Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/10/2004 12:24:09 AM
Great panorama picture. Like to go to London again. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Roger Williams
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/10/2004 12:22:41 AM
I had to look twice because of the different sized persons. Very nice picture. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Sava Savic
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/10/2004 12:20:47 AM
Great eye! Very nice composition and I like the result. Congrats, it's beautiful. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Pete Nicholls
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/10/2004 12:16:57 AM
Thanks a lot Regina, but you forgot 2 letters (ed) lol. Know what I mean? I'm going to sleep now, otherwise not so fit in the morning. Ted
Photo By: Ted vandenBergh
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/10/2004 12:12:04 AM
Nice work, could be published. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Nicole Marcisz
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/10/2004 12:08:46 AM
The colors in the foreground are perfectly working together, great contrast. Good composition and crop. Just beautiful. Regards, Ted
Photo By: John Cumberland
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/10/2004 12:05:59 AM
Like this kind of pictures, this is special. Congrats on the result. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Joshua Rainey
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/10/2004 12:04:39 AM
Beautiful colors, very well composed. Congrats. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Rafael Burgos
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/10/2004 12:03:22 AM
Simple, but very nice picture. Good piece of work. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Joshua Rainey
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/10/2004 12:01:44 AM
Great image, pure color, abstract lines and shapes, beautiful light. Congratulations Nuno. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Nuno Rios
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 11:59:27 PM
Wow, this is very nice. And there is even a little ship to make the picture complete. Congrats. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Glenn Edmiston
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 11:57:23 PM
Dramatic picture with this beautiful background. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Yamreij Carlos
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 11:55:53 PM
Just want to tell you what a great picture this is. The colors, the composition and the distant mountains fading away. Beautiful. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Phillip Swanson
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 11:51:15 PM
Lovely picture. Good composition and crop, great colors. Like it very much. Regards, Ted
Photo By: Ran Brosh
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 11:11:33 PM
Schitterende details Ellen en weer een opvallende compositie. Groet, Ted
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 11:10:32 PM
I do, I do...
Photo By: Regina Rianelli
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 11:09:24 PM
I saw the thumbnail and thought: Limerick again, that must be Daithi. That was only half true, because this is even more beautiful than the church in L. Nice to see you again. Ted
Photo By: Daithí O' Donoghue
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 11:06:24 PM
I think you did a great job. Not easy to capture such a statue, but it's a good composition.
Photo By: Daithí O' Donoghue
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 11:05:07 PM
Wow, very nice capture. Well done.
Photo By: Daithí O' Donoghue
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 11:01:53 PM
Diana, wat een fraai werk. Ik zag eerst niet wat het was omdat ik me iets veel groters voorstelde en ook met materiaal niet herkende. En toen zag ik het ineens en was ook direct 'plat' van je schitterende roos.
Photo By: Diana Cornelissen
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 10:59:04 PM
Je bent het nog niet verleerd Teunis, erg fraai en passend in de tijd van het jaar. We maken de seizoenen door jouw werk op ons scherm mee.
Photo By: Teunis Haveman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 10:53:32 PM
Great subject, again. Do I see a lions head on the righthandside of the picture? I don't think it is there, but I see it anyway. Ted
Photo By: Regina Rianelli
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 10:50:36 PM
Knal. Prachtige foto Ellen, die kleuren doen het goed.
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 10:44:29 PM
Photo By: Linn Currie
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 10:43:12 PM
Boom staat prachtig in het beeld. Ik zie er zelfs een vogeltje in zitten, of verbeeld ik me dat maar? Je composities zijn altijd perfect Ellen, ik blijf het zeggen.
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 10:41:38 PM
Heel leuk idee om zo naar die bos tulpen te kijken. Ik had de foto graag iets scherper willen zien maar de achtergrond en uitsnede zijn erg goed gevonden.
Photo By: Rene Brugman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 10:37:25 PM
Ik kan me er iets bij voorstellen, ben net nog weggeregend. Groet, Ted
Photo By: Jeroen Krol
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 10:35:54 PM
Wow, it took some time before I noticed those people! This is huge. The thumbnail doesn't show this little secret so I'm glad I opened it to take a close look (wich I allways do when your pictures come in site). I send you my love from a windy Holland. Ted
Photo By: Regina Rianelli
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 10:29:32 PM
Wonderful colors and artistic picture. Like it very much although the thumbmail doesn't look interesting on first site.
Photo By: Sarah Moustafa
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
7/9/2004 10:27:24 PM
Hij is mooi Jeroen!
Photo By: Jeroen Krol