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Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/30/2006 8:49:31 AM

questo, secondo me, è un bellissimo scatto ''di strada''!

hai colto un'espressione canina molto divertente
molto ben fatto anche il bianco e nero, ricco di ombre, molto 3D, per niente piatto.

complimenti e ciao,

        Photo By: emanuele giomarelli  (K:955)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/27/2006 9:31:31 AM

thank u galal and andriete

        Photo By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/27/2006 9:31:08 AM

grazie a tutti e grazie simona

(il proprietario del visetto distratto m'ha fatto penare non poco, non è un modello molto collaborativo eheheh)


        Photo By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/27/2006 8:58:19 AM

gabriela, thank u very much

        Photo By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/27/2006 8:57:07 AM

thank you gil

before that you have said it, I did not know that my dog is a jack russel terrier.
I have always thought that it was mix of various races, instead I have made a search with google on the j.r.t. and have learned, thanks to your suggestion, that he is indeed similar!!

(as usual, i apologize for my english, hope that what i've write is comprehensible)

        Photo By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/27/2006 8:51:44 AM

thanks very much to all

in this time, i like so much tryin' to take images with particular light. I use the flash separated from the camera, with sincro. i think that it can create many various ad unusual light situations.
        Photo By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/27/2006 8:25:36 AM

serhat, what a wonderful image.
i like very much the atmosphere, so angelic!
and i like tones too.
looks like a 1960's image.

good work, really good work!

best regards my friend,

        Photo By: serhat filiz  (K:-4)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/26/2006 10:57:16 PM

thank you Renata
        Photo By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/26/2006 4:06:50 PM

oh wow, this is a great landscape.

i like very much your choice to convert all in sepia tones.
sky and clouds are very majestic.

(and.. congrats, you've a stunning portfolio, Ina!)

best regards,

        Photo By: Ina Nicolae  (K:44481)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/26/2006 3:52:38 PM

je pense que soit un paysage beaucoup pacifique. peut-être tu pourrais abaisser les tons verts du ciel pour le rendre plus limpide, mais elle est seulement mon opinion. l'effet qui donne est vraiment ''misty ''

j'ai employé le traducteur italien - français, je m'excuse si je me suis trompé quelque mot ;-)


        Photo By: FERDINAND DOTREMONT  (K:6612)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/26/2006 3:42:18 PM

this man has a very particular and characteristic face and expression.

i like it very much.

have you joined the sky subsequently or is the original one?
in any case, the effect is indeed pleasant.

best regards

        Photo By: Armagan Bice  (K:134)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/26/2006 3:09:09 PM


i like soft focus in this shot, and bw tones too.
funny situation well captured

best regards,

        Photo By: Peter Nettleton  (K:245)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/26/2006 9:26:50 AM

magic and strange situation.

i like very much this shot. so simple and so linear, and at the same time, mysterious.

i think there is nothing more to say, good cut, good light, good point of view and great creativity.

best regards,

        Photo By: Juan Pablo Cheret  (K:136)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/26/2006 9:06:55 AM

what a strange flower

a little bit more of close up, in my opinion, would be better in this shot.
with the shape of this flower I think you can obtained many particular shots.
if taken from little distance, geometric particulars would be exalted.

regards, eleonora
        Photo By: John William  (K:775)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/26/2006 8:59:00 AM

beautiful eyes and expression.
in my opinion, a little bit more of shadows would be well in this portrait.
i've try, taking your photo and adjusting levels with photoshop. this is what i have obtained.

(I hope you like it, I want only make a constructive comment ;-) )

regards, eleonora
        Photo By: Eman Shokry  (K:5400)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/25/2006 1:32:42 PM

cute kitty!

i like very much this shot. it is simply, linear, clean and exential.

cats are strange creatures sometimes. i think they love to be models for photographers.

(i apologize for my bad english, hope i've use the right words..)


        Photo By: Karl Steyn  (K:258)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/25/2006 1:29:51 PM

wonderful shot.
fantastic colors of sand and sky.
clouds are stunning and gives a particular touch to the photo.

great capture, great landscape!


        Photo By: Ehdae  (Abullha AL Hazza)  (K:4725)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/25/2006 9:43:27 AM

stunning shot, jim!
i love san francisco city, and i like very much your cityscape too.
(when i'll have more time, i will take a look on all your portfolio, i think you 've a great eye!)

beautiful atmosphere, colors and shadows.



        Photo By: Jim Goldstein  (K:21230)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/24/2006 10:25:36 AM

amazing and pretty shot
looks like that the two ducks have had a misunderstanding and shoulders are turned on purpose.
likeable and funny situation, and beautiful colors and dof.
maybe a little more light on the eye of the first duck would be better, but is only my opinion.


        Photo By: roger bourland  (K:2762)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/24/2006 9:52:15 AM

wonderful, i love this composition.
colors combination is great, and the point of view too.
an unusual shot very well executed!

(as usual, i apologize for my english, but the google translator is worse than me.. )


        Photo By: Afriadi Hikmal  (K:2216)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/24/2006 9:43:05 AM

che ritratto tenero! bellissima l'espressione di questo cagnolone. potresti proporla come immagine all'enpa, sai? quello sguardo dolce e triste potrebbe (uno non smette mai di sperare..) smuovere un po' di coscienze

ciao e complimenti,

        Photo By: Giulio Rotelli  (K:28441)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/24/2006 9:14:36 AM

i was be in utah 2 years ago. i went to arches and i think that it is a place without comparisons in the world! this shot (shots! ) is fantastic, i love colors and sharpness.
the reduced dimensions penalize the photo in the thumbnail, but this landscape is really great!!

(as usual, sorry for my bad english...)

        Photo By: Jim Goldstein  (K:21230)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/24/2006 9:07:40 AM

wow! i like it! looks like a scene of ''back to the future'' movie
(i don't know nothing about infrared films... but i think that tones are wonderful and particular)

as usual, i apologize for my bad english

        Photo By: Russ Rosener  (K:445)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/24/2006 9:04:50 AM

oh, what a particular place! i like very much the shape of mountain. maybe a strong black and white tone (with hard shadows) would exalting this strange natural shape (but it's only my opinion )

(as usual, i apologize for my bad english)


        Photo By: Kursat Oner  (K:1580)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/24/2006 8:44:32 AM

I think this portait would be well in the ''dramatic portraits'' project. i like very much the hard and strong tones of black and white, they transmits me a rough feeling.
i like the lateral cut too. it give strongness to the shot.
(i apologize for my bad english, I hope that it is understood what I have written! )

        Photo By: Yusuf IPEKCI  (K:987)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/24/2006 8:32:57 AM

a perfect decisive moment! i love this situation, it's really funny and amazing. well captured!!


        Photo By: Gil Draper  (K:3194)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/23/2006 9:10:02 AM

bella! e molto cruda.
credo renda bene l'idea della ruvidità della vita su una nave. mi piacciono il punto di vista insolito, il punto di fuga che formano le funi, e i colori (soprattutto il rosso ruggine).


        Photo By: AngelDevil    (K:111)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/23/2006 9:03:18 AM

i like very much this composition.
shadows are great and gives to the shot a graphic air.
shadows are not only a complement of the photo, they ARE the photo, in the complicated and beautiful crossing that they form!

(i apologize for my english)

        Photo By: hermin abramovitch  (K:1915)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/23/2006 8:56:31 AM

i like very much the absolute white, and the situation of the black little subject, so little in front of the great white landascape.
(i apologize for my baaaad english! )

        Photo By: Joonas Kupiainen  (K:4)

Critique By: eleonora frago  (K:2472)  
1/23/2006 8:54:05 AM

idea molto originale (cosa non si fa coi gli oggetti più comuni!)
mi piace anche lo sfondo assolutamente neutro.
sembra una giraffa post-moderna in un deserto bianco

        Photo By: a. gianfranco baccelli  (K:21379)

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