Critique By:
Imatolf Aggot (K:34)
2/16/2004 8:10:12 PM
yeah i bought 9 of these for the girl in my flower picture. they cost alot. but you definatly show me why the cost is worth it. really nice picture, as are all of the others.
Photo By: Sara M
Critique By:
Imatolf Aggot (K:34)
2/4/2004 8:15:58 PM
oki silly dilly dokie o im an idiot it is time to stop now mac! it is...time to stop now... mac
you are the man i would like you to know that super troopers rules and you are one of the few blessed ones that has seen it blazing saddles is good too
Photo By: Todd Wedgworth
Critique By:
Imatolf Aggot (K:34)
2/4/2004 6:05:11 PM
alright meow. nice picture. and i realize that my name should be arcot ramathorn but i took the best of both worlds and made it farva ramathorn. depending on how many times you have seen the movie, you will either laugh or not know what im talking about when i say: oh look a bar of soap... but our shananigans are cheeky and fun... its really funny capt. its afganistanamation. CANDY BARS!!! and the list goes on what an awesome movie you are the man for watching it talk to you later
Photo By: Todd Wedgworth