Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/20/2006 8:35:47 AM
ero molto indecisa tra il sepia e il bianco e nero, ma ho visto che, a confronto, il bn rende 10 volte meglio. l'idea era quella di enfatizzare i dettagli della pelle (che con il sepia e il duo-tone venivano clamorosamente sbiaditi...)grazie Giulio per il commento 
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/17/2006 3:31:29 PM
sono arrivati!
sono in mezzo a noi!
Photo By: Giovanni Stelluti
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/16/2006 10:18:43 AM
wonderful portrait. very unusual perspective and point of view. lovely tones and great sharpness. (and last but not least, this model has beautiful eyes indeed)
best regards,
Photo By: Tomasz Kukula
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/16/2006 8:57:32 AM
very nice capture! great dof and amusing situation 
best regards, eleonora
Photo By: Gary Prebble
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/15/2006 7:27:14 AM
sorry it was ''FOR making'' not ''fot making'' (my fingers are most faster than my keyboard!)
Photo By: Roberto Baez Duarte
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/15/2006 7:21:45 AM
ohh.. Louvre is always a beautiful place, very interesting fot making photographies ;-) i like this nightlight shot! great light in the glass, and very nice warm tones.
(I've a daylight shot like this)
best regards,
Photo By: Roberto Baez Duarte
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/13/2006 3:35:51 PM
wonderful black and white tones!!!
Photo By: Patrķcia Azevedo
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/13/2006 9:08:07 AM
*lol* amusing and shrewd expression  i like the partial desaturation and the lovely tones.
best regards,
Photo By: Jessica Hughes
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/10/2006 9:40:49 AM
(ho sbagliato, era ovviamente FROM, non form...)
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/10/2006 9:39:22 AM
il titolo in inglese č ''form dusk till dawn'', mi pare.
grazie del commento 
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/10/2006 7:52:47 AM
what a beautiful relaxing image. so peaceful... i like very much the essential lines and colors and the subtleness of this landscape.
great work!
best regards, eleonora
Photo By: Jim Goldstein
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/10/2006 7:48:36 AM
jessica, another beautiful and sweet image. your kids have a great attitude in shots! (in my fav. at once ;-) )
best regards,
Photo By: Jessica Hughes
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/10/2006 7:44:57 AM
splendida composizione, molto grafica ed essenziale. bravo!!
Photo By: Giulio Rotelli
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/9/2006 8:47:52 AM
it makes me laugh a lot, great funny picture!  (in my fav.)
Photo By: Brian Watters
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/8/2006 9:18:05 AM
arrivo con un anno di ritardo a commentare questa fantastica foto (meglio tardi che mai ).
trovo che sia perfetta. soprattutto il bianco e nero, č davvero tridimensionale!! prima di conoscere usefilm pensavo che fotografare fiori fosse una cosa noiosa e piatta, ma qui... qui mi hanno fatto cambiare idea in tanti!
ancora complimenti per l'ottimo lavoro.
Photo By: Giuliano Guarnieri
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/8/2006 9:01:08 AM
all in this photo is simple and harmonious. white, blue and green in the background make a great frame for the subjects.
bird and flower are really sharp and clear. this is a wonderful composition, a very delicate work.
best regards,
Photo By: Andy Pollard
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/8/2006 7:35:09 AM
Marc, thank you for sharing this great image.
I think Velvia is ever the better film for taking natural shots, colors here are so gleaming and incisive.
i like very much long exposure photos, and yours are really stunning.
best regards,
Photo By: Marc Adamus
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/7/2006 3:58:46 PM
wow!!!! all the single shots are beautiful, but get wonderful in this composition.
i like very much colors, sharpness and clarity.
great work, Chris 
Photo By: Chris Boivin
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/6/2006 12:45:33 PM
thank you, Ozgur 
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/6/2006 12:44:46 PM
hi Steve,
this is a real shot. a characteristic of Death Valley are these odd blue rocky mountains behind the softly sand dunes. I've give only a little high pass with photoshop levels, to emphasize details of sand.
thank you for the comment 
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/6/2006 8:54:25 AM
simply beautiful, Jessica!
I added you in my friends, so I can view all your shots easily.
I love your technique of tone processing.
with my best regards,
Photo By: Jessica Hughes
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/6/2006 8:44:51 AM
arrivo tardi a commentare questa foto, ma l'ho trovata casualmente solo oggi.
che dire? sono senza parole. č perfetta, nella sua semplicitą. perfetta la situazione, perfetta la composizione, superbi i toni.
gli awards sono meritatissimi, complimenti efisio )))
Photo By: Efisio Mureddu
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/6/2006 7:35:16 AM
complimenti Luca! foto molto particolare, evocativa di tempi andati. molto azzeccata la scelta dei toni e bellissima luce.
editor's choice strameritato, bravo 
Photo By: luca lamberti
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/3/2006 3:10:32 PM
wonderful shot so cute! unpriced and amusing expression.
i love this kind of tones. do you make this color effect with photoshop? (I have tried many times in past, but I do not succeed to obtain the same result)
let me know 
best regards,
Photo By: Jessica Hughes
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/3/2006 1:16:47 PM
it's because i've two little kids, a work and a house to keep clean. outside is winter and i can't take my camera and go out (maybe in the night when they're sleeping, maybe!!;-) ) i hope to take some shots in springtime.
thank u for your comment, David!
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/3/2006 10:58:49 AM
grazie )))))))))
Photo By: eleonora frago
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/3/2006 10:55:54 AM
bellissima composizione, mi piacciono molto queste linee diagonali e gradienti. un vero astratto naturale ;-)
Photo By: Raffaele Lepore
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/3/2006 10:52:41 AM
magnificent sky, and excellent composition in this shot.
congrats Putra!!
best regards,
Photo By: Putra Anugrah
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/3/2006 10:48:52 AM
funny composition! i like very much colors in this shots, pink tones are wonderful, and the little girl is a very expressive model ;-)
best regards,
Photo By: Peta M
Critique By:
eleonora frago (K:2472)
2/3/2006 10:42:55 AM
i love this portrait. i like the sharpness, the sepia tones, the clarity, the natural expression, the excellent composition, the situation... all!
beautiful, really beautiful 
best regards,
Photo By: Urban_cat K.