Critique By:
max marcon (K:231)
11/25/2005 4:40:01 PM
Mago della foto!
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Roger Jefferson (K:277)
11/25/2005 4:21:17 PM
An absolutely beautiful shot. Love the textures and colors.
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Rashed Abdulla (K:163889)
11/25/2005 4:14:11 PM
very beautiful image,very great composition and wonderful colors,very best regards my friend.
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Paul's Photos (K:35235)
11/11/2005 4:37:32 PM
beautiful.. very nice capture...
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Giorgio Mesghetz (K:6724)
11/10/2005 6:57:52 AM
grazie,acuto osservatore e ottimo consiglio!
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Roberto Arcari Farinetti (K:209486)
11/10/2005 6:46:34 AM
davvero davvero eccezionale.. e mi hai "rubato" una idea che da qualche giorno mi balenava in mente.. l'avevo pensata con la luna e venere.. e con la luna e il sole.. davvero fantastica una ottima realizzazione!!! roby
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Roberto Arcari Farinetti (K:209486)
11/10/2005 6:44:54 AM
hi.. beautiful, very much beautiful to part the romantic moment and the atmosphere, in the composition I find her perfect, the pier runs on the third of the photogram while the subjects remain well-balanced.then the other pole of the light ?surrounds? the part of left which would have been drastically empties.. that pole really closes the hug some two wife and husband..caressed with the wind! think of it without.. the photography would have several air, the open sea would seem several direction and maybe (as effect) more melancholy a goodbye.. furthermore I like the "soft"..without too much contrast.. eh eh eh another which goes in the favourites dear giorgio! Congrats..
bella, molto bella a parte la romanticitą del momento e l'atmosfera, compositivamente la trovo perfetta, il molo corre sul terzo del fotogramma mentre i soggetti restano centrati..l'altro palo della luce poi contorna la parte di sinistra che sarebbe stata drasticamente vuota.. proprio quel palo chiude l'abbraccio dei due sposini..accarezzati dal vento! pensala senza.. la foto avrebbe pił aria, sembrerebbe pił verso il mare aperto e forse (come effetto) pił malinconica un addio.. inoltre mi piace il "soft"..senza troppo contrasto.. eh eh eh un'altra che va nelle favorite caro giorgio! complimenti roby
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Roberto Arcari Farinetti (K:209486)
11/9/2005 10:45:55 PM
tremenda.. fantastica sembra in notturna! roby
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Marco Milia (K:33)
11/3/2005 2:53:35 PM
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Judi Liosatos (K:34047)
10/30/2005 12:18:40 PM
Very good and romantic capture. They certainly look happy together and a wonderful place to capture that feeling.
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Melanie Reynolds (K:9096)
10/25/2005 11:11:53 PM
It's like a scene from a movie! Very romantic. I like the panoramic style crop!
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Alessandro Pregarz (K:1351)
10/25/2005 2:19:11 PM
Un immagine cinematografica! Neanche il miglior regista sulla piazza ne avrebbe fatta una migliore! 7+++++++++++++++++++++++++++!
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Paul Royer (K:1836)
10/24/2005 10:54:31 PM
Very good idea... Like it alot.... So different...This BW and colour mix is so over done these days but here it works perfectly. If you could have got a little higher the faces would have been much clearer.
Once again great use of the fish eye and photoshop. Many congratulations
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Raihan Khan (K:243)
10/24/2005 10:43:22 PM
Nice idea but would have looked fantastic if the ripples were more realistic (using an underwater camera!!!).
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Gennaro Guarino (K:12372)
10/24/2005 8:52:24 PM
ottima, con una bellissima location e un gran punto di ripresa.
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
PK- Photos (K:13099)
10/23/2005 4:37:23 PM
very good emotional scene and kiss, brava!
Ciao, Pia
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
rico cociani (K:54)
10/23/2005 7:38:05 AM
Bellissima foto,chissą che fatica mantenere quel fisico...bellissima.
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
rico cociani (K:54)
10/23/2005 7:36:54 AM
Esposizione perfetta,luce spaziale e ragazza da innamorarsi,risultato finale il massimo!
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
rico cociani (K:54)
10/23/2005 7:35:14 AM
Sembra un poco la casa degli spiriti...
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
rico cociani (K:54)
10/23/2005 7:34:24 AM
Io vado al mare lą,hai reso benissimo l'atmosfera.
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
rico cociani (K:54)
10/23/2005 7:32:23 AM
bella espressione.
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Giorgio Mesghetz (K:6724)
10/23/2005 6:26:51 AM
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Dino Lupani (K:15142)
10/22/2005 11:22:56 PM
Non č il mio genere, ma questa ha indubbiaemente una marcia in pił, la trovo ottima, splendido il movimento della gonna e bellissima la prospettiva. Ciao
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
giovanni guido marchi (K:27040)
10/22/2005 1:45:41 PM
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Marian Man (K:80636)
10/22/2005 11:43:47 AM
a fine romantic image dear Giorgio!!! excellent composition!!! superb work by you!!! best regards and many thanks for your kind comments Marian
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Jason Mardell (K:1113)
10/22/2005 8:01:53 AM
A beautiful gentle delicate shot Giorgio - it has a lovely serenity about it
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Karina Brys (K:16541)
10/22/2005 7:43:58 AM
Lovely. Would have been even better without the right side (people in the back, light house). Cropping it starting from de last small pawl perhaps... I love the wind playing in the woman's skirt.
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Sarah Per Lee (K:2477)
10/22/2005 4:34:53 AM
So romantic and wonderful embrace!
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Nour El Refai (K:12481)
10/22/2005 12:39:33 AM
woww, emotional, so beautiful 7+
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz
Critique By:
Tarek El-Molla (K:5377)
10/22/2005 12:33:38 AM
so romantic bestregards
Photo By: Giorgio Mesghetz