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Critique By: Mary Sue Hayward  (K:17558) Donor  
7/31/2004 1:35:43 PM

Tim! Thank you for your kind comments on my images. I have spent some time perusing your images here as well as your website. You really are the master of the classic landscape. Your images of the Canadian Rockies are some of my favorites because I love that area so. Overall, the framing you use on your images clearly illustrates your artistic perspective as a painter. And I love how you manage to capture that sweet glacier melt has to be just perfect or it is all wrong, and you represent it very well.

I also checked out your website, which should be required viewing for any serious landscape photograher or painter. Seeing the list of galleries that have represented you, I am positive I've seen some of your paintings in person. How cool is that! Of the paintings I looked at, Northwester is a particular favorite.

I plan to study your landscapes over the next few weeks, as I have a trip to the Tetons and Yellowstone planned. Any general tips you can suggest for landscapes would be very welcome.
        Photo By: Tim  Schumm  (K:29196)

Critique By: Mary Sue Hayward  (K:17558) Donor  
5/30/2004 1:30:51 PM

Perfectly dreamy. This has that ethereal quality that you capture so well. Somehow it feels that a step into the image would lead you to a wonderful world where the breeze is cool, the sunshine warm, and troubles are far away. Really nice, John.

Technical question: On the 4 shots that were panned, what is the range of pan? Hope that question makes sense. I am curious if you moved the camera just a little bit (it doesn't look slight big motion blur) or if you moved it so that the entire field of view whooshed past in the viewfinder.

Also...was each of the 4 shots a blur of the same field of view, or of a different segment?

Obviously I need to reread Patterson and Gallant's book, Photo Impressionism, but maybe you can share some insight too.

Again, LOVELY image.
        Photo By: John Barclay  (K:3650)


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