Critique By:
* James * (K:20200)
10/7/2005 4:47:42 PM
this could be the best lightning shot i've seen yet. at least the breadth of the lightning is the widest i've seen captured by a camera so far. very lucky and very well done.
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
* James * (K:20200)
10/7/2005 2:29:09 PM
that is a very nice shot of a bridge going off into nothingness. very well done!
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
patrizio napolitano (K:13119)
9/25/2005 5:29:13 PM
a beautiful image, seems to feel the wind move the curtains patrician patrizio
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Shane O'Neill (K:3054)
9/25/2005 11:32:50 AM
very well spotted, I think however this imahe would have worked better if you got closer and revealed what was outside the window a bit more
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Sidney Chan (K:404)
9/25/2005 6:43:34 AM
Woaw~ Nice shot! I love the emotional light tracks! The tone of colour is so special.
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Rafael Le Masson (K:1593)
9/18/2005 3:22:57 AM
very nice!
Kimmy, I dedicated on shot for you and other friend here in UF on my portfolio. The title is 'Clara Manon'.
[]s Rafa
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Giorgio Mesghetz (K:6724)
9/17/2005 11:12:28 AM
bello il colore del tramonto sulla pelle della splendida ragazza che hai fotografato benissimo,mi piace la posa di lei e il taglio che hai dato all'immagine.7+++++++
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Giorgio Mesghetz (K:6724)
9/17/2005 11:10:20 AM
bellissima immagine che da gioia,ti voglio anche ringraziare per il tuo bel commento che ho molto gradit...7+++
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Gayle's Eclectic Photos (K:91109)
9/17/2005 8:39:41 AM
WOW! the clarity is amazing,Kimmy!...love the bubbles,vibrant color,where the guys are positioned within the frame and the light is so appealing....good,creative work,Kimmy! regards,gayle
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Gayle's Eclectic Photos (K:91109)
9/17/2005 8:37:11 AM
hi, would love to see this bigger...from what i can see, the contrast level is excellent and the tonal range superb...very sharp focus and would love to see the details better...reminds me of a lithograph...wonderful vintage looking scene... regards,gayle
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Michele Berti (K:14921)
9/17/2005 7:09:37 AM
grandiosa, sembra una distesa di sabbia sotto un cielo stellato
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Michele Berti (K:14921)
9/17/2005 7:08:40 AM
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Ina Nicolae (K:44481)
9/17/2005 6:34:01 AM
Hi Kimmy, You have a great an extensive portfolio. This one caught my attention for now, it's superb. The light & shadow play of the blinds, plus the diamonds on the vest form an array of interesting patterns. I love the crispness of it. 7+
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Glen Converse (K:2000)
9/16/2005 10:18:59 PM
Talk about Idylic, Kimmy! Great shot here.
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Jeanette Hägglund (K:59855)
8/17/2005 7:48:16 AM
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Jeanette Hägglund (K:59855)
8/17/2005 7:47:27 AM
Beautiful old car and cool perspective!
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Jeanette Hägglund (K:59855)
8/17/2005 7:46:58 AM
Nice underwater capture Kimmy!!!!!
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Susie OConnor (K:34798)
8/17/2005 7:18:30 AM
Great capture. The B/W treatment is just right.
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Trish McCoy (K:15897)
8/17/2005 6:33:44 AM
great capture.
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Ayman AlJammaz (K:485)
8/17/2005 6:13:57 AM
cool BW shot 
wished the truck left side wasnt cutoff
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
timur basol (K:5769)
8/17/2005 5:46:59 AM
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Blake Heiss (K:2197)
8/17/2005 5:45:14 AM
Great shot, nice tonal range and excellent choice using the WA. Very well composed.
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Blake Heiss (K:2197)
8/17/2005 5:38:16 AM
This is a real groovy shot. You did a great job using the long exposure, the motion blur is fantastic and is the visual equivalent of jazz. Like poetry in motion. Great work.
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Martin Mora (K:4666)
8/13/2005 1:16:58 PM
wow, prefection. repitition of lines, and light ,really grabs ones attention
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Roberto Arcari Farinetti (K:209486)
8/13/2005 7:49:26 AM
wooww fantastic kimmy.. a great point of view composition-oposition! well for the BI deserved it! cheers roby
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Lukasz Kuczkowski (K:14687)
8/1/2005 8:36:36 PM
like the combination of wall and this sunbath; well done
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Rafael Le Masson (K:1593)
7/29/2005 6:40:17 AM
Oi Kimmy,
adorei esta composição! Transmite uma sensação estranha, claustrofóbica. Essa cadeira é fundamental, exatamente ai onde ela está. O resultado com o filme infravermelho é bem interessante.
[]s Rafa
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Delete My Account (K:-89)
7/27/2005 9:56:47 PM
wow...grande idea...dune e cielo stellato, perchè la bellezza è negli occhi di chi guarda... o no?
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Alison DuFlon (K:36566)
7/26/2005 1:47:38 AM
I love the color, lighting and the amazing feel of enormity. You have a very diverse portfolio, which makes it very interesting. Alison
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Alison DuFlon (K:36566)
7/25/2005 12:32:10 AM
Wonderful shot, a lot of depth and beautiful color. That is quite a feat she is performing. Alison
Photo By: Kimmy Magino