Critique By:
mary karimi (K:10818)
6/26/2005 3:44:28 AM
hi Stephanie, yes very nice waves...The grain, contrast and pose go well together.
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Kimmy Magino (K:2457)
4/12/2005 7:08:10 AM
Not too sharp but a nice prospective and good composition. Keep shoooting!!!! Kimmy
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Davide Contestabile (K:4091)
4/11/2005 10:55:34 PM
Very nice photo. Good BW. Congrats Davide
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Morc Piantedos (K:21834)
4/11/2005 12:22:21 PM
..a very interesting and amazing portfolio, Stephanie!In particular manner,i like this your vision; a urban graphism well balanced which brings my eyes towards the blue sky; a perfect mix between urban element and natural element. Compliments, Marco
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Scott Lewis (K:503)
4/11/2005 12:19:07 PM
well spoted shot
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Luka Gojceta (K:1224)
4/11/2005 11:48:52 AM
Great composition. Maybe an orabge filter would help bring out the drama in the sky. I love the idea. But please tell me why you wrote the caption in the upright corner? So distracting, so unnecesary... Other than that, great! Keep shooting!
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Andre Denis (K:66407)
4/10/2005 5:35:04 AM
Very nice shot Stephanie. I like the expressions, the intentional blurring. I do feel it would be a stronger image without the CD in the picture though. Andre
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Marcus Armani (K:36599)
12/13/2004 10:13:13 AM
very nice black and white shot, i really like your perspective. well done....
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Pnar Yazicioglu (K:7607)
10/24/2004 9:51:56 AM
you catched a wonderful and natural smile. congrats
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
RC. Dany (K:64104)
10/24/2004 6:35:24 AM
7 Excellent .
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Adrian Patten (K:18)
10/24/2004 6:21:55 AM
Great shot! I love this band!
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Gabriella Carta (K:22879)
10/22/2004 8:19:04 PM
wonderful shot, very very good. Regards by Gabry
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
La Donna Cholette (K:547)
9/3/2004 2:20:22 AM
I love the mood captured here. Great work.
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Stephen Bivens (K:7308)
8/20/2004 6:12:38 AM
Great stuff.
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Ian McIntosh (K:42997)
8/12/2004 5:41:11 PM
Nice shot Stephanie. 1200 techniques looks a great name for the band, judging by a musical instrument being associated with the rapp posturings. They're all singing I guess. Great job. Great communicating happening between the band and audience going on. That is I suppose why Christian would have liked to see the eyes here. Thay are all demanding attention.
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Christian Payne (K:1398)
8/12/2004 8:40:15 AM
Love your use of contrast. Great feel, and he is only tuning up too! )
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Christian Payne (K:1398)
8/12/2004 8:37:36 AM
Nice shot with a good feeling of the performance. The only way i could see it improved is to have selected a shot where the dancer in the back ground's eyes are visible.
I think black and white is really under used when it comes to music photography. It used to be all the rage but know lighting technology is becoming more and more complex people seem to think everything needs to be in colour.
I do the same shoot in colour but if i know i have a good shot i always print one in Black and white.
I think you have made a really timeless shot. Well done.
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Christian Payne (K:1398)
8/12/2004 8:37:20 AM
Nice shot with a good feeling of the performance. The only way i could see it improved is to have selected a shot where the dancer in the back ground's eyes are visible.
I think black and white is really under used when it comes to music photography. It used to be all the rage but know lighting technology is becoming more and more complex people seem to think everything needs to be in colour.
I do the same choot in colour but if i know i have a good shot i always print one in Black and white.
I think you have made a really timeless shot. Well done.
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Bahadir k (K:8825)
8/12/2004 6:31:27 AM
i like the high contrast and composition good work regards bahadir
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Ari A. Alves (alvesari) (K:7733)
7/6/2004 11:59:31 AM
Beauty portrait and nice crop.
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Thilo Bayer (K:50358)
7/4/2004 10:14:00 PM
nice and creative shot, stephanie. two things: first, I would work on the upper left as the white spot converges with the background. Second, I love the idea of the colorful reflection and the more desaturated front. I would even strengthen that via Photoshop - so that you get a bigger contrast. just an idea ;-)
well done anyway. cheers, thilo
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
arwa abdullah (K:34415)
7/4/2004 8:08:02 AM
wonderful high contrast image, love the bold crop 7/7 u have such a good profile
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Rebecca Raybon (K:26654)
7/4/2004 6:02:17 AM
Wonderful reflective image. Excellent! And thank you for taking time to stop and comment on my Plymouth pic
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
PK- Photos (K:13099)
7/2/2004 12:21:05 PM
yes it could be a little sharper, I think the focus didn't work well, but the perspective is EXCELLENT!
best regards, *Pia*
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Paolo De Maio (K:34932)
6/30/2004 6:08:18 AM
Well done !! Paolo
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Gloria Fusco (K:7054)
6/30/2004 1:04:16 AM
Excellent Stephanie..fantastic perspective..love the reflection... gloria
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Stephen Bowden (K:64141)
6/29/2004 3:13:20 PM
Great capture Stephanie
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Orazio Minnella (K:49417)
6/29/2004 1:32:46 PM
Wonderful view!!!Nice composition,reflection.light and colors.Beautiful DOF Regards...Orazio
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Stephanie Fargher (K:137)
6/29/2004 1:02:05 PM
Thanks for the advice re uploading images without losing too much in size/quality. I shall take your advice next time!
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher
Critique By:
Paul Lara (K:88111)
6/29/2004 12:52:20 PM
Stephanie, this is superb! I love these kinds of shots (and have several in my portfolio).
As for image size, if you will slightly increase the jpeg compression, you can still upload an 800-pixel image and have it be less than 360k.
When I'm notified the image is too big, I leave the pixel size the same, just increase compression a bit, and it works. (Hope this helps next time).
Photo By: Stephanie Fargher