Critique By:
Charles Shupe (K:202)
2/1/2003 12:09:41 AM
Red and purple are two difficult colors for film, especially with a vs type chrome. I think the red might have been lost in the softening. Sure would like to see the original beacause it's a nice composition.
Photo By: dave jones
Critique By:
Charles Shupe (K:202)
2/1/2003 12:06:21 AM
Nice choice of percpective - down low. Having just received a lab puppy in my family, your foreground subject brought a smile to my face. For me, that's one of the great joys in photography. Thanks.
Photo By: Ian T
Critique By:
Charles Shupe (K:202)
1/31/2003 11:44:43 PM
Really like the cropping - enhances the contrast between the track and red bike/suit. The wheel is blurred, so obviously he's not stationary. The road is not blurred, so I don't think you panned. Did you prefocus on the spot on the track? Nice capture.
Photo By: Danie van Jaarsveld
Critique By:
Charles Shupe (K:202)
1/31/2003 11:44:17 PM
Really like the cropping - enhances the contrast between the track and red bike/suit. The wheel is blurred, so obviously he's not stationary. The road is not blurred, so I don't think you panned. Did you prefocus on the spot on the track? Nice capture.
Photo By: Danie van Jaarsveld