Critique By:
Kurt Pas (K:2267)
11/21/2006 7:43:47 PM
Eerst nog wat selecteren he. Er zit natuurlijk veel kaf tussen het koren.
Wat de dias betreft, een deel is weer verkloot door het labo. Dikke dwarse krassen....
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Jo Dotremont (K:441)
11/20/2006 7:58:34 AM
There's shadows on the left you cannot see where they're from...
Ik zou wel ne keer wat meer foto's van Australië willen zien eigenlijk ;) (hint, hint)
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Paolo Corradini (K:59552)
11/16/2006 2:10:24 PM
wow amazing abstract from nature i like this strong red! well done paolo
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Jo Dotremont (K:441)
11/16/2006 1:08:31 PM
Yo Kurt, This image is really really nice; very difficult to find something to improve.. But if you insist: the left beneath corner may have a bit more blur, to blend in the background completely. But again: this is "mosquito-sifting";)
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Sam Kh (K:19017)
11/16/2006 12:19:39 PM
lovely image and so beautiful
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia (K:96391)
11/16/2006 9:26:02 AM
stunning exquisite tones. m,arvelous abstract. wonderful portafolio.
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Jo Dotremont (K:441)
9/21/2006 9:51:59 AM
Misschien als de dagen korter worden en de avonden langer, dat ik er terug wat tijd voor zal vinden..
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Kurt Pas (K:2267)
9/21/2006 8:54:45 AM
Haaaaa Dieieieieie Joooooo,
Mieschieien liegt Laaaandeeen nooog ieien braaabaaand, maaaar deeeeees menseeeen spraaaakeeen Lieieiembuuuuurgs.
Ze waren dan ook Genkenaars van origine...
Have fun!
Jij geen foto's te posten?
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Jo Dotremont (K:441)
9/20/2006 1:39:45 PM
This is a nice one!
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Jo Dotremont (K:441)
9/20/2006 1:37:05 PM
Yo Kurt, Twix looks realy tired there! The blue curtain in the background is distracting me a little too much. Maybe you can try to get more of a close up out of it by cropping?
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Jo Dotremont (K:441)
9/20/2006 1:30:56 PM
Yo Kurt, Ik passeer hier ook nog eens. Landen ligt wel nog in Brabant en net niet in Limburg... ;-)
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Kurt Pas (K:2267)
7/13/2006 7:42:30 AM
Ooit moest het er van komen hé om digitaal te gaan. 't Is inderdaat een bom geld, nu nog doorsparen voor een AF-D 80-200 f2.8. Maar dat zal een 2de hands worden....
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Alain Mijngheer (K:11733)
7/12/2006 4:57:39 PM
Kurt, mooi gedaan en goed dubbelportret. Zotte kosten gedaan ?
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Dubravko Grakalic (K:25235)
7/12/2006 12:58:22 PM
nice dogs, nice phooto!
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Alain Mijngheer (K:11733)
7/9/2006 5:12:33 PM
Dag Kurt, fijn dat je mijn comment apprecieert. Hopelijk is de shoot van vandaag goed meegevallen, het weer werkt allezins mee en laat je er ook iets van zien. Grtz,
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Kurt Pas (K:2267)
7/8/2006 10:52:58 PM
Bedankt voor het advies! Dit is nu eens commentaar waar een mens iets van leert.
Morgen probeer ik nog eens een hondenfotoshoot.
Grtz, Kurt
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Alain Mijngheer (K:11733)
7/8/2006 8:09:30 AM
Kurt, Op zich wel een leuke foto hoor en het leuke eraan is dat je het geworstel ziet tussen mens en jonge hond. Het meisje probeert te negeren wat er zich links van haar afspeelt, terwijl de jongen probeert Sammeke in een goede pose te duwen. Wat betreft de foto op zich had ik zelf de storende regenpijp eraf gelaten en gekozen voor een vierkante foto. Ook spijtig dat het meisje haar knei niet volledig in beeld komt. De schaduwpartijen zijn ook redelijk "dichtgeslibt", te donker en vooral bij Sammeke zijn kop. Maar dat kan aan mijn scherminstellingen liggen Grtz,
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Howie Mudge (K:27933)
6/29/2006 9:26:10 AM
Nice candid capture and works well in black and white. They look a little to formal where a more relaxed pose would have worked a little better. Exposure is spot on.
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
James McGinnis (K:6045)
5/25/2006 9:16:59 PM
Not much to offer except a change of angle that might give us a better view of the dog.
We have an Australian Shepherd that we take to the Skyhoundz competitons here in the US. Lots of fun!!
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Hermen Pen (K:9168)
4/22/2006 8:40:06 PM
Hi Kurt,
You had a good timing in this shot! The background is a bit disturbing, though. because it is too much in focus. I have two suggestions for improvement:
(1) Use a larger aperture to get the background out of focus. Of course this requires very good focussing on your subject, otherwise it will get out of focus as well. In this case, this would mean thay you would have to use a faster lens (i.e. with a larger maximum aperture). Another advantage of such a lens is that autofocus will be faster.
(2) Drawback of the previous suggestion is that you may have to buy a new lens, which will be considerably more expensive than your kit zoom lens. But you may consider also suggestion (2): put your camera on shutter priority and set the shitter time to about 1/100 to 1/50 s. Now follow the dog with the camera while it is running (this is called panning). This will also make the background unsharp, due to motion blurring, while the dog will still be relatively sharp. Some parts , for example the legs, may be unsharp, but this may also be an advantage because it adds to the sense of motion. See the attachment for an example, here I applied this technique during a cycling race.
Good luck,
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Geert Vanden Broeck (K:284)
10/18/2005 1:07:46 PM
I would not call it a macro, but a close-up. If you can go back to the place, try going with dimmer light or carry a semi-transparant cloth to partially shield the strong light. The bottom-left has got a bit too much exposure.
Another thing you could try, is carrying a flashlight so you can control the lighting yourself (a least, for a bit)
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
* James * (K:20200)
10/2/2005 9:15:00 AM
hi kurt, well in my opinion, if you want to do a macro, you should find a subject that maybe has some colour and something a bit smaller so that you can focus on it a bit better. this pole seems rather large and i dont think large objects are good macro subjects.
light coming from behind you or from an angle to the side is ok, but that can change depending on what you're trying to achieve. lighting here seems ok.
you may also want to consider photographing something of greater interest.
warmest regards ~ james
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Jason Mardell (K:1113)
9/25/2005 6:40:45 PM
Hi Kurt - I' absolutley no expert at all, but I've just started messing about with a macro lens and I'm not finding it easy either. You say it's a pole, but you can't see that from the photo - Maybe I'd try almost filling the frame in portrait format from almost directly above with the shadows accross the moss and the pole showing down to the ground - just a thought :=) Looks like you might have some small flowers or something growing on one side too - could get in really really close with the macro on those
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Fabiola Barrientos (K:8169)
9/25/2005 6:30:43 PM
Always you need a big diafragm for the macro photo ( 1.8 or 2.8)and tripod.
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Rudiger De Cock (K:37)
7/29/2005 2:37:59 AM
Nice diagonal composition, which is drawing the attention to the funny swinging top branches.
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Rudiger De Cock (K:37)
7/29/2005 2:32:21 AM
Very nice atmosphere. I like the soft pink-blue-yellow light in contrast with this dark sharp edged rock.
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Anouschka Rokebrand (K:6470)
7/6/2005 7:29:45 PM
Wow, how he's grown! They look adorable together. Love the suroundings in this shot, very nice!
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Jo Dotremont (K:441)
6/30/2005 4:36:40 PM
Wow! This is a very very good one. I like the DoF very much.
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Jo Dotremont (K:441)
6/30/2005 4:32:15 PM
Hi Kurt, I like the composition very much! You ask what to improve, well I would suggest to enhance the background colors a little. This is very delicate, because you also don't want to subtract the viewer's attention from Twix...
Photo By: Kurt Pas
Critique By:
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia (K:96391)
6/27/2005 3:24:43 PM
stunning composition. marvelous tones. superb. cong.
Photo By: Kurt Pas