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Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
1/17/2005 3:56:35 PM

Hi Matej

He is mid-air, feet about a foot off the ground so yes he fell back to earth very shortly afterward. ;-)
        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
1/16/2005 10:18:58 PM

Hi pradeep

It's the lighting... well and the sword... oh and the makeup too... ;-)

        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
1/5/2005 6:03:19 AM

Yep loving that lighting Johan.
        Photo By: Johan Sorensen  (K:3449)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
1/3/2005 2:24:27 PM

Hi Eric

Yes I often allow motion blur in an attempt to depict the "space between" still moments.
        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
12/31/2004 6:36:12 PM

Nice Shot Johan, and a very happy new year to you too.
        Photo By: Johan Sorensen  (K:3449)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
12/31/2004 6:33:45 PM

A very happy new year to you Frank, and this is lovely, it really caught my eye.

        Photo By: Frank Sala  (K:2643)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
12/23/2004 3:37:12 PM

Go for it Andy, your feel for group work is great and your camera angles are wonderful. Keep at it.
        Photo By: Andy Tasher  (K:126)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
12/22/2004 5:14:23 AM

You know I go through the shots and have the same exact thoughts... I can't show that, it's a bad grip, and in that one she's off balance... ah the agonies of the swordsman confronting the "pose" eh? What looks good sometimes isn't what's accurate. ;-)

        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
12/19/2004 1:54:59 PM

Hi Johan

This was a shoot titled "Men are from Mars" and we took the Edger Rice Burroughs series "John Carter on Mars" as inspiration, using the old pulp paperback covers. This one was a take on the cover for "The Mastermind of Mars" Ace publ.

Earlier (and later) you'll see a take on "John Carter of Mars" from the New English Library 1975 edition.

Hey, you always say look to what's published to find poses. ;-)

        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
12/16/2004 1:30:16 AM

Nice, very clean.
        Photo By: Pawel Stefaniak  (K:28)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
12/5/2004 3:07:03 PM

Lens flare Laurie. I didn't really burn a hole in her neck, and with digital there's no negatives to mess with. ;-)
        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
12/1/2004 12:51:04 AM

Lovely idea, I may do just that. The title is actually the brand of lingerie, I still haven't managed to show a photo with the brand name yet have I? Well never mind.
        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
11/29/2004 11:02:46 PM

Of course you can borrow the idea Jacques, I'd have a hard time finding anything that I've done that hasn't been done by someone before me. I look forward to seeing it.
        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
11/28/2004 3:56:12 AM

Hi Eugenio

There you go, photodynamism in action. There's nothing much new under the sun is there?

Thanks for the reminder, haven't looked into Futurism for quite a while.
        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
11/24/2004 6:08:01 AM

Nice work! I'm really liking these cool, continuous tone shots that have started to appear in the fashion world.
        Photo By: Johan Sorensen  (K:3449)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
11/24/2004 6:01:49 AM

Rolling On the Floor Laughing.
        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
11/19/2004 3:51:22 PM

        Photo By: magdalena krajewska  (K:129)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
11/16/2004 3:47:26 PM

Hi Blaine

Glad to see you've got power!

Click on my name and you'll be taken to the other 15 photos in the set.

Now I don't feel so cold, we haven't had the snow yet.

        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
11/16/2004 3:29:00 PM

Hi Blaine

It's getting cold up here, don't think I'll use the title for the final edit. In fact the working title was moonlight swim. Not keen on that one either.
        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
11/9/2004 9:49:24 PM

Umm what's PS? ;-) Daniel the suit is velvet, you're looking at the shine of the light on the suit not noise or dust.
        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
11/9/2004 2:50:40 PM

You up on the roof of your studio Johan or is this a composite? I admire your restraint in the placement of the Tower. ;-) Another great shot for the book. Great light.

        Photo By: Johan Sorensen  (K:3449)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
11/8/2004 4:13:39 PM

Hi Cheryl

I actually removed a fellow standing back there by the fence and thought about removing the fence itself, but left it in. The short lens gives a larger depth of field here, I wanted some excuse for the eye to wander back into the photo. I sometimes get a bit eye-fatigued with in-your-face subjects in photos.

Thanks for the comment.
        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
11/8/2004 4:10:39 PM

Hi Cheryl

This is as shot, no later placement, I think the combination of saturation and shallow depth of field may have combined to create the effect, that said, there were some branches in front of her face that were removed. Thanks for the comments.

        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
11/8/2004 4:05:40 PM

Hi Alexander

Not snowing yet but it's getting damned cold.

        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
11/8/2004 4:04:44 PM

Heh, hi Micheal, Cristina's in the studio almost more often than the photographers but the mascot is a little toad that lives under a cabinet.

        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
11/8/2004 4:02:10 PM

Hi Jerry

With the lights (2 softboxes) set fairly close to the model it only takes a small sway from one side to the other to double or half the light hitting the body. Kicking that light away from her by a foot would have made a big difference.

        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
11/8/2004 3:58:11 PM

Hi Bjorn

With one light on either side, the amount of light and the contrast depends on where she moves her head. If she moves forward it gets more dramatic, if back, the light evens out.

        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
10/29/2004 10:43:17 PM

Good, I see a new direction here.
        Photo By: Johan Sorensen  (K:3449)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
10/6/2004 7:39:56 PM

Hi Bjorn

The camera was "sort of" on a tripod (at a strange angle with me half in the river and half on the bank). Cristina moved her head a bit on this one, difficult to communicate over the noise and we were working fast since the water was turning her blue.
        Photo By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)

Critique By: Kim Taylor  (K:2816)  
10/6/2004 3:31:34 PM

Goodness, quite a shocking memento mori. It certainly got my attention. Ah I see you're in China which explains the backdrop. I'm off to check out the rest of your portfolio to see what you're up to, in the meantime those who aren't aware of the genre of photography here's a link.
        Photo By: mick ryan  (K:160)

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