Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
8/29/2003 3:51:18 PM
Bonjour, Michel! This is beautiful! just like most of your butterfly and flower shots! spectacular. the detail and color are great! (c:,'
Photo By: Michel Bordeleau
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
8/29/2003 3:46:02 PM
are they really? they look tame to me. good color, but we can't really see the horses very well. it's sort of like they're just there. perhaps try to incorporate them into the scene a little better. maybe if you could've gotten a little closer. they're such beautiful creatures, i want to see more of them. nice work, Guy! (c:,'
Photo By: Guy Dube
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
8/29/2003 3:27:50 PM
beautiful! how did you acheive the darkened outer border? (c:,'
Photo By: Fabio Keiner
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
8/29/2003 3:25:04 PM
what shirt?
Photo By: shaun mcmanus
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
8/29/2003 3:22:40 PM
nice capture. the crashing waves break into their wings of angels. i might suggest burning in the sky. you lose definition and border at the top. (c:,'
Photo By: Paulo Granadas
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
8/22/2003 12:34:24 PM
don't forget for everyone will even my friends snow and tree
Photo By: Fabio Keiner
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
8/20/2003 9:09:34 PM
haha, i love it! sad isn't it, that such historical figures are slipping away? nice simple shot, Gil! (c:,'
Photo By: Gil Draper
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
8/20/2003 9:07:21 PM
nice capture. some areas a little too hot, like the sky. and i wish those leaves weren't picking his nose. amazing animals aren't they? actually he's probably thinking "That's ridiculous! how could humans be descended from us?!" (c:,'
Photo By: Peter Carucci
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
8/18/2003 11:50:39 PM
whoa, that was wierd. for the longest time i thought this was a picture of a wall. i guess its too late for me to be looking at shots. but still a great image, Reidar! (c:,'
Photo By: Reidar Olsen
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
8/18/2003 11:30:34 PM
spiders are sooo cool! i love this macro. a detailed look at something we might never have seen, which i think is the entire purpose of macros. nice job, George! (c:,'
Photo By: George Kogias
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
8/18/2003 11:27:28 PM
very interesting. i know exactly what you mean by creating good images carelessly. i have several great shots from a moving vehicle. this photo intrigues me. first of all is the composition: the angles and positions of the buildings are strong, but i would crop off quite a bit of the top of the image. the single tree against the harsh, geometric shapes of the buildings has great contrast. the other thing about it is the possible cultural implications. as americans, the attack on the world trade center has become a part of our history and culture. to put out an image that references or includes these now-absent buildings after-the-fact could most likely refer to the events of that year and beyond. the inclusion of the "M" of the Marriot could lead to many other references. as for the "thingie" on the right, i will leave that up to you as the artist and your morals on editing photographs. personally, it doesn't bother me. quite an essay i wrote but i hope i was of help. nice work, Inanc! (c:,'
Photo By: Inanc Tekguc
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
8/18/2003 6:47:31 PM
wow. i, uh...um... wow!
Photo By: Chris VenHaus
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
6/25/2003 2:26:29 PM
why not for before me is the elixir of life and its poison why not for i wear the ring of power and mortality
Photo By: Fabio Keiner
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
6/6/2003 9:39:11 AM
i try to comment on very few digital shots, but this shot is fantastic. the stark, geometric shapes of the skyline beautifully contrast with the natural foreground. nice choice for IR. wonderfuly composed. (c:,'
Photo By: James Langford
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
6/6/2003 9:34:30 AM
nice colors. almost looks like the real technique. (C:,'
Photo By: Rodney Johnson
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
6/6/2003 9:31:16 AM
nice composition. so was this taken at night? (c:,'
Photo By: ilana peled
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
6/6/2003 9:26:52 AM
stones of death amongst them blazing fire of life
Photo By: Lucas Macedo
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
5/30/2003 12:34:18 PM
wow. thank you all very much. (c:,'
Photo By: j ruz
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
5/8/2003 11:06:37 PM
fantastic! the contrast of her beauty and the starkness of the room works beautifully. will she leave? is she waiting? can she not leave? trapped? hopeful? alone? abandoned?... bravo, Scott! (c:,' p.s. i loooooove multiple printing!
Photo By: Scott Ostrom
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
5/8/2003 10:58:00 PM
if you love it, who cares if it's "old"? the pattern here is fascinating. i would love to hear more about how the effect was created. it appears to be just over-exposure, but i'm not sure. great work, Scott! and thanks for commenting on my image - i greatly appreciate it. (c:,'
Photo By: Scott Ostrom
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
5/7/2003 9:38:59 PM
its about our questions of place...its about reflection, on glass and souls... its about time...its about the ocean beyond...its about the city beyond that...
Photo By: John Strazza
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
5/7/2003 9:35:04 PM
fantastic! i love the desolate beauty of such places. the simplicity is awesome. and the "1-2-3" is great. great capture, Carina! (c:,'
Photo By: Carina Claesen
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
5/7/2003 9:26:15 PM
right on, Ben! old school style is a real art! no pixels allowed! (c:,'
Photo By: Ronald Allen
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
5/7/2003 9:16:34 PM
striking colors and pattern. i like how the light in the sky echoes the rest of the image. um...what is it? (c:,'
Photo By: Kosmas Lazaridis
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
5/7/2003 8:13:20 AM
wow! i am guessing that a filter was used. but i have actually seen even redder sunsets than this. great composition. (c:,'
Photo By: Eddy Meuwese
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
5/7/2003 8:03:20 AM
great shot! i LOVE p.o.v. shots! shows us a way to see things that we wouldn't see otherwise.great dof and color. nice work, Jeroen! (c:,'
Photo By: Jeroen Wenting
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
5/7/2003 8:00:08 AM
very interesting. it almost looks like a manta ray floating in ancient ruins. but it also looks like a blue sheet. i'll have to think about how to interpret this one. (c:,'
Photo By: Gerhard BuschEFIAP/AFIAP
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
5/7/2003 7:48:41 AM
to me it looks as if both faces are equally bruised and hopeful. it's a nice attempt to capture human emotion. however, i'm not sure if it's quite there yet. was the combining done in-camera? i might suggest trying to get the right face more in focus. good work, Ronald! (c:,'
Photo By: Ronald Allen
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
5/7/2003 7:31:25 AM
very cool! perspective is great. fantastic capture! (c:,'
Photo By: Jeroen Wenting
Critique By:
j ruz (K:1043)
5/6/2003 12:28:59 PM
a very nice overall shot. you captured the lighting beautifully. does good at giving a sense of place. it is quite a beautiful hall. (c:,'
Photo By: Alan Boyle