Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/3/2006 1:16:47 PM
it's because i've two little kids, a work and a house to keep clean. outside is winter and i can't take my camera and go out (maybe in the night when they're sleeping, maybe!!;-) ) i hope to take some shots in springtime.
thank u for your comment, David!
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/3/2006 10:58:49 AM
grazie )))))))))
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/3/2006 10:55:54 AM
bellissima composizione, mi piacciono molto queste linee diagonali e gradienti. un vero astratto naturale ;-)
Photo By: Raffaele Lepore
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/3/2006 10:52:41 AM
magnificent sky, and excellent composition in this shot.
congrats Putra!!
best regards,
Photo By: Putra Anugrah
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/3/2006 10:48:52 AM
funny composition! i like very much colors in this shots, pink tones are wonderful, and the little girl is a very expressive model ;-)
best regards,
Photo By: Peta M
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/3/2006 10:42:55 AM
i love this portrait. i like the sharpness, the sepia tones, the clarity, the natural expression, the excellent composition, the situation... all!
beautiful, really beautiful 
best regards,
Photo By: Urban_cat K.
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/1/2006 1:57:45 PM
amazing shot, Darinka!
i like how you've extremized the tones, and i like your expression too 
best regards,
Photo By: Darinka Montico
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/1/2006 1:56:15 PM
i think this is a very good street shot. well composed situation, expressive model and a majestic black and white!
congrats and best regards 
Photo By: Azmi Muhammad
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/1/2006 1:37:57 PM
what a funny situation! well done and well captured. i love it! (in my favorites now )
best regards,
Photo By: suleyman kankul
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/1/2006 1:35:58 PM
funny shot! unusual, well maked and very very creative 
best regards,
Photo By: Mirza Hasanefendic
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/1/2006 1:32:05 PM
wonderful shot! i like this kind of portrait.
i like very much this difference of deep of field between hands and face, it gives an unusual view of a person.
very goog tones too.
best regards,
Photo By: Yavuz Durust
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/1/2006 10:33:43 AM
uno scatto davvero superbo nella sua semplicità grafica e nella linearità. complimenti  e il Best in Project è meritatissimo.
Photo By: giovanni guido marchi
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/30/2006 2:34:27 PM
e grazie anche a te, Roberto 
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/30/2006 2:33:42 PM
grazie Gianes
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/30/2006 9:34:06 AM
fantastico l'ombrello pacifista che da un tocco di colore all'ambiente innevato 
Photo By: Raffaele Bardelli
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/30/2006 9:13:01 AM
interesting photo, i like the situation and the tones.
i don't like so much horizon in slope and the position of the boy on the rightside, too nearly to the edge in my opinion.
(I apologize for my bad english, I hope to have written correctly)
Photo By: Denzil Jayasinghe
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/30/2006 9:08:37 AM
Photo By: volga yildiz
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/30/2006 9:07:56 AM
i like very much silhouette of the lone tree, and the back light. a very dark-tones shot, very unusual.
Photo By: greg collins
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/30/2006 9:01:35 AM
eheheheh un classico! l'eterna rivalità tra nikon e canon ;-)
immagine molto simpatica, ma soprattutto un ottimo bianco e nero, complimenti.
Photo By: Francesco Fallani
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/30/2006 9:00:18 AM
it's a very peaceful image. love the tones and the softness.
Photo By: Moises Levy
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/30/2006 8:54:06 AM
beautiful soft black&white tones. and very nice and tender expression of little girl 
regards, eleonora
Photo By: Dragisa Savic
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/30/2006 8:49:31 AM
questo, secondo me, è un bellissimo scatto ''di strada''!
hai colto un'espressione canina molto divertente  molto ben fatto anche il bianco e nero, ricco di ombre, molto 3D, per niente piatto.
complimenti e ciao,
Photo By: emanuele giomarelli
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/27/2006 9:31:31 AM
thank u galal and andriete 
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/27/2006 9:31:08 AM
grazie a tutti e grazie simona 
(il proprietario del visetto distratto m'ha fatto penare non poco, non è un modello molto collaborativo eheheh)
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/27/2006 8:58:19 AM
gabriela, thank u very much 
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/27/2006 8:57:07 AM
thank you gil 
before that you have said it, I did not know that my dog is a jack russel terrier. I have always thought that it was mix of various races, instead I have made a search with google on the j.r.t. and have learned, thanks to your suggestion, that he is indeed similar!!
(as usual, i apologize for my english, hope that what i've write is comprehensible)
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/27/2006 8:51:44 AM
thanks very much to all 
in this time, i like so much tryin' to take images with particular light. I use the flash separated from the camera, with sincro. i think that it can create many various ad unusual light situations.
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/27/2006 8:25:36 AM
serhat, what a wonderful image. i like very much the atmosphere, so angelic! and i like tones too. looks like a 1960's image.
good work, really good work!
best regards my friend,
Photo By: serhat filiz
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/26/2006 10:57:16 PM
thank you Renata
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
1/26/2006 4:06:50 PM
oh wow, this is a great landscape.
i like very much your choice to convert all in sepia tones. sky and clouds are very majestic.
(and.. congrats, you've a stunning portfolio, Ina!)
best regards,
Photo By: Ina Nicolae