Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
11/7/2008 2:44:44 AM
Thank you!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
7/9/2008 6:47:32 AM
Thanks so much for all of your kind comments!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
7/6/2008 5:06:28 PM
Thanks for all of your kind comments!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
11/22/2007 6:23:36 AM
Thank you Anne, Mark, Rob & Shirley! This was a fun shot to take... but a little tricky trying to find an adequate crop.
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
4/11/2007 3:19:46 AM
Thanks everyone for the kind comments!
Janet... no, she's not mine. My little girl just turned 20 yesterday!! She is away at college in Washington and it was very hard not having her here!! So... I get to have fun with my tiny little clients! )
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
12/9/2006 3:41:41 PM
Thanks everyone for your kind comments!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
12/7/2006 5:43:30 AM
Thanks Paul! I posted a new version of "Beautiful". You were right... too harsh on highlights. Let me knwo what you think!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
11/23/2006 6:49:51 AM
Amazing image, kiarang! I like the lines and perspective. Well done!
Photo By: Kiarang Alaei
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
11/23/2006 6:46:11 AM
Beautiful, Dale Ann! I love the expression on his face and the beautiful fall colors.
Photo By: Dale Ann Cubbage
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
11/23/2006 3:24:27 AM
Thanks so much for all of your kind comments! What a wonderful surprise!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
11/22/2006 2:27:48 PM
Thanks Doyle for your comment! I agree with you that the sweater gets lost into the BG. I went ahead and made a duplicate layer, adjusted levels and then erased the sweater to reveal the "lighter" version. I think it helps!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
11/22/2006 2:27:46 PM
Thanks Doyle for your comment! I agree with you that the sweater gets lost into the BG. I went ahead and made a duplicate layer, adjusted levels and then erased the sweater to reveal the "lighter" version. I think it helps!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
11/21/2006 11:12:27 PM
Congratulations, kiarang! What an amazing image from an amazing photographer! The colors in this photograph are breathtaking. Keep up the great work!
Photo By: Kiarang Alaei
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
11/21/2006 2:34:00 PM
Thanks everyone! I had so much fun photographing this little girl. She just warms your heart!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
11/16/2006 5:30:14 PM
Thank you Guido, Cheryl & Luca!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
11/16/2006 5:29:22 PM
Thank you so much Sarah, Sascha and Rick for taking the time to comment!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
10/25/2006 6:54:52 AM
Lisa, I thought the same thing when I first downloaded the pictures! I couldn't figure out what was in his hand. I couldn't believe it when I realized it was a tiny bubble and I knew there was no way he could actually be holding it... what a hoot!
When I enlarged the image, you can see the bubble is right in fromt of his finger...LOL!
Isn't photography such an amazing thing??
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
10/25/2006 6:48:41 AM
Thanks Rachel! Yes, this was a regular photoshoot in my studio and his mom was blowing bubbles. I took his newborn photos and it is so fun to see them grow! He will be two in December.
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
10/14/2006 8:28:28 PM
Thanks everyone for taking the time to comment. It means so much!!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
10/14/2006 8:25:40 PM
WOW! Thank you everyone for your kind comments. I am very excited and humbled to receive the honored BIP award. I am surrounded by such increidible talent at Usefilm... what an honor to be a part of this community! ;)
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
9/28/2006 6:05:49 AM
Thank you Rachel! I just had the privilage of viewing your gallery... you are truly gifted in many ways! I love the scriptures you so carefully choose to bring your images to life... true life! I just returned from San Salvador on a mission's trip... that's where these were taken. (I noticed you are going to New Zealand for a mission's trip... I went there also for missions when I was in college... many, many years ago. (Did I say many?) ) Thanks again for "stopping by"! God Bless!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
9/18/2006 7:28:10 PM
Thank you Joggie! Here is another version with no additional grain added. I was shooting at 800 iso in low light so there is definately grain!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
9/18/2006 7:26:23 PM
Thank you Aniko for your wonderful comment! )
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
9/13/2006 2:38:20 AM
Magical! Beautifully done, kiarang!
Photo By: Kiarang Alaei
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
9/5/2006 8:36:08 PM
Hi Keith! Thanks for our comment! It was an amazing opportunity to experience San Salvador the way we did!
I wanted to emai you the link to the DVD presentation. Can you sen dme your email address?
Thanks Keith! Jennifer
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
9/5/2006 3:04:28 PM
Thank you Andrzej for commenting. I see your point about the excess space to the right. I will have to try cropping! Thanks!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
5/22/2006 7:26:50 PM
Steve, of course I won't ignore your advice!!! That is why I love Usefilm... to learn and grow from all of the amazing, talented photographers here! I actually had tried cropping this image before submitting it and wasn't really sure if I liked the new composition. (After working on the larger version, it seemed too "tight" at first.)
I agree with the fact that there is too much dead space to the right. I really like your version and would definately crop this one in tighter. Thanks again for taking the time to "play" with this image. )
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
5/22/2006 7:21:52 PM
Thank you so much everyone for taking the time to comment! I appriciate it so much!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
5/20/2006 9:47:25 PM
Susan, on this image I only used one light to my right... an Elinchrom Style 400BX fitted with a 60" Softlighter. I also had a silver reflector to my left. Thanks for your encouraging comment!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Jennifer Jones (K:-505)
5/20/2006 9:45:10 PM
Thank you so much Susan, Ali, braulio, Robert, Andre and Anna!! There is nothing as sweet as a sleeping baby!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones