Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/10/2004 6:23:17 PM
Deze is ook heel mooi. Vooral door contrast en licht.
Photo By: Teunis Haveman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 10:05:11 PM
Mooi plaatje. Ik snap niet goed dat de spiegeling scherper lijkt dan de zwaan zelf. Of zie ik dat niet goed? Groet, Ted
Photo By: Rene Brugman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 10:03:20 PM
Goed dat je het verhaal van de foto vertelde, want ik begon me af te vragen hoe je hem dat geflikt had. Heel goed, mooi resultaat. Ted
Photo By: Teunis Haveman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 10:01:33 PM
Prachtige ansichtkaart Teunis. Groet Ted
Photo By: Teunis Haveman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 10:00:49 PM
Ook deze foto is erg mooi van kleur. Je ziet dat goed. Ted
Photo By: Titia Geertman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 10:00:00 PM
Ik vind hem heel mooi van kleur. Ted
Photo By: Titia Geertman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 9:59:05 PM
Perfect Teunis, je kan er wat van. Mooie foto. Ted
Photo By: Teunis Haveman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 9:56:51 PM
Wow, this is close! Great macro. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Ivan N. Prgonjic
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 9:54:44 PM
Beautiful contrast, the sunny shore and the dark clouds above the sea. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Gabrielle Willson
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 9:44:14 PM
Cool! Regards, Ted
Photo By: Del Metheny
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 9:43:03 PM
Bautiful picture, original. Great idea with the little fly and your shadow. I think I would have cropped it and turned it (like you captured it I suppose?) like this. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Emil Bodea
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 9:36:48 PM
Perfect, like in a dream. I like it very much Khalid. Regards, Ted
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 9:35:58 PM
Interesting picture, well done. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Zakari Gilbert
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 9:34:57 PM
Beautifull, I like dark pictures and I like this one, good composition and color. It leaves me behind with a few questions. That's good. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Lukasz Kuczkowski
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 9:32:46 PM
Very nice picture, lots of color. I would have cropped the lady on the lefthand side I think. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Dan s
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 9:29:26 PM
I'm sorry, just read it was a mirror indeed. Like the idea. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Liz Chaffin
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 9:28:17 PM
Good title. Did you capture it in a mirror? Regards, Ted
Photo By: Liz Chaffin
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 9:27:25 PM
Nice capture of a special moment, pitty its a bit tilted. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Debprasad Datta
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 9:24:15 PM
Very nice picture, beautiful contrast. I wouldn't call it sunset, but that's not important. Regards Ted
Photo By: Rob M
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 9:21:47 PM
I like it, its a good picture that the story you wrote next to it. Regards, Ted
Photo By: andrea scasso
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 8:50:05 PM
Oh, what a lovely picture, subtle colors, original way to capture. Good. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Linn Currie
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 8:45:03 PM
Ja mooi Rene, ik houd wel van die donkere foto's. Je moet alleen oppassen dat het door die blauwe lucht niet onnatuurlijk gaat worden. Groet, Ted.
Photo By: Rene Brugman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 8:43:23 PM
Goed genomen, mooi scherp, passende titel kan je wel zeggen. Groet. Ted
Photo By: Rene Brugman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/9/2004 8:41:15 PM
Lovely macro, and with a little story. Great. Ted
Photo By: maura faessen
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/8/2004 7:21:47 AM
Very good portrait, the blur is fine in this case, I think it wouldn't be better when sharp. Regards, Ted
Photo By: kerem yucel
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/7/2004 10:03:12 PM
There is a nice contrast (2 meanings) in your picture, pitty it's a bit tilted. Ted
Photo By: Anindya Maity
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/7/2004 10:00:37 PM
I like the picture very much, it tells a story and I don't know what story. So the photo has to stimulate the fantasy. Therefore I think there is to much room around the children, crop it a bit more. And the color could contribute when it's more like an ancient picture, found in some box your grandmother had. I tried to show what I mean. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Anindya Maity
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/7/2004 9:42:20 PM
Young and proud and full of hope. That's what I see. Good composition, pitty the face is not really sharp. Ted
Photo By: Anindya Maity
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/7/2004 9:40:06 PM
Good opicture, never mind the missing part of the persons head. It makes the person look small, even smaller then in reality. So does the chair that is a little to big. The colors and the right moment make it to a lovely document. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Anindya Maity
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
6/7/2004 8:16:11 PM
Another good picture, because of the special colors, the simple composition and the intresting drawing behind the 'window'. Somebody must have the guts to photograph these beautiful objects. Of course it's not a strong colored flower with a hummingbird flying next to it, captured with a professional camera and lots of patience... But it's the result that counts. Both have their beauty, both have there place in the gallery of picture worth showing to a worldwide audience. Ted
Photo By: Sean D.