Critique By:
Kostas Tzanetos (K:22012)
8/3/2004 12:26:14 PM
this is a nice picture and a perfect example of how effective the full frame fisheye can be when used properly! keep up the good work,Yuri ;-) kt
Photo By: Yuri Bonder
Critique By:
Kostas Tzanetos (K:22012)
11/27/2004 1:12:11 AM
welcome to usefilm Ubu  nice composition,lighting and mood for your first submission! the text on the picture looks very fitting,but i'd prefer a bit more sharpness on his head. ;-) Maceo Parker is a great musician,btw
Photo By: Jose Segura
Critique By:
Kostas Tzanetos (K:22012)
11/16/2004 12:11:22 AM
looks like UFO traffic in the sky of Arizona! nicely lighted and well composed shot it is Michael,but your scanner hasn't done it justice - or these spots are REAL UFOS? :-P
now,about your nightshooting project: since your exposures would be long and the quality of your camera questionable i suggest using a slow enough film to get decent quality and low grain - i use 100 or 200ASA fujicolor superia. as for exposure times,i don't have a standard formula for my shots - they usually vary from half a minute to half an hour depending on my mood,the amount of lights in the route and the effect i'm after. start with 2mins@f16 with 100ASA and bracket around it (30secs - 1min - 4mins - 10mins) not to get the 'perfect' shot really but just to experiment with the various effects and check your camera'a performance. reciprocity failure has not been a real issue for me anyway,and software can help where needed. as for the procedure you're planning to follow,it's ok to remove the tape when start driving but i think you should put it over again BEFORE stopping the car or the shot would have parts of 'still life' together with light trails ;-) good luck!
Photo By: Michael Kanemoto
Critique By:
Kostas Tzanetos (K:22012)
6/29/2004 5:17:34 PM
i think it's one of the strongest photographs i've seen recently! starting with a nice idea and complementing it with nice composition and coloring,you've made a beautiful image that tells the story perfectly. my best regards! kostas
Photo By: Maleonn
Critique By:
Kostas Tzanetos (K:22012)
6/10/2004 10:20:22 PM
hello Andrzej, you had a good idea to get down to ground level and shoot this. the angle is interesting,but the composition could be more creative,i think. the out-of-focus flower is distracting for me,and it should have been left out of the frame if not in focus. the picture is also overexposed for my taste. i understand that the specific lens you used imposed limitations on you,but i still think you should have worked more on this. i like the lighting,btw ;-) regards, Kostas
Photo By: Andrzej Szewczyk