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Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/16/2003 8:05:34 PM

Interesting perspective for this photo. It is different from the other photos we usually see on here....which is not a bad thing.
        Photo By: Aaron Charlton Smith  (K:625)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/16/2003 8:02:31 PM

Jenny is so cute! Love the shots of her as always.
        Photo By: Sarah Needham  (K:2482)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/16/2003 7:42:32 PM

Hi, not to be rude but I would thought I would mention that this a photo that paints a photo of something that happened and I actually think it is a kind of cool photo. I don't think that it is a good thing to do, but may I remind people that this is a photo critique site, not a social commentary site -- well, I guess it could be that too and I guess maybe this photo served its purpose -- it stirred up some emotions.
        Photo By: john longo  (K:0)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/16/2003 4:30:07 PM

Definitely a nice moment to capture -- well, not nice, but definitely a telling moment for sure. A photo with a lot of meaning.
        Photo By: Gonçalo Lobo Pinheiro  (K:105)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/16/2003 4:18:43 PM

A very uncool move to the person who rated this photo so low. There was no reason for that. I love the way the photo curves and the focus of the one guy in front and the other one in back. It is cool you got these guys to pose for you. Was it for a album cover or something? If so then it is a good shot and if not it is still a good shot. I rated it a (7), but should have hit an 8 or 9 now that I look at it again. I think it is a nicely composed and sharp studio shot. Studio lighting would probably help brighten the scene a little, but hey, it might also might make it look really fake.
Nice shot and please ignore the ratings on this one. Someone was really misguided, at least in my opinion, especially not to leave some kind of comment.
        Photo By: Will Thorne  (K:75)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/14/2003 5:48:40 PM

I can't say the fact that her head is kind of close to the top of the frame really bothers me that much. The lighting is very good and her expression is intriguing.
        Photo By: Dan Scenna  (K:1661)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/14/2003 5:41:02 PM

What a cool view of this ... bumble bee moth? or bumble bee and moth. It is such an interesting photograph and I like how the flowers are somewhat faded out. HOw close did you have to get to get this shot, I wonder.
        Photo By: Steve Pierce  (K:50)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/14/2003 1:52:47 PM

I like the feel of the shot, but wish her hands were away from her face so we could see it. It is a crisp and sharp shot, though. Still, I would like to see the "angel's" face.
        Photo By: Aaron Charlton Smith  (K:625)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 7:14:02 PM

This seems a little fuzzy to me -- maybe the scanner? Despite that I like the subject -- though I do wonder if a closer shot might have been better for the subject. Still an interesting subject to shoot.
        Photo By: Anindya Maity  (K:7880)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 6:24:47 PM

You know, looking at this photo again, the lady doesn't really look funny, but almost like a ghost. hmmmm
        Photo By: jan martin petersen  (K:356)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 6:21:36 PM

LOL! What a great photo! A great moment to capture! 16 pounds?! Yikes! But still a beauty and what a couple of fangs there!@
        Photo By: Rebecca DeWitt  (K:126)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 6:19:33 PM

I guess it gets old to say -- wonderful, wonderful, wonderful, but wonderful Wallace. Love looking and learning from your photos. Wish that someday I might be this good.
        Photo By: Wallace Rollins  (K:149)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 5:59:22 PM

I like the way you cropped the photo. It is an improvement over the snapshot. It is hard when you just start to take photography seriously and then are not sure what others are going to think -- I know that, but as long as you think it is good and you like the photo, that is what really matters. of course it always helps when others like it too and I do like it as well. What did your wife think though? :-)
        Photo By: Paul Baarn  (K:78)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 5:30:51 PM

Very nice feel to this photo. Although I am wondering what is with the lady outside the window LOL :-) She looks so funny like she wants to get in and have some of that tea. I really like the lighting to this photo. THis reminds me of a local restaurant/hotel around here.
        Photo By: jan martin petersen  (K:356)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 4:32:35 PM

Now I see what you mean about wanting it to blur. It is still a cool shot and I really like the angle. That slightly crooked angle there. I think I'll print out your response so I can take it in more and learn from what you described. Thanks for that. I agree on the ratings, can't learn anything if they don't tell you anything, so it is nice when people do comment.
        Photo By: Mark Scheuern  (K:1428)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 2:39:02 PM

I don't think this is a bad shot, but a rather good one. I like it and how you captured Lance bicycling past.
        Photo By: Lisa Brainard  (K:743)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 2:37:15 PM

This photo is gorgeous! I am definitely putting it in one of my favorites.
        Photo By: Lisa Brainard  (K:743)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 2:35:43 PM

Ah here you are -- my dad said there was a photographer on her who takes photos for newspaper, etc. much like me. This is a very nice shot. Like the old fashioned feeling (if there is such a feeling!:-) that the photo conveys. Nice lighting too.
        Photo By: Lisa Brainard  (K:743)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 2:32:21 PM

yes, it is frusterating when people rate and don't comment. I think maybe you are like me, I like to learn how to improve and with a low rating and no comment, I simply feel like I have been "slammed" and not given advice. I take it too personally and am too anxious to learn sometimes. You, however, look like you have already learned alot, based on your photos. This one is very good. I wonder if a faster shutter speed could help to capture the car in a more sharper image? But I know very little (right now) about all of this and am continuing to learn (which I have a lot to learn!)
        Photo By: Mark Scheuern  (K:1428)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 1:27:32 PM

Yes, I think I understand, but I will need to read what you said again to understand it completely as I am just starting to learn some of the more technical parts of photography. You and others on the site are really helping me with this, even by just looking at your great photos. Thanks!
        Photo By: Kevin Salter  (K:649)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 1:16:32 PM

Really cool photograph. The composition is perfect, IMHO, and the lighting is fantastic for the style.

I hate to be a doltz, but what does it mean after your shutter speed when you say Film rated at 400?
        Photo By: Kevin Salter  (K:649)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 1:14:18 PM

Really neat photo. The texture is very good and I love how the shoe is placed. ON the thumbnail the photo didn't really look interesting, but up close it looks kind of cool. I also like the use of negative space and the small amount of sky and ocean that is in view.
        Photo By: João Daniel Magalhães  (K:62)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 1:03:31 PM

In addition, I did not give this its first low rating. Whoever that was chose not to comment.
        Photo By: Paul Baarn  (K:78)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 1:02:39 PM

I kind of like the shot, though it might be better if she was looking toward the camera. It is not always easy to get those shots, though. How much did you crop the photo? I wonder if a little background might add to it. Not bad, though. THe lighting seems a little muted as well, but maybe it was darkened in photoshop? Not a bad portrait, really...
        Photo By: Paul Baarn  (K:78)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 11:20:24 AM

How did you get this? The way the sun is hitting the two -- the young boy and the older man. Did you lighten that in photoshop? I guess you said you didn't -- which means it is just a perfect timing shot. Love it. Hope to learn how to capture such shots.
        Photo By: Ken Alexander  (K:3905)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/7/2003 11:10:58 AM

I just love the expression of the bride in this photo. To me the burnt out veil is not a big deal, but I know what you mean about when things look different on the scanned version than the print. This is a great photo and a great moment to grab.
        Photo By: Lynn Moore  (K:1059)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/6/2003 2:02:38 PM

I really like the way the eye travels down the path past the subject, yet doesn't miss the subject on the way down. :-) Nice composition.
        Photo By: Anindya Maity  (K:7880)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/6/2003 10:01:10 AM

This lady reminds me of a lady I know and would love to get some shots of. Thanks for sharing this photograph. Would love to know more about the aperature, etc that you used. I think that is probably what helped decrease what could have been distracting backlighting, but I am not sure. ALmost wish we could see all of her head, but I don't think that really takes away from the photo at all.
        Photo By: paul durrant  (K:1047)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/6/2003 9:58:46 AM

I really like this photo. The expression on the boys face is mysterious and you want to know what he is thinking. The lighting is very cool and I like the slightly washed out look of it. The composition is really interesting. Thanks for sharing such a neat photo.
        Photo By: Fahredin Spahija  (K:98)

Critique By: Lisa Howeler  (K:3706)  
2/6/2003 8:47:18 AM

I love the closeness this photograph conveys not only because it is shot at a close range, but becuase of the moment it captures. The lighting is very nice as well. I'd really l ike to know the aperature on this.
        Photo By: Dawn Chadwick  (K:347)

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