Critique By:
Greg Smereczynski (K:2278)
12/11/2003 6:15:23 PM
realy great one, just the way I like
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
Massimo Di Maggio (K:36342)
12/10/2003 3:26:59 PM
It is a splendid image, it provokes in me both tenderness and sadness, it is difficult remaining indifferent to the sad history that this photo tells. Bye Max
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
Tomo Radovanovic (K:12788)
12/10/2003 10:39:12 AM
excellent capture
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
Inge Helland (K:43)
12/10/2003 7:40:46 AM
a new version. I prefer the last one :-)
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
JL E (K:9693)
12/10/2003 7:01:04 AM
great photo! emotional  cheers
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
B:)liana (K:30945)
12/10/2003 3:00:41 AM
Red is LIFE! Beautiful message. Love it. Love your representation ;-) Welcome dear Inge to UseFilm. Best shootings, Biliana
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
Inge Helland (K:43)
12/10/2003 12:45:21 AM
Thank you all for the nice comments! Raffaele: This picture was taken with a 300mm lens for a large distance, when an approach to the subjects would have ruined the picture by attracting attention. It's hard to get it perfect technically when you have only a few seconds to capture the moment :-) Sincerely, Inge
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
Raffaele Bardelli (K:3262)
12/10/2003 12:14:49 AM
lovely, next time with a little bit DOF and a light use of the flash. Regards Inge
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
Marcin Gorski (K:12388)
12/10/2003 12:08:59 AM
wonderful picture, sad but still beautiful
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
Roy V (K:13082)
12/9/2003 8:28:34 PM
Inge, Absolutely Incredible! ?Great mood and emotion? Roy
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
Harry Eggens (K:14804)
12/9/2003 4:55:06 PM
Very beautiful triple portrait Inge. Excellent composition and depth of field. Wonderful expressions. Sad, but lovely....Best regards Harry
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
Johnpaul Soto (K:675)
12/9/2003 4:47:15 PM
Great Picture, even though it tells a sad story.
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
Frank Li (K:2103)
12/8/2003 7:12:15 AM
The low lighting suits the mood, the slight blue tinge also brings the audience to empathise with the subject. Well done!
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
Mark Stein (K:6210)
12/6/2003 12:24:06 AM
This image has a lot of impact. I like the high contrast and you can still see her toes of her right foot in the background which adds a nice touch of feminism. Very nice shot! Mark
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
Eric Yousey (K:554)
12/4/2003 8:35:55 PM
I really like the your lighting and the use of soft focus. Also the PS buring really brings out the contrast of the photo. Great job.
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
Pedro Libório (K:36301)
12/4/2003 3:04:26 PM
lovely done.
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
tracy mccallay (K:175)
12/4/2003 10:25:42 AM
great photo. very emotional, congrats
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
Howard Bergman (K:131)
12/4/2003 9:39:08 AM
There's something captivating about this photo. Strong emotional appeal too. Please keep posting.
Photo By: Inge Helland
Critique By:
Tony Quinlan (K:2094)
12/4/2003 9:27:06 AM
Great soft focus and lighting. Lovely girl too.
Photo By: Inge Helland