Critique By:
evershine evershine (K:324)
1/25/2005 12:57:30 AM
Thank you for the comment and compliment.
Photo By: evershine evershine
Critique By:
evershine evershine (K:324)
1/23/2005 8:37:07 AM
Len, yeah.. i got that from a website describing about the dance troupe.
Photo By: evershine evershine
Critique By:
evershine evershine (K:324)
1/16/2005 9:26:06 AM
Haha... The focus was not on the ang moh. There were many.
Photo By: evershine evershine
Critique By:
evershine evershine (K:324)
1/1/2005 3:11:05 AM
Thanks. I tried but it is very difficult as i am on a lower ground block by a wall and i wanted to capture as many stairs as possible.
Photo By: evershine evershine
Critique By:
evershine evershine (K:324)
11/16/2004 3:51:44 PM
Thank you for your comment. I am not sure I have replied you successfully. Here you can find more about buskers festival in Singapore - http://www.singapore-buskers.com/about.htm
Photo By: evershine evershine
Critique By:
evershine evershine (K:324)
10/15/2004 2:08:53 AM
Thanks for the comment. Surprised to receive one for this.
I guess there are too many good spots to list donw. Well if you are really into it. I can recommend you to visit a singapore photographers website/forum. Here you can also view many more S'pore photos. http://www.pbase.com/world/singapore
Photo By: evershine evershine
Critique By:
evershine evershine (K:324)
10/3/2004 1:08:54 AM
Paul, thank you for the comment. I appreciated it as I am a self learner and your comment will help.
Photo By: evershine evershine
Critique By:
evershine evershine (K:324)
10/1/2004 4:16:49 PM
Very well captured. Really catches my eye to this.
Photo By: Francis Espeleta
Critique By:
evershine evershine (K:324)
3/19/2004 7:57:50 AM
Nuno, thank you for your advise. Will try next time.
Photo By: evershine evershine
Critique By:
evershine evershine (K:324)
1/8/2004 5:02:47 PM
Yes the color looks as it is or slightly more green/blue. I am glad it turns out well, i managed to capture this as it is rather hard to take a good pic through the window pane/glass as it may reflect the light in the airplane. Took a few shots and this turns out quite well. I zoom in all the way using my humble point n shoot nikon e2500.
Photo By: evershine evershine
Critique By:
evershine evershine (K:324)
1/6/2004 4:32:14 PM
Very lovely and colorful. Seeing this photo brightens up my day.
Photo By: Diana Cornelissen
Critique By:
evershine evershine (K:324)
1/6/2004 4:21:37 PM
Another shot zoom into details.
Photo By: evershine evershine
Critique By:
evershine evershine (K:324)
12/10/2003 6:39:53 AM
My thoughts.... over exposure, white balance does not seem right. anyway i am a beginner photographer as well so what i said may not be correct.
Photo By: Wee Khuan, Lee
Critique By:
evershine evershine (K:324)
11/30/2003 12:18:25 AM
Erdem, thanks.
Photo By: evershine evershine
Critique By:
evershine evershine (K:324)
11/29/2003 6:39:44 AM
Glad that someone appreciates and like this photo.
Photo By: evershine evershine