Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
1/31/2014 5:48:12 PM
Where on earth did you find this kid? Love the expression and the "pose".
Photo By: The Pilgrim
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
11/4/2010 12:31:20 AM
Nice closeup, but needs more light on the ants. Try using some gold-coloured foil for a mini-reflector, like from a coffee package or candy wrapper, it'll throw some soft light into scenes like this.
Photo By: Celso Innocente
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
11/4/2010 12:24:46 AM
Love the lighting. My only nit is that I'm wanting that top mountain included, not cut off. Did you try a vertical with this scene?
Photo By: Eb Mueller
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
7/24/2010 2:53:36 AM
I like the play of light on shots like this, you can imagine seeing all sorts of things in it.
Photo By: Mark Southcombe
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
1/3/2010 10:35:33 PM
Evokes cold and desolation...great sense of mood. Love the perspective.
Photo By: James Crotty
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
1/3/2010 10:19:31 PM
Now you're making me hungry, nice shot of one of my favourite foods.
Photo By: Carlos maidana
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
1/3/2010 10:14:45 PM
Cute...but those sharp puppy claws can't have been good for the paint job! LOL!
Photo By: Carlos maidana
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
1/3/2010 10:11:44 PM
Lovely colours, nice focus, I'm only wishing there were a tad extra space on the left where that trailing fin is touching the frame.
Photo By: Ricardo Alonso
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
11/15/2009 1:09:42 AM
Wonderful lighting, the shadows and light give this one a lot of depth, on a dreary day this would probably come out flat. Great timing. The one thing that bothers me is the sign at the top of the arch, I either want more of it included or have it cropped out.
Photo By: Kevin Straker
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
11/15/2009 1:04:23 AM
This is neat. Makes you really look around in it to try to figure out all the dimensions and depths.
Photo By: luis pereira
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
11/15/2009 12:59:17 AM
I love this. I'm only wishing that there were a touch more depth of field to bring the insect's abdomen into focus. I'm also wanting to crop a bit off the top.
Photo By: Barbara Socor
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
10/24/2009 3:23:01 AM
Love the colours, shapes and textures in this one. Neat place to wander around in, isn't it!
Photo By: C.A. Mikulice
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
7/23/2009 1:50:49 PM
LOL! Love it. I just wish there were a bit more depth of field to give sharp focus to all of them.
Photo By: Selda Sevinc
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
7/17/2009 2:10:35 PM
Ah, lovely cornflowers! My mother often spoke of these, she was from Austria. I tried to grow some but had no luck with them.
I would be tempted to crop the top horizon off this image, and just focus in on the wheat and flowers.
Photo By: Uwe H.
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
7/16/2009 2:27:46 AM
Nice sharp focus, I just wish there were a tad more space above that hoof that touches the top frame. Very nice.
Photo By: Vladimir Meshkov
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
7/6/2009 2:44:36 AM
Spooky. Neat shot.
Photo By: Vijay Kurhade
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
7/6/2009 2:42:51 AM
Nice timing on the shot, not often you get to see something like this!
Photo By: Dave Brown
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
7/5/2009 5:46:38 PM
Nice sharp focus on the bee and rich colour, the only nitpik is that little bit of white at the top and the out of focus petal to the left which is a bit distracting. Otherwise, beautiful shot of the bee.
Photo By: Yasar GULSEREN
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
6/22/2009 1:03:35 AM
No better place to be, than paddling along on a quiet Ontario lake, is there! Love the colours.
Photo By: J.J. Guy Longtin
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
6/22/2009 1:00:19 AM
Beautiful scenic, I love the repetitive forms and the perspective.
Photo By: Randy Libner
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
6/17/2009 1:08:00 AM
I like the contrasts and textures, I like the sense of depth and dramatic clouds, makes me want to hike down that valley and see what's around the corner.
Photo By: Ujjal Dey
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
6/13/2009 12:31:58 PM
Two grouches sharing a perch. I love it, great humour shot.
Photo By: Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
6/12/2009 2:18:02 PM
Sharp focus, good lighting, lovely colours, clean background, makes for a really nice floral. I would have been tempted to pull that top bloom out of the way, this can be done gently with some small elastic bands and clothespins or just a small thread. Do you know what kind of flower this is?
Photo By: Theron Williams Sr
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
6/11/2009 10:08:31 PM
So...didja pet the pretty kitty? hehehe... Lovely portrait, nice lighting. And yeah...he's giving you "the look" alright. I've been close to these big cats in zoos, and when they fix you with that stare, you feel the chill run down your back, and you're thankful for those thick steel bars between you and the beast. You've caught that look so well in this one.
Photo By: Martin Mora
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
6/11/2009 2:40:05 PM
Good sharp focus, nice catch of the action.
Photo By: Keith Saint
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
6/10/2009 4:25:06 AM
Ooooh, I lived in southern Ohio for a few years, I remember clouds like this looming up on the horizon...right before the rain and hail. Nice and sharp, nice clean whites.
Photo By: Robert Kilgore
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
6/9/2009 2:19:56 PM
Pleasant view, the use of the sepia really brings out the details in this one.
Photo By: Fabrizio Barbanti
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
6/9/2009 3:16:08 AM
Yes, very dramatic, great lighting, you can feel the clouds boiling and rolling. Wonderful scenic shot.
Photo By: awad alshamlani
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
6/9/2009 3:12:04 AM
Just beautiful, great timing on this. I love the way you captured the sun's rays, and the deep green on the rocks in the foreground.
Photo By: Douglas Ritchie
Critique By:
Chelsea Burke (K:5750)
6/8/2009 3:01:42 AM
LOL! Well, now that I've found out how to do the long exposures with my camera...the storms have become scarce! We used to have storms that raged all night, streaks of lightning over the lake every few minutes, some from one end of the horizon to the other...but now that I WANT them, we rarely get them. Oh well, summer's here, and my camera's ready...here's hoping!
Photo By: Chelsea Burke