Critiques From aydin akbulut
Critique By:
aydin akbulut (K:39)
12/25/2006 5:20:00 PM
excellent SİSTER.ME? Your only brother AYDİN AKBULUT,PLEASE look up your mail(higherthan...)i've been looking for you since years,uncle mustafa khows i found a hope to find you.after we lost mum,we also lost touch,i hope you look at your emails,i moved from istanbul to AKSEHİR aydinakbulut@msn.com
mobile(+90)535-489-71-50 home(+90)332-813-87-75 work(+90)332-812-10-16
Photo By: sandy c. hopkins
Critique By:
aydin akbulut (K:39)
12/25/2006 4:54:30 PM
HELP bahadir.HELP please about SANDY C. HOPKİNS.sHE is the most precious gift that left from mum.Yes she is my SİSTER.my name is Aydin akbulut,i moved from istanbul to AKSEHİR,but whole family still there.ANYBODY who knows SANDY C.HOPKİNS,PLEASE let her know ,i'am the family of her,looking for her for years,finally i found a hope. bahadir kardes lütfen yardim,acil,sandye mail attim(higherthanu2000@...),baska varmı bilmiyorum telefonum(+90)535-489-71-50 home (+90)332-8138775 work (+90)332-812-10-16
Photo By: Bahadir k