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Critiques From Stephanie Fargher


Critique By: Stephanie Fargher  (K:137)  
4/11/2005 10:53:58 AM

Incredible clarity. This shot is really quite enlightening. Wow.
        Photo By: Kimmy Magino  (K:2457)

Critique By: Stephanie Fargher  (K:137)  
4/11/2005 10:45:05 AM

This is what I love about photography - the ability to capture a moment in time - a second before and a second later it will have changed. Great tone - almost looks like it could have a perfume logo or something on it (which is a complment by the way).
        Photo By: Yegor Mandra  (K:196)

Critique By: Stephanie Fargher  (K:137)  
4/11/2005 10:41:07 AM

Stunning. Absolutely stunning.
        Photo By: Luka Gojceta  (K:1224)

Critique By: Stephanie Fargher  (K:137)  
4/10/2005 5:16:15 AM

I love the feeling you can get from an old vehicle. This is a lovely shot, the sepia tone is not as severe as black and white and so delivers a softer sense of ageing in this image. I'm sure B&W would also be impressive.
My only criticism - and it's not a big one - is the number plate. There's a lot of light reflecting off it, I might have tried to dull it slightly. Otherwise beautiful.
        Photo By: Andre Denis  (K:66407)

Critique By: Stephanie Fargher  (K:137)  
7/6/2004 11:18:10 AM

Fantastic lines and curves. I really like the tones. The black is incredibly black, like in the windows (I'm assuming they're windows) there's nothing but this dark tone, and then the brighter white of the two central collumns. Very nice.
        Photo By: Oliver Dienst  (K:452)

Critique By: Stephanie Fargher  (K:137)  
7/6/2004 11:13:41 AM

The reason I love these flowers is because of their brilliant colours. They're so bold and bright. Without the colour it's much more calming. I love the point of view of this shot, it's well framed and I like that the focus is so close, that fold in the petal in the foreground. This is interesteing considering it places the rest of the flower into the background. Very nice!
        Photo By: elfi kaut  (K:87)

Critique By: Stephanie Fargher  (K:137)  
7/6/2004 11:07:27 AM

Nice cab. I like that the background and surrounding objects are almost completely drained of colour, monotoned, and then there's this fantastic brilliantly coloured taxi.
        Photo By: TOTO F  (K:1593)

Critique By: Stephanie Fargher  (K:137)  
7/4/2004 2:18:36 AM

There isn't much more to say than FANTASTIC! I'd love a massive copy of this on my wall at home! There's a lot going on in this image yet it's not over crowded in any way. Again, fantastic!
        Photo By: Thilo Bayer  (K:50358)

Critique By: Stephanie Fargher  (K:137)  
7/4/2004 2:09:12 AM

This is a great shot. Sometimes it's the ones you weren't expecting that turn out to be the best! great use of negative space!
        Photo By: Carol Watson  (K:5185)

Critique By: Stephanie Fargher  (K:137)  
7/4/2004 2:04:28 AM

I love shots like this. I do agree that the crop is a little close at the top but other than that it's well framed and well centred. The composition is good. Possibly the right hand background is a little washed out, really though that's being picky! Very nice!
        Photo By: Rebecca Raybon  (K:26654)

Critique By: Stephanie Fargher  (K:137)  
6/29/2004 1:02:05 PM

Thanks for the advice re uploading images without losing too much in size/quality. I shall take your advice next time!
        Photo By: Stephanie Fargher  (K:137)

Critique By: Stephanie Fargher  (K:137)  
6/6/2004 1:31:38 AM

I really like this image, the thumbnail really caught my eye so I thought I'd take a closer look.

It reminds me of an image you'd find inside a CD booklet, scrawl some lyrics over the left and side and perfect! Nice one!
        Photo By: Mark Scheffer  (K:1809)


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