Critique By:
Anurag Sahay (K:1043)
12/10/2004 4:07:18 PM
Beautiful reflection in the water. Could you have avoided the shadows on the centre of the frame ?
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Teunis Haveman (K:37426)
12/9/2004 4:49:24 PM
Rui, beautiful Art Great work and light Teunis
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Rui Miranda (K:2716)
12/9/2004 11:29:00 AM
Quanto ao enquadramento concordo, quanto á recuperação, acho que prefiro assim, senão era simplesmente uma estatua em mármore que podia ter sido feita nos dias de hoje. Assim prova a sua idade.Um abraço
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Rui Teles (K:843)
12/9/2004 11:15:17 AM
Gosto dos tons de fundo... mas a estátua merecia uma bela recuperação, não achas? talvez um enquadramento um nadica melhor não ficava mal... no entanto está muitissimo agradavel.
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Fernando Macedo (K:4008)
12/3/2004 12:16:29 PM
good work.
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Luís Lobo Henriques (K:9002)
11/6/2004 11:32:57 PM
Odeio aranhas, mas gosto de boas fotos!! Boa, Rui! Abraço.
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Luís Lobo Henriques (K:9002)
11/6/2004 11:32:10 PM
Belo postal do Marvão, Rui. Linda foto. Abraço.
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Ferran Lacruz (K:5466)
9/18/2004 6:23:16 AM
Interesante imagen verdaderamente es una ventana al mar.Buena iluminacion Saludos Ferran
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Raquel Osorio (K:947)
9/8/2004 9:48:40 PM
Boa foto, Rui! Gosto bastante do enquadramento. Pena o céu, tão tristonho... Desculpa ainda não ter respondido, mas fica prometido!
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Marcos Duarte (K:15402)
9/5/2004 10:33:44 PM
Belissima foto Rui. Linda perspectiva e angulo de visao. Lindas cores. Abraços Marcos
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
luis pereira (K:26013)
8/3/2004 6:00:22 PM
WOW... it looks like my old stereo. Que mineral tinha ai? Um abraco
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Luther Chong (K:3585)
7/24/2004 8:35:59 AM
Great catch.
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Michael Bain (K:874)
7/23/2004 7:22:46 AM
I must say I like almost everything in your portfolio, but this one is my favourite. Magic light there!
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Getulio Melo (K:6481)
7/22/2004 6:30:07 PM
Wonderful tones and nice details! Great photo, my friend. Best regards.
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
ana ribeiro (K:21290)
7/22/2004 5:32:25 PM
nice capture
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Teunis Haveman (K:37426)
7/22/2004 4:42:57 PM
Rui, beautiful spider Teunis
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Ari A. Alves (alvesari) (K:7733)
7/22/2004 4:35:35 PM
Very good capture Rui.
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Rocco Bertè (K:7717)
7/20/2004 10:27:49 AM
In this photo the subject would have more to be something characterizing. I have seen yours portfolio, is too much large in order to comment all. Beautiful the photos of the flowers and interesting some studies like "vertigo". Sorry for my english! Rocco
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
waldemar ebner filho (K:5242)
7/19/2004 7:13:24 PM
Rui, Gostei bastante,ficou excelente a composição,a forma circular da uma impressão de tunel, voce tentou em branco e preto? ou sépia? acho que ficaria muito bom também devido as sombras e luzes.Abraços
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Teunis Haveman (K:37426)
7/19/2004 3:39:28 PM
Rui, beautiful window(tunnel) Great shot Teunis
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Dr. Rafael Springmann (K:89517)
7/17/2004 5:59:20 PM
So the shadow-man has a "Dream of light" and takes a photo of a lamp. He does it so well, in fact, that it aroused my curiosity to such a degree on the "To be rated" page that I felt compelled to look who was behind it. I think that to be one of the best compliments a photo can hope for and yours deserves it. Regards, Rafi
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
carolina silberschmidt (K:1151)
7/16/2004 2:30:34 AM
Uma bela foto... do lugar não preciso nem comentar, simplesmente maravilhoso! Adoraria ir a um lugar assim.
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Rodrigo Tardioli (K:254)
7/16/2004 1:21:40 AM
mararavilha de captura, pricipalmente se prestarmos atenção nas sombras e nas luzes, parabéns!
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Lucas Galeno (K:23)
7/14/2004 5:44:48 PM
answering the question that you made me: the body all of it must have ones 3,5cm or 4cm.
ps: excellent photo....
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
James Lee (K:4790)
7/14/2004 4:01:07 PM
Subject a bit dark. Difficult light conditions?
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Teunis Haveman (K:37426)
7/14/2004 2:42:15 PM
Rui. I must smile Good compositie Teunis
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Stjepan Banovic (K:571)
7/13/2004 7:52:25 PM
Great photo. Colors are beautiful.
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Marusnik Bela (K:11611)
7/13/2004 6:21:17 PM
Great work, very creative, original shot, wonderful colour contrasts!Congrats!
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
Teunis Haveman (K:37426)
7/13/2004 4:32:45 PM
Beautiful Macro,Rui Great lighting Teunis
Photo By: Rui Miranda
Critique By:
SAYGIN Mavinil (K:281)
7/13/2004 3:04:52 PM
live shot.. sun makes it..
Photo By: Rui Miranda