
Photo By: Don Loseke
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 6:08:00 PM
A lovely spectrum of colours with great textures. You've caught the light just right to capture the colour so nicely. Very nice work.
Thank you for your comment on my Limbs image.
Cheers - Ann
Photo By: kita mcintosh
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 5:55:53 PM
What an interesting experiment Bruce. Looks like it was pretty successful to me. At first I thought it was an experiment with rain but then I saw the curve and realised it was stars. I would love to play aorund with long exposures like this. Great work.
Thanks again for dropping by my Farewell image.
Cheers for now - Ann
Photo By: Bruce Harper
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 5:49:22 PM
A beautiful scene Manu. Such crisp clear and sharp details. I think I can see my little boat out there. (haha) I love the impending sky. An unusual cobblestone looking beach. Perhaps it was an old boat ramp as the rocks seem placed. A lovely tranquil scene....one which I hope to be enjoying soon.
Thanks again for dropping by my Farewell image Manu.
Cheers for now from Ann
Photo By: Manu
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 5:43:45 PM
This is wonderful Ann. The drops look like little pearls. Such lovely flowing curves in the milk. What an interesting effect changing it to B&W. Super job. Great work.
Thanks again for dropping by my Farewell image. Ann. I wish you well with your travel plans too.
Cheers from Ann
Photo By: Ann Van Breemen
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 5:23:11 PM
Hi Ann, Thank you for dropping by my Farewell image and thanks for your good wishes. I'll drop by your portfolio before I leave. Will keep you posted.
Cheers for now from Ann (the other one)
Photo By: Ann Nida
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 5:20:37 PM
So sorry to hear you aren't feeling well Ray. Thank you for dropping by my Farewell image. I shall miss you wit and humour. Please keep those furkini girls in order during my absence and I'll hopefully see you again a few months when the summer is over. Take care of yourself and get well soon. Speedy recovery.
Cheers for now from Ann (psssst - code name "A")
Photo By: Ann Nida
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 5:16:13 PM
Hi Manu and thank you for dropping by. I expect you to carry my share of the madness now cause I won't be around. Thank you for your good wishes.
Cheers for now from Ann
Photo By: Ann Nida
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 5:13:15 PM
Ahh Kelly...I will miss your entertaining comments. I abdicate the throne and gladly pass the Flappy Mouth crown to you....BUT ...if you ever see me there on the front page and I miss it I expect you to email me and let me know. (haha)
Thanks for dropping by. Good luck with the wedding later this year.
Cheers from Ann
Photo By: Ann Nida
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 5:09:17 PM
Thank you for dropping by my Farewell image Bruce. Appreciate the visit. Will visit your portfolio again before I leave.
Cheers from Ann
Photo By: Ann Nida
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 5:00:06 PM
Wahoo Al....A Verry Happy Birthday to you. I hope it's a great one for you. Take it greasy mate.....er.....I mean easy. 
Nice work Gayle and very thoughtful of you.
Cheers from Ann
Photo By: Gayle's Eclectic Photos
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 5:24:08 AM
Title Police here "J". Hmmmm....OK have investigate duly and you're good to go with this title but remember....I'm watching you. 
A lovely portrait here J. Great tones and excellent DOF. A nice natural pose and I love the crop. Very nice work.
Cheers from "A"
Photo By: Janet B
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 4:43:47 AM
This is gorgeous Eb. Such beautiful colours and wonderful detail. I too believe it's very award worthy. A lovely shot.
Thank you again for visiting my Farewell image Eb. I will see you when I return again in a few months.
Cheers for now - Ann
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Ann Nida (K:45248)
2/20/2006 4:39:30 AM
Thanks for dropping by Eb. Nice of you to visit. I will drop by your portfolio again before I leave. Thank you for all your nice comments and kind words.
Cheers from Ann
Photo By: Ann Nida