Critique By:
Salvatore Rossignolo (K:13559)
1/21/2005 8:57:08 PM
Bravo ! Sal
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Salvatore Rossignolo (K:13559)
1/21/2005 8:56:07 PM
Fantastic picture, the colors are so vivid !
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Guido Fulgenzi (K:6076)
1/21/2005 7:38:51 PM
I love this cropping and beautiful lighting too. Congrats. for your portfolio.
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Guido Fulgenzi (K:6076)
1/21/2005 7:34:22 PM
That trees looks alive,beautiful color tone and contrast!
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Guido Fulgenzi (K:6076)
1/21/2005 11:43:16 AM
Great capture and dramatic too!Bravo
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Michael Bain (K:874)
1/21/2005 10:29:28 AM
Unsettling but brilliant !
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Davide Marchi (K:9196)
1/21/2005 7:48:38 AM
Un rosso quasi Ferrari...molto elegante e fine sono sempre belle le tue foto... ciao Davide
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Davide Marchi (K:9196)
1/21/2005 7:44:21 AM
Una visione fuori dal comune con un fascino particolare, osservare dove gli altri forse non vedono neanche, grazie dei complimenti sono bene accetti.. ciao Davide
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Kimmy Magino (K:2457)
1/21/2005 7:15:09 AM
You are THE man! You really are THE MAN! Keep shooting PLEEESE! Kimmy
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
ppdix (K:17069)
1/21/2005 6:53:09 AM
Great Kimmy, my ballroom dancing teacher would love this for his studio walls ;^)
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Efi Keren (K:754)
1/21/2005 6:10:47 AM
great idea and implementation! the impact is very strong!
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Hamdy Reda (K:874)
1/21/2005 5:30:40 AM
intersting composition, like it  best regards
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Hamdy Reda (K:874)
1/21/2005 4:44:03 AM
soooooo efective pic ,it's very deeply sade. very good composition and tounalty.
best regards, Hamdy
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
luis pereira (K:26013)
1/21/2005 4:24:03 AM
Strong impressive image. Don't feel bad about it its an excelent shot of reality.
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Kyle Turgeon (K:727)
1/21/2005 4:10:06 AM
Wow, this is an awesome photograph. the graininess of the road works very well, and i like the way that the image almost leans outwards from the center line. the sky looks great and suprisingly, i really do like the placement of the cars and what types they are. Quite often cars can subtract from the picture, but here the truck bearing down the road works very well, and the car coming behind it is almost reassurance that if the truck does not hit the deer, it will. Very, very nice!
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Patty Morena (K:16598)
1/20/2005 11:37:55 PM
Splendido quel rosso accecante!!!!Il bianco di contorno non mi disturba...esalta quel gioiello di finestra . Saluti.
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Patty Morena (K:16598)
1/20/2005 11:33:18 PM
Paesaggio molto suggestivo e ricco d'atmosfera. Splendidi i colori e ottima la composizione. Ciao
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Davide Marchi (K:9196)
1/20/2005 3:54:21 PM
Eccomi qua non mi sono dimenticato... questa prospettiva mi piace molto e le tue foto sono sempre belle un saluto Davide
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Keith Banham (K:1306)
1/13/2005 6:45:01 AM
Love this one!!
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Mark Evans (K:17428)
1/9/2005 9:32:20 PM
Superb shot !! the colours and the detail are stunning !! .. well done and best wishes .. mark .
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Dave Arnold (K:55680)
1/9/2005 7:47:30 PM
Excellent frasming of the cabin with the fence and awesome lighting! Very cool shot.
Best, Dave
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Dave Arnold (K:55680)
1/9/2005 7:46:04 PM
You have some excellent drama in this photo. I like the saturated sky and colors on the ground. Well done.
Best, Dave
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Roberto Bertone (K:13239)
1/9/2005 7:01:57 PM
Ottima immagine e colore!!
Un saluto.
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Marco Maresca (K:14418)
1/9/2005 6:57:58 PM
Fantastic shot!! Ciao
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Gabriella Carta (K:22879)
12/24/2004 10:14:31 AM
bellissime le texture, molto bella. Ciao, buon Natale e buon Anno Nuovo
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Gabriella Carta (K:22879)
12/21/2004 7:39:15 AM
le tue foto sono magiche, bellissime!!!
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Gabriella Carta (K:22879)
12/21/2004 7:38:58 AM
caspita che bella. Ottima anche la cornice. Bravissimo!
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
M * (K:2614)
12/18/2004 7:41:28 AM
I'd love to see hte 645 neg. Love the shot but i dont care for the boarder.
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
tom rumland (K:14874)
12/13/2004 5:28:03 PM
kimmy, excellent shot! a completely new (to me) view of mono lake. completely shatters my mental image of what this place looks like.
take care, tom
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Kimmy Magino (K:2457)
12/3/2004 8:05:03 PM
Non hai risparmiato complimenti Gab, sono contento ti siano piaciuti i miei shots. E' tutto vero anche se ho saturato il cielo e il resto. Faccio il photoreporter per alcuni magazines ma le immagini che mando all 'UF sono un po' personali e non le migliori. Produco moltissimo, scatto ogni giorno sette giorni la settimana, la mia vita e' tutta viaggi,gente e immagini. A presto.
Photo By: Kimmy Magino