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Critique By: Scott McFadden  (K:5663)  
4/3/2003 4:31:19 AM

Grapes are an excellent subject to practise on.
They stay still dont complain and are an excellent snack between piccys
The sharpen filter as most of us should know is best used last after resizing and every thing else.
However there are more ways to sharpen then that and Im sure you will be able to find info on that in a book /ie. unsharpmask.
while youre at it look into contrast masking in layers.
the lighting is looking a little flat and a quick change of the levels (providing you have photoshop) will alter this quite a bit.
The concrete structure on the lower right could be removed while youre at it.
Last but by no means least if you shoot in early morning or evening the colour of the image will really come to life.
hope this has helped some
        Photo By: Katherine Hagen  (K:2359)

Critique By: Katherine Hagen  (K:2359)  
4/2/2003 4:09:53 PM

When I reduced the size of this to qualify for upload I lost some of the sharpness and clarity. Can someone tell me how to avoid that? Thanks.
        Photo By: Katherine Hagen  (K:2359)

Critique By: Marco Brivio  (K:14339)  
4/2/2003 11:16:54 AM

Great creative idea
        Photo By: Katherine Hagen  (K:2359)

Critique By: X Y  (K:860)  
4/1/2003 3:08:02 PM

Very nice composition. I also like how color of the shirt complements the blue wall.
        Photo By: Katherine Hagen  (K:2359)

Critique By: Don Martel  (K:551)  
4/1/2003 2:31:21 PM

nice graphic shot .. lovely composition .. but I want to see that model on the edge for some reason .. but it is very well done as is
        Photo By: Katherine Hagen  (K:2359)

Critique By: Jorge Jacinto  (K:4372)  
4/1/2003 2:26:13 PM

Very good pic and colors !!!
        Photo By: Katherine Hagen  (K:2359)

Critique By: Katherine Hagen  (K:2359)  
4/1/2003 9:20:45 AM

Thanks everyone. This was my first post and has been gratifying because people have written. I appreciate it especially since I have seen some of your work. Roland, this was a Sunday morning with the "girls" and we drove by this Best Buy store and voila....big blue wall. How could I resist? We went back to the house and got hats and jackets and here is one of several I took that morning. Was a hoot. Should have seen all the people watching while they waited for the store to open. You'd think we were from Glamour or something. teehee.
        Photo By: Katherine Hagen  (K:2359)

Critique By: Roland Le Gall  (K:7018)  
4/1/2003 8:17:49 AM

Excellent....Almost a graphic one...Like a painting, I would say Hooper-like...:-) Is the sky the real sky..? And is it the sky, or a blue wall...? :-)
        Photo By: Katherine Hagen  (K:2359)

Critique By: Karen Johnson  (K:2951)  
3/31/2003 5:17:26 PM

A lovely colourful image Katherine, the visual aspect is very strong.
        Photo By: Katherine Hagen  (K:2359)

Critique By: Hayri CALISKAN  (K:16195)  
3/31/2003 2:02:02 PM

Great composition.Very well done.
        Photo By: Katherine Hagen  (K:2359)

Critique By: Cary Shaffer  (K:9269)  
3/31/2003 10:17:44 AM

I love it Katherine! It captured your idea perfectly, great color and exposure.
        Photo By: Katherine Hagen  (K:2359)

Critique By: Clara Showalter  (K:663)  
3/31/2003 8:48:41 AM

I like the concept. My biggest problem is the image feels washed out. It looks like you have very harsh sunlight on the image. For me that dampens the overall effect. But in your goal to highlight shapes and figures you have done a great job.
        Photo By: Katherine Hagen  (K:2359)

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