Critique By:
robert klein (K:16)
7/23/2003 7:35:37 AM
I don't readily compliment. This is photo is captivating. I would call it "10,000 Words" simply because it requires no title, no explanation. I cannot see how it could be improved upon. I would be curious as to the type of backlight you employed. Was it a simple tungsten low-watt bulb, an inky-dink with a fresnel, or what? How did the rose react: does it quickly wilt? An interesting change might be to use an eye-dropper and put some glycerin drops on the back side of the petals to resemble dew drops: they neither harm the plant nor evaporate or run quickly. Was this a digital shot and if so, how many megapixels so I know how large it can be enlarged. If not, what type of film?