Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/27/2003 9:52:54 AM
Love the way this photo is framed. Very good idea and a different composition.
Photo By: j ruz
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/27/2003 9:48:10 AM
Gorgeous photo. I love the way the lady is looking off to the side and the aperture used here. Also, beautiful coloring and lighting. Love the action shot as well.
Photo By: Ian T
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/26/2003 7:14:15 PM
It might not be perfect to some in terms of photography, but I think it is beautiful and I like that you tell us the settings you use Wallace. She's a beautiful subject and I really like the lighting. That is just a gut reaction, though, and not an analyzation. Don't feel like doing that since I am not qualified to critique your beautiful work.
Photo By: Wallace Rollins
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/26/2003 7:06:06 PM
Beautiful lighting and background. It really fits with the photo. Nicely done and I don't think the lighting is harsh at all.
Photo By: Joe Smith
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/26/2003 7:02:44 PM
I promised I would keep my mouth shut (or my fingers shut down) and not comment so much on photos, but I can't help it! I like this one. I actually thought of doing something like this, but with Pa cornfields that are now covered in snow. Love the pattern here. Really nice eye, I think.
Photo By: j ruz
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/26/2003 5:33:14 PM
Cool name, cool photo. Cool. :-) wouldn't mind seeing a larger version of this so we could all get the full affect, but I still really like this photo. Love how the ground bends -- is that a hill or what? The mist rising up is just awesome. Of course, I'm not a professional photographer --only wish I could be, but I still like this photo.
Photo By: Sreenivas Talasila
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/26/2003 5:27:21 PM
John: I love the angle of this photo. Really nice lighting as well. Must have been a beautiful sunny day. Do you remember the aperature used here? Maybe it doesn't really matter -- it is still an awesome shot.
Photo By: John Charlton
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/26/2003 4:12:17 PM
Oops, I meant to add more -- I meant to add that what I like about this photo is the close-up on the tatoo and the person in the background grinning away. Just a neat shot in my opinion (unprofessional opinion I might add) Still might be worth something though, my opinion that is :-)
Photo By: Fahredin Spahija
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/26/2003 4:10:29 PM
Not sure about that low rating there. I think this shot is very nice -- even though the inside frame is a little odd.
Photo By: Fahredin Spahija
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/26/2003 11:34:35 AM
I love the way the light comes down on the little lamb and the way the hand is reaching out. This is such a nice photo and nice composition.
Photo By: Ian T
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/26/2003 11:26:05 AM
Cary: It is in the way it is saved that makes it larger. If you make it about 32 picas (I think that is like 5 something inches) and 100 resolution or so, it will come in larger. At the same time you need to watch the size and make sure it is not larger than 600 pixels (I think it is called. It looks like 533 x 600 for example on your properties on the computer.) or the website will not accept it. The photo is very nice, by the way -- very cool colors and composition!
Photo By: Cary Shaffer
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/25/2003 6:30:08 PM
Very cool photo! Was it touched up in Photoshop or a photo program at all? I wish we could see both of Jesus' arms here, I think it might add to the photo, yet at the same time this photo is very cool the way it is. Really love the angle of it -- the way we are looking up -- as if toward heaven. Thanks for sharing this photo -- I kind of needed something like this right now...
Photo By: Tudy Flanburg
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/25/2003 3:06:09 PM
Lovely shot -- love the closeness of it. The eyes are so amazing here. Really nice (really not an original critique here either, but well...it is almost too good for words!)
Photo By: Bulent Ahiskal
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/25/2003 2:39:13 PM
Love this shot. I take a lot of photos of my cat myself. Love the way he is posing.
Photo By: Nikki-ann
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/25/2003 2:34:56 PM
Nice shot Scott. Really like the light from the left there and the way the young boy is looking down -- such a classic shot of youth in my humble, unprofessional opinion.
Photo By: Joe Smith
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/25/2003 1:50:39 PM
I also agree that the ratings are too low on this one, although there is something about this photo that is not as engaging as your other photos. What I really like is her intense look. What I don't like for some reason is the fact her head is cut off and the softness of the photo. Usually I like this in your photos. I don't know...something about it isn't right. At the same time it does not deserve to be rated so low. It is a nice photo -- maybe just not the best you've done.
Photo By: Verna Absolutestockphoto
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/25/2003 1:47:20 PM
Congratulations Shawn, but I agree that you looking at her would have been good and cropping out the jeans, although they do add a natural feel to it all. Nice shot nonetheless. Did you take some photos with just her too? Those would be cool to see and have for yourself as well. Hope you share some baby photos! :-)
Photo By: shawn co
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/25/2003 1:29:09 PM
Ray: I agree with Darrin -- we can see the love in her eyes for you -- what an amazing and sweet capture. And she is very beautiful. I think a different background would be something good to try in the future -- not that this one doesn't work. The background here matches the beautiful tone of her skin and her eyes, but contrast would also be interesting. Bet she just loves being a model for you (ha, ha). My husband is just about sick of it, but I've got a long way to go on learning how to do portraits, so he had better get used to it! :-)
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/24/2003 7:28:28 PM
Robert: Your comment makes no sense .....
Photo By: dave jones
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/24/2003 5:05:45 PM
Gorgeous subject and beautiful photo. I really love the closeness of the photo and the way she is staring out into space. You really have some cool shots in your portfolio that I think should get some more attention.
Photo By: Kevin Witty
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/24/2003 5:03:32 PM
Jake, Real cute moment to capture. I like her expression and the classic kid moment captured. The doll house in the background is a great addition as well. She would be a cutie for a couple close up shots if you haven't done so already.
Photo By: Jake Sieg
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/24/2003 2:54:43 PM
Dave: I don't think most of the people on this site realize what real life is. They seem to think everything should be perfect as if a person has set up every shot and put everything in a studio. Yes, the log may be distracting, but holy crap -- what are you going to do? Cut it down like you said? The log is there, deal with it people and this is a great shot nonetheless. The clarity, the sharpness is nice.
Instead of cutting the tree down -- what about moving a little to the left or right to get a different angle. Maybe you could have even used the log as a type of frame. Who knows....but don't listen to all that hype about cropping this out and cloning this out. Reality is beautiful and changing photos just so they look perfect to a studio photographer is ridiculous.
Photo By: dave jones
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/24/2003 2:18:44 PM
Great shot! Really wish we knew the shutter speed here and the aperature in order to be able to know how to capture such motion.
Photo By: Magnus Nyman
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/24/2003 1:03:09 PM
Ray: I am certainly not a professional and could be wrong, but I don't think this photo is busy at all. I think it is a very fascinating capture. I love how you have captured the birds in mid-air. I am sure you took several shots at this location and those shots probably do not have the distracting elements that others seem to be worried about here (which is their opinion -- no problem). However, in my opinion this photo is very well done in itself and I'm glad you shared it with us.
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/24/2003 12:59:22 PM
I do not know enough about Infrared shots to know if this is a good one of that style, but I do feel it is a good shot overall regarding composition, etc. I like the foggy feeling to the photo. It seems to harken back to the 1920's style of photography, which goes with the bridge. I really like how you got down to take the photo and got the sign in with it -- it adds a little texture to the photo instead of just having a simple bridge photo. Really cool!
Photo By: Michael Duncan
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/23/2003 4:02:11 PM
Who Petra! Closer than I would have gotten, but it turned out really cool here! Like to see more of the kitty another time, but I like the closeness of the eyes! Wow! Nice shot
Photo By: Petra Engle
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/21/2003 7:11:15 PM
Nice photos and great message. Really like how you combined the two. Thanks for sharing and out of curiousity -- do you believe the message that is portrayed here?
Photo By: samantha marie
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/21/2003 7:10:02 PM
Richard: I agree with Steve. I like this photo, but the other one was also interesting. The other one was almost more eye catching because of its darkness, I think. May I ask which one was the more original? Was one touched up in photoshop, I can't remember at the moment what you had said about the last one. Still, I really like the composition on the photo regardless of the light and dark.
Photo By: Richard Wells
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/21/2003 7:07:51 PM
Aack. Makes me think too much about my job. Newspapers, newspapers, all I see are newspapers! aaagh! head spinning...but I guess if they look this nice as in your photo then they are okay. Nice shot and I really like the DOF. The subject, well, I could do without it :-)
Photo By: Raymond Andringa
Critique By:
Lisa Howeler (K:3706)
2/21/2003 7:02:59 PM
Kelly, I like the way the kitty is looking back over his/her shoulder. The photo seems to be laking a little bit of sharpness, but maybe this happened in scanning. Also the kitties face seems to be a little too-white. But really it is a nice photo.
Photo By: Kelly Cooper