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Critiques From Lilywhite Lilith

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Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
10/20/2017 5:26:42 AM

gerade lasse ich mir dein bild mit einer wunderbaren musik untermalen ["windharp 01" eines gewissen fabio keiner].
schneckenhaeuser, besonders verlassene, finde ich aeusserst faszinierend, obwohl mich ihr anblick jedesmal zutiefst melancholisch stimmt.
schoen, deine windsongs entdeckt zu haben
liebe gruesse von lilith
        Photo By: Fabio Keiner  (K:81109)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
8/19/2017 4:19:45 AM

great work!
        Photo By: Tiberio Taverni  (K:168)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
8/18/2017 9:11:35 AM

there are so many photographic gems in your portfolio. my compliments, i'm deeply impressed.
kind regards from lilith
        Photo By: Hassan **  (K:119)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
8/18/2017 9:07:35 AM

agree with fabio and sylvia
        Photo By: Hassan **  (K:119)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
8/18/2017 9:03:42 AM

he talks to the little bird
        Photo By: Hassan **  (K:119)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
8/18/2017 8:55:24 AM

your b&w landscapes are breathtaking
        Photo By: Hassan **  (K:119)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
8/18/2017 6:33:01 AM

very nice b&w, i love the high contrast!
        Photo By: Tony Smallman  (K:23858) Donor

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
8/18/2017 6:30:24 AM

excellent work!
        Photo By: Tony Smallman  (K:23858) Donor

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
8/18/2017 3:20:51 AM

auf solche waende schaue ich gerne!
        Photo By: Fabio Keiner  (K:81109)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
8/18/2017 3:17:04 AM

was fuer ein angenehmer kontrast zu heutigen kuechen mit ihrem ueberbordenden inventar! uebersichtlich und ungemein aesthetisch. und mit sicherheit frei von "smarten" geraetschaften. also bei laura wuerde ich jederzeit gerne ein fruehstueck einnehmen. ruehrei mit frischen kraeutern aus dem vorgelagerten kraeutergarten und mitgebrachter kaffee aus der thermoskanne geht bestimmt noch...
        Photo By: Sylvia H.  (K:22195)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
7/27/2017 12:09:46 PM

ziemlich raetselhaftes ersuchen. und ob es sich nun um ergebnisse einer zuwidergehandelten warnung oder aber einer folgegeleisteten aufforderung handelt: die hinerlassenen ablegungen sind sehr huebsch anzuschauen!
        Photo By: Sylvia H.  (K:22195)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
7/27/2017 11:29:41 AM

also ich sehe da kleine engel-portraits an der wand haengen
        Photo By: Fabio Keiner  (K:81109)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
7/27/2017 11:09:41 AM

ein wunderschoenes, poetisches werk!
        Photo By: Fabio Keiner  (K:81109)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
3/25/2016 1:11:21 PM

lieber fabio,
deinen gelegten spuren gehe ich gerne nach. durch dich habe ich schon einiges an interessanter musik fuer mich entdeckt. bin immer auf der suche nach "unerhoertem", jenseits des bis zum ueberdruss abgenudelten mainstreams. deine musikalischen tipps sind also immer hoechst willkommen!
        Photo By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
3/25/2016 4:27:20 AM

p.s. die farbversion mag ich noch lieber, nicht zuletzt wegen des gruens :-)
        Photo By: Sylvia H.  (K:22195)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
3/25/2016 2:18:52 AM

wunderbare symbolik. sehr beruehrend...
        Photo By: Sylvia H.  (K:22195)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
3/4/2016 1:10:20 PM

sehr fein!
        Photo By: Sylvia H.  (K:22195)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
3/4/2016 1:07:03 PM

schliesse mich sylvia an. ganz wunderbar...
        Photo By: Fabio Keiner  (K:81109)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
10/31/2015 8:21:43 AM

i try to imagine that i am this young boy. that makes me very sad. we are smart poeple of the 21. century, with smartphones and spacecrafts we send to pluto and beyond, and drones we send to people to kill them...
what a sad world without hope...
        Photo By: Saad Salem  (K:89003) Donor

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
10/31/2015 7:21:59 AM

wonderful sky, great mood!
        Photo By: Radovan Magdalenic  (K:32881)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
10/29/2015 6:09:25 AM

is it real? is it rael? whatever...
excellentissimo :-)

        Photo By: Fabio Keiner  (K:81109)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
10/29/2015 5:41:40 AM

        Photo By: Fabio Keiner  (K:81109)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
10/29/2015 5:37:01 AM

fine structures and colors. "v"-ery erotic :-)
        Photo By: Sylvia H.  (K:22195)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
8/31/2014 2:32:37 AM


In Europe and America there's a growing feeling of hysteria
Conditioned to respond to all the threats
In the rhetorical speeches of the Soviets
Mister Krushchev said, 'We will bury you'
I don't subscribe to this point of view
It'd be such an ignorant thing to do
If the Russians love their children too

How can I save my little boy
From Oppenheimer's deadly toy?
There is no monopoly on common sense
On either side of the political fence
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too

There is no historical precedent to put
Words in the mouth of the president
There's no such thing as a winnable war
It's a lie we don't believe anymore
Mister Reagan says 'We will protect you'
I don't subscribe to this point of view
Believe me when I say to you
I hope the Russians love their children too
We share the same biology
Regardless of ideology
What might save us, me and you
Is if the Russians love their children too"

Text by Sting, 1985

[and you can replace "reagan" by the more horrible "obama"]
        Photo By: The Pilgrim  (K:65007) Donor

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
8/31/2014 2:11:02 AM

photo? sorry, i can' see a photo.
but i see and read] a message. a horrible message.
        Photo By: The Pilgrim  (K:65007) Donor

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
8/30/2014 4:46:11 PM

absolutely horrible. each time i see this flag...
guess what?
yes, exactly this.
        Photo By: The Pilgrim  (K:65007) Donor

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
8/30/2014 2:10:24 AM

mag es sehr. liebe gruesse
        Photo By: Sylvia H.  (K:22195)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
8/24/2014 12:26:55 PM

mags ganz besonders gerne
        Photo By: Sylvia H.  (K:22195)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
6/1/2014 11:28:42 AM

        Photo By: Fabio Keiner  (K:81109)

Critique By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)  
5/12/2014 7:12:58 AM

dear josé, i'm sorry for this. later i will try to upload it again. kind regards from lilith
        Photo By: Lilywhite Lilith  (K:1809)

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