Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 5:41:07 PM
Beautiful and simple picture. I like that. Ted
Photo By: Lukasz Kuczkowski
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 5:40:13 PM
I do like your work, but this picture is special to me. Bit like a poem. Kind regards, Ted
Photo By: Lukasz Kuczkowski
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 5:39:13 PM
Very nice composition. I like the colors, just blue and white. Excellent. Kind regards, Ted
Photo By: Lukasz Kuczkowski
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 5:36:54 PM
Very nice shot Lukasz. The colors and the really dark atmosphere are impressive. Best regards, Ted
Photo By: Lukasz Kuczkowski
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 12:31:35 PM
Beautiful colors, good composition. I like the strange shadows on the beach that make the foreground more interesting. The couple you captured in this wonderful light, makes it perfect. Congrats, Ted
Photo By: Diana Cornelissen
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 12:28:25 PM
Very nice portrait Dan. Good job, Ted
Photo By: Dan Lightner
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 12:27:13 PM
Hardstikke mooi Ellen. Bij mij komt de kleur iets te sterk over, maar ik weet niet of dat aan mijn scherm ligt. Groet, Ted
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 12:25:32 PM
Schilderijtje. Ted
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 12:24:50 PM
Heerlijke foto Ellen, mooi land. Groet, Ted
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 11:40:32 AM
Good capture, like the action and the expression on the girls face. It is a little dark and unsharp on my screen, but I like it very much. Best regards, Ted
Photo By: Maryam Motamedi
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 11:36:43 AM
Good eye, nice shot. Thanks for sharing. Best regards Ted.
Photo By: Patrick Jacobson
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 11:35:17 AM
Nice and quiet and still the impression of full action. Beautiful B&W picture with good contrasts and a nice composition. Best regards, Ted
Photo By: Orazio Minnella
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 11:31:24 AM
This is humor. Nice picture, I like the dogs waiting to go in Best regards, Ted
Photo By: Joćo Magalhćes
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 11:27:56 AM
The dog is the only one that seems to notice you. Good moment, nice picture. Best regards, Ted
Photo By: Franz Thoma
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 11:26:26 AM
Nice job, good eye. Ted
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 11:24:55 AM
Very nice picture, full of details and fine B&W colortones. Kind regards, Ted
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 11:23:25 AM
Good work, allmost bizar picture. Very nice. Best regards, Ted
Photo By: Oliver Dienst
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 11:12:18 AM
Wonderful captured moment of emptyness in the city. I like the grainy B&W version and the crop. Pitty it's a bit tilted. Best regards, Ted
Photo By: Kamran Bakhtiari
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/5/2004 11:09:45 AM
You captured a very nice moment. I didn't see the birds at first, but then... I like the soft B&W tones and the reactions of the people behind. Best regards, Ted
Photo By: Jakub Butkiewicz
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/4/2004 10:28:37 PM
You did it again; beautiful shot, great result. How many times did you need before this result was established? (Just curious.) Best regards, Ted
Photo By: Dan Lightner
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/4/2004 10:24:15 PM
Geweldig scherpe en rake foto. Ik stel me voor dat een muizennachtmerrie er ook zo uitziet. Prachtig, groet, Ted
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/4/2004 10:23:03 PM
Simple elements, beautiful result. Well done. The soft tones and the contrast with the foreground is great. Best regards, Ted
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/4/2004 10:20:30 PM
Mooie foto Ellen. Maar hij lijkt me wat hard, teveel gePSt? Hartelijke groet, Ted
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/4/2004 10:15:39 PM
Heel mmoi gedaan Teunis. Ik vind je af en toe geniaal. Groetjes, Ted
Photo By: Teunis Haveman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/4/2004 10:14:46 PM
Prachtig Rene, groet Ted
Photo By: Rene Brugman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/4/2004 10:13:48 PM
Je maakt mooie foto's Rene. Toch wil ik je erop wijzen dat het er bij deze bloemenfoto's echt om gaat dat je storende elementen probeert te vermijden. Geen onscherpte, geen spinnewebdraadjes, geen stukje afgesneden blad etc. Het is jammer als een mooie foto door zo'n kleinigheid wordt ontsierd. Collegiale groet, Ted
Photo By: Rene Brugman
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/4/2004 10:10:21 PM
There is a name on that table and I read Regina. Is that correct? Groetjes, Ted
Photo By: Regina Rianelli
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/4/2004 10:05:41 PM
Great composition and crop. Beautiful. Best regards, Ted
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/4/2004 10:04:45 PM
Very well done, with an interesting background. Congrats, Ted
Photo By: Ellen Havrilla
Critique By:
Ted vandenBergh (K:5119)
9/4/2004 9:59:51 PM
Very nice series of pictures. Thanks for showing us the parade, it's beautiful. But I don't understand your title Teunis. Where is the cat and the mouse? Best regards, Ted
Photo By: Teunis Haveman