Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
12/31/2008 8:04:51 PM
anche a te Gennaro tanti tanti auguri anche da parte di questa bimba. Ti auguro un sereno 2009. Cecilia
Photo By: cecilia tovini
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
12/14/2008 5:13:17 PM
Grazie Maurizio del tuo commento. Ho nostalgia di quel posto unico, soprattutto di tutte quelle che sono le isole dei pescatori vicine ai bei resort per turisti. E lì che bisognerebbe passare la settimana di vacanza: sono autentiche nella loro semplicità e tranquillità, veramente al di fuori del mondo. Ciao stai bene Cecilia
Photo By: cecilia tovini
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/21/2008 8:42:55 AM
Sometimes it is very difficult to describe the feeling that a picture gives to us. In this picture the feeling comes also from the work that you do. Very nice. Cecilia
Photo By: fokstrot .
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/21/2008 8:20:16 AM
Really beautifull and sweet. Cecilia
Photo By: Ritchie Diga
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/21/2008 8:19:03 AM
Beautifull lights. And I love the three who is running in the light of the sun. They seem part of another reality, almost a dream. Very very nice Partha. Cecilia
Photo By: Partha Pal
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/8/2008 9:06:20 AM
Sempre splendide le tue foto. Ciao Cecilia P.S. E complimenti.
Photo By: Roberto Carli
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/7/2008 11:25:41 AM
Ooohh !! Finalmente un italiano da commentare. Molto più facile in italiano anche perché quando non sai bene la lingua è difficile rendere esattamente il proprio pensiero. Simpaticissima fotografia. Mi piace il fondo bianco e questa bella ragazza in mezzo a tanti "pecorelli". Peccato per il piccolino smarrito. Ha davvero un'aria mogia. Buona giornata. Cecilia
Photo By: Gianluca Govoni
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/7/2008 11:20:34 AM
Nice picture. good the contrast between the grey scale and the red of the old car. I understand your dream. Cecilia
Photo By: Marta .
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/7/2008 8:38:19 AM
Scusa ti ho scritto in inglese e poi mi sono accorta che sei italianissimo. Sarebbe stato più facile scriverti le mie impressioni. Comunque ripeto, bella foto. Cecilia
Photo By: Rocco T
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/7/2008 8:37:04 AM
I love this picture with the bird on focus and the backside with the man reading out of focus. Nice shot. Cecilia
Photo By: Rocco T
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/7/2008 8:34:07 AM
Really beautifull. Congrats. Cecilia
Photo By: Captain Demu Potleg
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/7/2008 8:30:22 AM
Very nice and sweet portrait. Cecilia
Photo By: Aungsita Chatterjee
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/3/2008 2:38:03 PM
Very nice capture. Also funny. Cecilia
Photo By: Kingshuk Chakravarty
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/3/2008 2:33:05 PM
Perfect! Wonderful! Cecilia
Photo By: Phillip Minnis
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/3/2008 2:30:48 PM
Very nice picture with a so dramatic sky. Cecilia
Photo By: Kralik Dr Jaroslav
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/3/2008 2:24:19 PM
Brrrr !! I do not even know if I feel hot or cold. But the moment is perfect. Cecilia
Photo By: Ian Sweet
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/3/2008 2:21:40 PM
Very nice picture. Cecilia
Photo By: Yamil Saenz
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/3/2008 2:20:43 PM
Nice portrait on a good background. Cecilia
Photo By: Paul Lara
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/3/2008 2:15:59 PM
The dog looks like suspended in the air. What should be an idea of movement looks like something stopper in time. It is a nice effect. Cecilia
Photo By: Bahadır Karatas
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/3/2008 2:12:45 PM
So sweet ! Cecilia
Photo By: Mehul Chimthankar
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/3/2008 2:02:55 PM
colours and light very nice. cecilia
Photo By: Eric Hazard
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/3/2008 10:10:54 AM
Wonderful picture. Cecilia
Photo By: txules .
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/3/2008 10:09:44 AM
I have saved on my desktop. A simple image but very nice. Cecilia
Photo By: Gregoir Hoppenbrouwers
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/3/2008 10:03:02 AM
beautiful portrait and eyes. cecilia
Photo By: esra şenocak
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/3/2008 9:52:54 AM
Grazie della segnalazione Giuliano e bel ritratto. Tutto ok? Baci Cecilia
Photo By: Giuliano Guarnieri
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/3/2008 9:42:09 AM
A mystique autumn. Very nice colours and atmosphere. Cecilia
Photo By: rahim yalcintas
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/3/2008 9:40:34 AM
One thing: i would like to see her expression. I used to do the same, to get pictures of people from the back: there is something that you want to keem secret and mysterious in this. There is something in the people that have to remain only for themselves. We call privacy but is much more than privacy. Have a good day. Cecilia
Photo By: Shehana Ali
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
11/3/2008 9:33:09 AM
Complimenti. Cecilia
Photo By: Maurizio Massetti
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
10/29/2008 7:09:33 AM
Seems to be there. Beautiful colours. Cecilia
Photo By: Osman Ermisler
Critique By:
cecilia tovini (K:29423)
10/29/2008 7:02:50 AM
Your picture is very nice. Beautiful light and design of water. Cecilia
Photo By: carl angus