Critique By:
Nauman X (K:194)
2/5/2005 4:43:49 AM
I think he might've actually put it right up against the window for support? Not sure
But great shot nonetheless
Photo By: Mark Mahar
Critique By:
Nauman X (K:194)
10/31/2004 12:54:21 AM
I like this one and the b&w one I think the b&w would need more contrast..but this one seems like it has enough to make it just right.
Again, beautifuly captured...
Photo By: Timothy Schirmer
Critique By:
Nauman X (K:194)
10/30/2004 8:44:54 PM
Very nicely captured.
Love how you were able to do it from right above. Great angle. Good decision in going with B&W.
Photo By: Timothy Schirmer
Critique By:
Nauman X (K:194)
10/30/2004 8:40:52 PM
This..is magnificent. I've always been a fan of night photography and this is one of the reasons why. So many great shots, but ..this one sticks out in my head. I know i wont forget this shot.
Thanks for the great shot.
Photo By: Antonio Carlos Trivelin
Critique By:
Nauman X (K:194)
10/30/2004 8:38:21 PM
Very ...VERY nice. I like it.
Needs a bit more contrast..and crop it a little.. Everything else is great..
for example: Look at the following photo.. Something I did to it
Tell me if you think thats a bit better?
Great photo though..amazing..
Photo By: paolo marin
Critique By:
Nauman X (K:194)
10/30/2004 8:20:01 PM
This is truly a spectacular photo. I love the colours. Not much I can say to fix, maybe try recropping it in a different manner? I'm not sure if you even cropped it at all. Great work though, I love it. Nicely done. -Nauman
Photo By: Lou Dina
Critique By:
Nauman X (K:194)
10/26/2004 6:30:24 PM
Yeah, was going to do that originally Jeanette, but went against it. I wanted to show if someone could pick up on it...I made the title a bit more obvious so it would help with the minor 'trick' in the photo.
Thanks for the input. (Will try what you suggested, Jeanette).
Photo By: Nauman X
Critique By:
Nauman X (K:194)
8/7/2004 6:09:04 AM
holy crap
how CLOSE were you?
nice shot i like your photos... apparently nature and sports photography ..is suppose to be really hard... you pull it off well..(the nature ones atleast!)
Photo By: Aidan Flynn
Critique By:
Nauman X (K:194)
8/7/2004 6:04:28 AM
this picture makes me feel sorry for the birthday person..makes me sad for him/her ..no one there.. so sad
Photo By: Ron Browne
Critique By:
Nauman X (K:194)
8/7/2004 6:03:28 AM
when i first saw it..i though it was a strawberry..and i got hungry..and now i want food ...damn you! =P
no no, just kidding...
it's a nice shot... only thing...i don't ilke..how it's centered.. but..thats not really that bad either.. great work!
Photo By: Steve Rosenbach
Critique By:
Nauman X (K:194)
7/30/2004 6:53:00 AM
I REALLY like this shot.. Especially the tone... Very well done.
Photo By: Tim Donnel
Critique By:
Nauman X (K:194)
7/30/2004 6:45:19 AM
Whatever he said... plus, I like the shot in general. The tone and angle its taken with makes it (in my opinion) pretty damn good. Great work!
Photo By: Ryan McMillen
Critique By:
Nauman X (K:194)
7/30/2004 6:35:10 AM
Amazing shot. I like how clouds turned out. Personally, I don't know how to precisely pull that off, so I envy you there. I've looked at your work, and you seem very talented. Great shot and great overall work! I really like your work.
Photo By: Timothy Schirmer
Critique By:
Nauman X (K:194)
7/6/2004 5:59:43 PM
I just finished looking through most of your portfolio. You probably have one of the greatest and most original styles I've ever seen. Excellent work and great vision overall.
Well done on this photo and the rest. Keep them coming. Beautifully captured, and truely inspirational. Well done, indeed.
Photo By: Maleonn
Critique By:
Nauman X (K:194)
5/26/2004 10:47:39 PM
an unbelievably strong portrait shot.. The lighting is amazing... (I tried something like this.... never does work out)
I envy this shot..!
Very well done.
Photo By: Rainer Pawellek
Critique By:
Nauman X (K:194)
5/26/2004 1:00:15 AM
This has a very nice mysterious look to it when you first glance at it. I like it.
(Very well done, in my opinion)
Photo By: Alexey Tikhonov