Critique By:
Arbi Sinoimeri (K:29)
2/1/2004 3:37:00 PM
dont worry...try again...I got the same problem too
Photo By: Ryan Milley
Critique By:
Paolo Barthelemy (K:25552)
1/30/2004 7:13:53 AM
Beautiful and colorful abstract! I like it. Best regards, Paolo
Photo By: Ryan Milley
Critique By:
Paolo Barthelemy (K:25552)
1/30/2004 7:12:56 AM
you ment..."where is it?"  It seems that the upload has failed. Cheers, Paolo
Photo By: Ryan Milley
Critique By:
Thamer Al-Tassan (K:1358)
1/29/2004 6:42:53 PM
Nice focus and depth of field. Well done!
Photo By: Ryan Milley
Critique By:
Robin McAulay (K:8908)
1/28/2004 9:26:27 AM
i see this as an abstract - love the movement - it's really alive - great effect
Photo By: Ryan Milley
Critique By:
farewell ...! (K:668)
1/26/2004 2:25:38 PM
Photo By: Ryan Milley
Critique By:
Brandon Rowe (K:194)
1/24/2004 10:09:33 AM
nice shot. love the hazy look. congrats. b.rowe
Photo By: Ryan Milley
Critique By:
John Chiu (K:6250)
1/21/2004 3:36:28 PM
Nice curves. Would ne nice to have them all sharp, but well, 5 pm...what can you do?
Photo By: Ryan Milley
Critique By:
Yannic Meerbergen (K:2990)
1/21/2004 3:17:41 AM
Very interesting image, Ryan. Why is it so small? The thumbnail is nearly an abstract, and the original image is fine. The only drawback: I wouldn't have included the green part of the background in the image. I find it a bit distracting. But now.. that's MY opinion :-) Regards.
Photo By: Ryan Milley
Critique By:
Ian Crean (K:14866)
1/21/2004 3:08:26 AM
Ryan, I do like this image although it's posted a little small to really appreciate it. The chairs in the background look as if they are floating in a pond. I notice from your portfolio that you are not getting the attention you deserve here (me too!), difficult as the site receives so many images per day. You might want to look at www.webphotoforum.com as another outlet where the traffic is not so heavy and you can generally get good feedback from a small group of members. I post to wpf and usefilm to get a variety of responses. Let me know if you decide to go live with wpf. Cheers, Ian
Photo By: Ryan Milley
Critique By:
Getulio Melo (K:6481)
1/20/2004 6:15:01 PM
Nice idea! Very interesting image. Congrats, Ryan.
Photo By: Ryan Milley
Critique By:
Clifton Jones (K:10688)
1/20/2004 6:09:16 PM
Nice geometric design...great colors........
Photo By: Ryan Milley
Critique By:
Ulf Sjogren (K:22)
1/3/2004 10:00:33 PM
Well I say......who was first I don't know but we were both unaware of each other anyhow. Else a very intelligent idea and composition...;-). Ulf
Photo By: Ryan Milley
Critique By:
Brent Mills (K:730)
1/3/2004 2:19:51 PM
Very nice lines and texture. Good angle and composition too. Nicely done. -Brent
Photo By: Ryan Milley
Critique By:
Randy Lorance (K:24769)
1/3/2004 2:18:00 PM
Amazing how close the curves in this and Ulf's photo match.
Photo By: Ryan Milley
Critique By:
luisa vassallo (K:28230)
1/1/2004 12:33:07 PM
mi ha incuriosita subito. Ottima composizione e dettaglio!
Photo By: Ryan Milley
Critique By:
John Myers (K:4308)
1/1/2004 12:31:40 PM
very interesting perspective; looks like i'm about to land on the moon! welcome to usefilm
Photo By: Ryan Milley