Critique By:
Ken McDonald (K:4343)
4/30/2003 1:29:43 AM
Love the unusual angle and control over DOF... Very nice image...
Photo By: Sandy Rudd
Critique By:
Kaj Nielsen (K:15279)
4/29/2003 11:34:05 PM
Great compocition, beautiful light and coloring, beautiful foto. Regards Kaj Nielsen
Photo By: Sandy Rudd
Critique By:
Ingrid Mathews (K:7277)
4/29/2003 6:26:11 PM
I love cats and you did a wonderful job of capturing the 'free' spirit associated with cats. Super job!
Photo By: Sandy Rudd
Critique By:
Fabio Cerati (K:2068)
4/29/2003 5:20:39 PM
Fantastic Capture!!!
Photo By: Sandy Rudd
Critique By:
Ste Mc (K:2021)
4/29/2003 5:08:39 PM
I really like this photo, you've managed to capture the cat in such a playful pose. When I try to take pictures of cats, they normally run away or don't stop moving - making my pictures blury! Excellent work!
Photo By: Sandy Rudd
Critique By:
Jocelyne A (K:1974)
4/29/2003 4:49:54 PM
This is very much an "intimate portrait". I love it! It isn't too often I see a cat rolling around in the grass.
Photo By: Sandy Rudd