Critique By:
Pawel Karpienko (K:-17)
7/13/2005 9:33:34 AM
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Bryan Miller (K:3395)
7/10/2005 5:56:03 PM
Oliver - sehr gutes foto! you have such a unique ability to capture happiness yet in each fotographie there is a touch of sadness -- maybe sadness is not the correct word? but there is something in each of your fotos that is so real and deep. your vision is UNIQUE.
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Manu (K:13082)
7/9/2005 10:53:06 AM
Fantastic portfolio...hope to learn a lot from you as I have yet to find an effective niche....congrats on the SC.
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Gertrud Gozner (K:14222)
7/9/2005 9:08:56 AM
strong expression...
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Dina Marie (K:-1410)
7/9/2005 1:11:11 AM
powerful photo. congratulations..
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
delete my account (K:3679)
7/8/2005 10:16:33 PM
amazing street portrait! fantastic work
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
- - (K:10510)
7/8/2005 11:21:46 AM
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Rodulf Gomez (K:1243)
7/8/2005 4:52:59 AM
Excellent lighting and composition. Nicely done portrait.
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
d... R... (K:-187)
7/8/2005 12:13:54 AM
good buddy....
I just joined here... usefilm....
I am in the project also... two of mine here... ; )
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Elzbieta (K:3153)
7/5/2005 9:53:56 PM
!!!! excellent!
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Ulf Forsberg (K:-64)
7/4/2005 7:36:30 AM
Excellent Wery good
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Lalage (K:2412)
6/30/2005 8:04:44 PM
Very very nice!
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Ian McIntosh (K:42997)
6/30/2005 3:25:40 PM
His familiar!
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Verena Rentrop (K:15233)
6/30/2005 2:35:28 PM
a monkey perhaps? but not really important...
the moment tells me a story full of emotions...
Cheers, Verena
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Kiarang Alaei (K:49415)
6/30/2005 12:05:39 PM
Good and original idea, nice capture in BW and success in showing loneliness.
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Hamed Noori (K:6805)
6/30/2005 11:20:33 AM
Great .
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Luca Luca® (K:2429)
6/30/2005 11:13:54 AM
very nice capture, wonderful! is a cat ?
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
kike Calvo (K:11291)
6/30/2005 11:06:28 AM
Otra de tus grandes fotos. Me gusta el desenfoque. 7+ Tienes un portfolio impresionante. Te añado a mi lista.
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Ian McIntosh (K:42997)
6/25/2005 7:43:51 PM
You are a pooet. I have no idea how but this is something to aspire to.
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Efisio Mureddu (K:13104)
6/24/2005 10:03:51 AM
This shot really tuch me, it's great for feelings and emotions reminds me one of my favourite movies "The Eighth Day" a Jaco van Dormael's movie. Really my best regards. E.
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Delete My Account (K:-1391)
6/24/2005 12:03:29 AM
Another great one. I've seen a lot of terrible portfolios on this site, but yours may be the best one I've seen. All of these are outstanding photographs in every way, from both a technical aspect as well as emotional aspect.
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Delete My Account (K:-1391)
6/23/2005 11:48:33 PM
Excellent photo and I love that you print full frame. That's the only way to do it I think (although Cartier did crop a few of his). Great portfolio as well.
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Fero Cello (K:-1608)
6/23/2005 10:59:47 PM
This is a well executed and quality image.overall EXCELLENT.well done.
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Kelly (K:20268)
6/23/2005 10:49:37 PM
WOW.... great moment... just beautiful... love it... kel
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Géza Galán (K:47)
6/22/2005 7:54:22 AM
excellent and expressive DOF, great mood.
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Ian McIntosh (K:42997)
6/19/2005 7:02:23 AM
Spectacularly framed. These night shots working so well.
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Rabat Tabar (K:3948)
6/18/2005 7:01:21 AM
excellent shot, great series. you're very talented congrats rabat
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Ian McIntosh (K:42997)
6/18/2005 4:21:00 AM
I have his finders caught in the door but actually think about it as a difficult choice.
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Kevin Collier (K:19076)
6/17/2005 2:59:04 PM
I don't quite know what to take from this only that it is an excellent compostion - a great one - K
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Branimir Fagarazzi (K:38367)
6/17/2005 1:14:33 PM
Verry good shot.All your portfolio is verry interesting for me.
Photo By: Oliver Dienst