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Critiques From John Bohannon

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Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
9/9/2003 11:28:08 AM

Thanks, Alan. Indeed, Paris is teeming with beautiful creatures. Your camera has been great fun (and a ready excuse to stop and stare). Hope you've had a productive summer of shooting. Cheers, John
        Photo By: John Bohannon  (K:154)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
8/11/2003 3:22:37 PM

Nice that the flower is the darkest part of the image, reversing the tradition. cheers, John
        Photo By: Nicole O'Connor  (K:18)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
8/11/2003 3:07:06 PM

I like it very much. Best of all is having it off kilter in the corner. Really gives a sense of its swoop. Cheers, John
        Photo By: Stuart Boyle  (K:1505)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
8/11/2003 3:03:53 PM

That's a lovely contrast. I wonder if it might be even nicer if you took in a broader view of the water, keeping the girl in red still in the corner, and even smaller. Because if the water is vast and central at the first glance, then the eyes drink it in first before being drawn to her. That 1-2 punch is often a very nice trick. If this shot was cropped, you could try it out, see what you think. Nice shot. Cheers, John
        Photo By: luisa vassallo  (K:28230)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
8/11/2003 2:57:08 PM

At last, I've found another Paris-based photographer. Bonsoir! When was this photo taken? Pas cette semaine evidentiment... cheers, John
        Photo By: Patricia Eifel  (K:5097)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
8/11/2003 2:54:18 PM

Perfectly saturated colors. cheers, John
        Photo By: Karen Nichols  (K:613)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
8/9/2003 9:25:59 AM

        Photo By: Toini Blom  (K:2039)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
8/9/2003 9:22:48 AM

Like the color composition. I wonder if it wouldn't be even more striking if the floor weren't white. It makes the left side of her face lose definition. What a pair of eyes! cheers, John
        Photo By: Toini Blom  (K:2039)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
8/8/2003 4:11:26 PM

Well this photo is far from basura! What a lucky find, with those blues and pinks sitting together like that! Lovely. cheers, John
        Photo By: Arturo Fajardo  (K:6)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
8/8/2003 4:09:46 PM

Beautiful! The grain suits this so well, giving striking shapes to her hair and shadowed face. Good choice of focus on the hidden subject. cheers, John
        Photo By: Hanna Siljeholm  (K:59)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
8/7/2003 5:15:01 PM

I'm very impressed by this one. Seen at a glance, the triangular-framed green is like a glowing emerald. Lovely composition. Cheers, John
        Photo By: Kaja Lund  (K:207)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
8/7/2003 11:40:46 AM

Thanks for the feedback! I was actually disappointed that I couldn't get more blue from the reflected sky. Any advice on how PS could help me with that would be appreciated. Yours from sweltering Paris, John
        Photo By: John Bohannon  (K:154)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
8/7/2003 11:38:26 AM

Great captures. This would make a very nice postcard... send me one! cheers, John
        Photo By: Arthur Sevestre  (K:552)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
8/7/2003 11:32:41 AM

Nice ring-taileds. I was in Madagascar a couple months ago. These things are all over the place. Are these from a zoo? Picture-wise, I'd crop a bit of the left and enough of the right to remove the 3rd lemur's tail, just to tighten the composition. cheers, John
        Photo By: Jim Mc Gavin  (K:0)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
8/7/2003 11:29:52 AM

Very nice work getting all those light sources together like that! I wonder if cropping the sides off a bit wouldn't focus the composition more nicely. cheers, John
        Photo By: Mario Studer  (K:1821) Donor

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
7/29/2003 5:42:12 AM

Just lovely. How did you get that blue background? That's what makes this so nice, I think. cheers, John
        Photo By: Annika Lund  (K:170)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
7/29/2003 5:39:24 AM

Nice shot. And wonderful portfolio. Are you based in France? cheers, John
        Photo By: jean E marre  (K:1577)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
7/29/2003 5:28:34 AM

It's nice to see the less beautiful side of Venice. It's more beautiful that way, I'd say. Cheers, John
        Photo By: Andrea Giudice  (K:298)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
7/29/2003 5:24:28 AM

This is a wonderful shot. The pattern on the water is the best part. cheers, John
        Photo By: Mary Sue Hayward  (K:17558) Donor

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
7/28/2003 6:24:30 AM

Beautiful! Cheers, John
        Photo By: Giuseppe Di Pierro  (K:5911)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
7/28/2003 6:22:27 AM

That's a very nice expression you've captured. An even tighter shot would be nicer, I think. What's most interesting here is her face, not that she's behind a ladder or whatever, no? cheers, John
        Photo By: Lilian O. Mellemgaard  (K:343)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
7/28/2003 6:17:15 AM

Nice shot. Better focus and slightly less exposure (to get the grass to come out lusher and greener) might be better. Cheers, John
        Photo By: Peggy Heise  (K:937)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
7/28/2003 6:16:00 AM

Wow, now that's a macro! Well done. cheers, John
        Photo By: Stephan Roscher  (K:176)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
7/26/2003 10:07:05 AM

Yeah, I know. Any advice on how to improve this picture now that it's on my computer? Can Photoshop save the day? thanks, John
        Photo By: John Bohannon  (K:154)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
7/25/2003 2:33:46 PM

Yes, much nicer. I might even crop it tighter so that none of that shadow frame is visible. I wouldn't worry about losing the bottle on the right: there is more than enough striking variety in the middle. That's a bedroom window to envy! cheers, John
        Photo By: Dr. Rafael Springmann  (K:89517) Donor

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
7/25/2003 12:50:05 PM

Lovely. I'll bet that structure would look interesting from farther back and made negative. I tried it with the Effeil Tower. cheers, John
        Photo By: Andrea Parker  (K:187)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
7/25/2003 12:41:01 PM

Lovely. I wonder if it wouldn't be more striking taken on the same level as the sill and with the frame cropped out, leaving the light, water, and colors only. cheers, John
        Photo By: Dr. Rafael Springmann  (K:89517) Donor

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
7/24/2003 11:30:51 AM

Lovely detail, and well staged with the soft d.o.f. I'd like to know what type of camera you used, and where does that bug live? Looks like a common garden-variety stink bug... but looks tropical with those colors. cheers, John
        Photo By: Atamanka Agnieszka  (K:747)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
7/24/2003 11:27:40 AM

Maybe it's been done before, but this is my first time seeing this idea. Very nice. Rothko photography. Cheers, John
        Photo By: Littlelittle Poon  (K:80)

Critique By: John Bohannon  (K:154)  
7/12/2003 10:57:26 AM

Striking image. Well done.
        Photo By: cecilia tovini  (K:29423)

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