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Critique By: Angelo Villaschi  (K:49617)  
8/19/2005 7:54:35 PM

Nice abstract, Jill. Love the colours and the use of the totally white background without any borders.

If I may, I think it would be even more effective if the circles were slightly smaller in dimensions and the white space around the whole thing was a bit more, to separate it from the automatic text from UF.

Very striking work, though!
        Photo By: Jill Bartlett  (K:8130) Donor

Critique By: Angelo Villaschi  (K:49617)  
7/13/2005 10:39:35 PM


Seems like a nice place. A nice little harbour and some interesting coloured stones around it.

I do feel as though there is a bit too much foreground included. I wasn't there, so I don't know if it was possible or dangerous, but how about getting closer to the edge and including more of the village in shot, especially the bit currently behind the verge?

Just a sugestion from someone who hasn't been there, so take it with a pinch of salt!
        Photo By: Chris Spracklen  (K:32552)

Critique By: Angelo Villaschi  (K:49617)  
6/25/2005 8:00:19 AM

Hang in there and do the photos which give you pleasure, Danny. "If you post them they will come"

We all have photos that we can't figure out why they don't get more comments. There's better photos than this one with fewer comments out there, and I am just being sincere. (And I do like the photo.)

Some people are too lazy/afraid to comment on stuff they don't like (though I can't see what's not to like in this one) and have to explain what/why.

Personally, I'd rather get a picture ripped 10 times than getting 0 comments.
        Photo By: Danny Brannigan  (K:19523)

Critique By: Angelo Villaschi  (K:49617)  
6/20/2005 7:12:41 AM

Hi Dawn,

Very nice diagonals in this photo, and a good choice of square crop.

As far as saving photos for upload to UF, this is what I do: Image>Duplicate, flattening any layers. Then on the new image, I resize (Image>Image size) to the required dimension (usually I just resize it to 50% or 25% of the original, whatever fits), do any required sharpening with Filter>Sharpen>Unsharp Mask. Finally, File>Save for web... which is the only stage at which I save to JPEG.

Hope this helped.
        Photo By: Dawn F. Collins  (K:560)

Critique By: Angelo Villaschi  (K:49617)  
5/23/2005 10:05:15 AM

Absolutely wonderful photo of a beautiful scene. I very much like the composition with the leading line, and also the play with shadows. Good job to leave some detail in the shadow areas.

The sky colour is very nice, a very deep blue. There is a tiny bit of vignetting on the corners, but it's still very nice.
        Photo By: Melody Russell  (K:1089)


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