Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
5/22/2006 6:34:59 PM
Thank you Jose!
Photo By: Louise Vessey
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
5/22/2006 1:57:27 PM
Love this. You have an excellent eye and have seen and composed this minimalistic image well!
Photo By: Marian Man
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
5/22/2006 1:56:35 PM
Funny! You have a great sense of humour! Light and crop are nice too.
Photo By: Art A
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
5/22/2006 12:36:20 PM
Nicely captured. I like her pose and her expression. I might have chosen a simpler background as the bright brass in the fireplace detracts a little. As it is, you could add a little vignette to help keep her as the focal point of this image.
Photo By: Dan Lightner
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
5/22/2006 12:28:48 PM
Nicely captured expressions with the natural light but this image could use some brightening up.
Photo By: Larry Fosse
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
5/21/2006 5:40:35 PM
Wonderful capture!! Mirrors are great fun! I would probably crop some of the dark head as it doesn't really add to the story or composition. Might lend itself nicely to a square format. Great stuff Jennifer and congrats on POD!!
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
5/2/2006 7:10:35 PM
Yes, I'm actually British but live in Canada now and rembmer the term 'dummie'!!
Photo By: Louise Vessey
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
5/2/2006 6:47:58 PM
wow thanks Rick! Of course we were busy trying to get him to take the soother out of his mouth but I think this adds to his personality and this age in his life!
Photo By: Louise Vessey
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
5/2/2006 12:22:21 PM
This is a wonderful capture. Great personality and black and white tones.
Photo By: josep alsina
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
5/1/2006 11:50:25 AM
Fantastic capture Rui! Love how you are able to capture the personalities and energy of people. Excellent!!
Photo By: Rui Palha
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
4/30/2006 8:10:45 PM
Thanks so much Luke! I appreciate those kind comments. I haven't posted in a while.
Photo By: Louise Vessey
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
4/30/2006 8:10:12 PM
This is the same little baby girl actually. Thanks for the comments Kambiz but it would be nice if you were more specific in how I can improve my lighting, thanks.
Photo By: Louise Vessey
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
4/30/2006 11:41:34 AM
What a sweet face!! He looks like a great kid. I'm sure the Mom will be thrilled!!
Photo By: Tracey Main
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
4/30/2006 11:39:43 AM
You have a great eye to compose something so graphic and abstract like this from a building! Love the simplicity of the three distinct tones and the strong thirds composition.
Photo By: Tony Hunter
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
4/30/2006 11:12:40 AM
Absolutely fantastic!!! Wouldn't change a thing!
Photo By: khalid almasoud
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
4/30/2006 11:11:03 AM
Lovely portrait. I really like the sepia and the looking away thing!
Photo By: Tracey Main
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
4/30/2006 11:07:37 AM
Very nice light and expressions. A shame the little fella in the front is wearing such a bright and patterned shirt. If he were also in a dark solid like his siblings it would be more unified. A vignette around this would be a nice touch too.
Photo By: Tracey Main
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
4/30/2006 11:05:55 AM
Wonderful black and white composition!!
Photo By: Pieter Tieghem
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
4/29/2006 10:54:24 PM
Incredibly artistic. Love the muted tones and overall feeling. Positioning of the canoe is perfect! Excellent!
Photo By: ictenbey / Emrah ICTEN
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
4/7/2006 7:55:17 PM
I love the emotion and their clothes. Not keen on the grey background though...needs something else.
Photo By: Jennifer Jones
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
4/2/2006 1:29:31 PM
My honest opinion...I don't like how saturated the colours are here. They don't look natural. I find the composition is not well balanced and has no real focal point. Might have been better to not include the right floral in the forground. I think it just gets in the way of the background. Have fun and keep shooting!!
Photo By: Salvador Marķa Lozada
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
3/26/2006 11:35:14 PM
wow, I love the crunchy contrast, intense light, and of course those shadows! Great image!
Photo By: Rachel Leah
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
3/25/2006 12:51:07 AM
This is beautiful. Great choice to go vertical. I might be tempted to crop the top part off.
Photo By: N.R. Miller
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
3/22/2006 7:27:37 PM
Super sweet...they all have such great expressions! What is your secret??
Photo By: Dawn Stephens
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
3/22/2006 7:26:50 PM
Interesting effect. Has a great dreamlike quality. I can see this as a poster or CD cover.
Photo By: Christopher Jamison
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
3/22/2006 7:25:42 PM
Lovely soft warm light and wow what an expression!!
Photo By: Howie Mudge
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
3/21/2006 1:58:29 AM
Breathtaking image. LOVE the graphic nature and the light is phenominal. Diagonal composition is solid and pleasing. Excellent work!
Photo By: Ms. Mel Brackstone
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
3/20/2006 11:54:04 AM
The lighting, angle, mood and black and white tones are terrific. Only thing that bothers me is that bright catchlight in her left eye which seems a bit unnatural with how dark the shadow is on that side. You might want to tone it down, or maybe add a catch light to the other eye. Great image with lots of potential.
Photo By: AAT SA
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
3/20/2006 11:51:45 AM
Lighting was a big soft box and a reflector. Thanks for the comments.
Photo By: Louise Vessey
Critique By:
Louise Vessey (K:13862)
3/19/2006 6:07:58 PM
thanks...I thought it was a sweet little moment.
Photo By: Louise Vessey