Photograph By John Bohner
John B.
Photograph By Daniel Guerin
Daniel G.
Photograph By The Pilgrim
The P.
Photograph By Jill Bartlett
Jill B.
Photograph By The Pilgrim
The P.
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Paul H.
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Melinda T. M.
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Nigel W.
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Critiques From john longo


Critique By: john longo  (K:0)  
2/16/2003 8:36:33 PM

this is the kid that took the photo. i have read everyones "two cents" and thought i would give mine. the reason i put this photo on here was because i liked it and thought i would share it with other people to see,and thought people would rate it on the picture, but it turned in to one big argument about tax payers and what we do when there arn't any skateparks, but to be honest even if there was one around here i would still ride or "vandalize public property" you are probably thinking this "kid is some punk vandal" wich ya if i were in you position(a stuck up prick) i would too. you don't really see were im coming from at all, riding my bike has given me alot and its what i love to do so if i have to leave a few marks on a block of cement i could care less, sure unfortunate but im not going to stop doing what i love to please someone eles. instead of thinking of "us kids" as some "young messed up vandels" how about kids doing what we love to do, but have no were to do it, even tho we all have differnt opinions. there are worse things we could be doing, and when you think about it its not really that big of deal a few kids riding there bikes is it???
i tried to "take the high road"(i guess lol) i hope everyone eles does to.....
        Photo By: john longo  (K:0)


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