Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
9/27/2004 5:06:37 PM
Hi Per, you have made incredible portrait. Excellent composition and dof. Congratulations. Radomir
Photo By: Per Johansson
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
9/27/2004 4:54:49 PM
Hi Ian.
Actually I was in a hurry during taking a shot and I made only one. Fortunately we have PS and people who can help others to improve their pictures. Your playing with the image was helpful and instructive for me.
Thanks a lot. Radomir
Photo By: Radomir Smida
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
9/26/2004 1:38:56 PM
Hi Verena, it is nice shot, with excellent composition and lighting. And I think that brown toning was good choice. Radomir
Photo By: Verena Rentrop
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
9/14/2004 10:54:05 PM
Hi Evina, i like this picture. There is some cruelty inside and some kind of feelings which i can not exactly express. It is something like, it is me and it will be better if you will not try it change. But on the other side i feel from her some womanhood. Really nice shot. Radomir
Photo By: Evina Schmidova
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
9/14/2004 10:13:00 AM
Hi Ade, thanks for detailed explanations of picture's origin. It is also good to compare it with original picture, the modified one is better than original in my opinion.
I agree with you, that the Chess players are a good subject for the Henri project. Unfortunatelly, my photos are not good enough to be presented here. There was a lot of people when I was there and I didn't catch them very well. It's pity. But I'm sure, that I will try it again during my next visit in Leeds.
Cheers. Radomir
Photo By: ade mcfade
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
9/14/2004 8:30:26 AM
Hi Michael, this picture is incredible! Perfect composition, two fishermen on a boat looks great. Congratulations. Radomir
Photo By: Michael Busselle
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
9/14/2004 8:24:05 AM
this shot is great! nice tones of blue color and interesting lines. I like it.
Photo By: Jürgen Reinold
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
9/13/2004 8:25:58 PM
Hi Ade, I have been in Leeds before two months and i remember a chess in front of a library. I made also some shots of people playing with these giant chess pieces. You made a lot of works here and your result is very good. Bright, clear pieces, even one which is a little bit overexposed (the first knight on right side). I like especially black chesspieces, "drawning" in black background. Congratulations. Radomir
Photo By: ade mcfade
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
9/13/2004 1:39:49 PM
Your composition and subject are just captured very well. I like balance between asymmetry on the boat and symmetry outside it.
Photo By: Ivan Chernichkin
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
9/12/2004 6:10:29 PM
Rob, nice to hear that their concerts are still excellent. They played in one club in Prague before 2 years and it we as also great. Everything in red and I still remember her red dress, same like on a picture of cd cover Jackie Cane. Have you got other pictures from the concert?
Photo By: delete my account delete my account
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
9/12/2004 5:18:04 PM
Simple shot but with excellent work behind. Is it really ISO 1600, there is no granularity... I see now, I missed name of your camera (Canon Eos 1d MarkII).
Photo By: Joerg Eckert
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
9/12/2004 12:47:33 PM
Hi Rob. Hooverphonic is one of my most popular band, especially i like the voice of the band's enigmatic lead singer Geike Arnaert. I still remember her from concert in Prague. Your picture of her is fantastic. How was the concert? Radek
Photo By: delete my account delete my account
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
9/12/2004 9:06:20 AM
There is some kind of story in this picture. I like the reflection of the light on the rainy street. Great job!
Photo By: DON H
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
9/12/2004 7:54:59 AM
excelent composition with very very good exposure for this shot. your picture shows better cityscape than my imagination!
Photo By: Kostas Kyriacopoulos
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
9/11/2004 11:39:01 PM
very nice shot of pirates!
Photo By: Jim Gamble
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
9/11/2004 11:33:37 PM
Looks great, rail gives picture something mysterious.
Photo By: John E Robertson
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
2/19/2004 9:56:34 AM
This photo is very mysterious and original. Where did you find such place?
Photo By: Michel Stuber
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
2/19/2004 9:51:42 AM
it looks great. is it a composition or single snap?
Photo By: Sandor Botor
Critique By:
Radomir Smida (K:133)
2/16/2004 3:08:59 PM
i like this snap. very good idea, unique composition. you should be proud it.
Photo By: richard jefferson