Critique By:
Evaristo E Mitchell (K:511)
6/16/2006 3:22:42 PM
My true love is to photograph people. I like this image of yours and one day I will borrow the concept from you. I also believe that you can make a very feminine and sensuous black & white image out of this photo. Next time take her blouse off Luke, It's hard to get texture in white (LOL).
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Alison Webb (K:1779)
6/14/2006 12:06:53 AM
Beautiful sunset Luck, i love how the ducks seem to be swimming of into the sunset, well done. Cheers Al.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Liz Wallis (K:26133)
6/13/2006 10:26:30 AM
I really like your perspective, and the description that you gave. I can see this in b/w ( but then i see everything in b/w, lol, sorry ) Excellent clarity
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Liz Wallis (K:26133)
6/13/2006 10:23:56 AM
Very nice abstract composition. great tones.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
6/13/2006 2:58:08 AM
thanks, Mitra and Ana...maybe this is one of those simple shots that only appeal to some on an emotional level...I am surprised it does not have at least more views.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
ana ribeiro (K:21290)
6/12/2006 4:20:41 PM
good composition.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Doyle D. Chastain (K:101119)
6/12/2006 2:58:42 PM
Wow Luke . . . very good minimalistic image with some awesome colors. Serene. Tranquil. Impressive.
Regards, Doyle I <~~~~~
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
6/12/2006 2:08:34 PM
thanks, Elisa...this was a much needed respite...even if for only a few minutes.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Mitra Nademi-Nassari (K:28234)
6/12/2006 1:55:22 PM
Very nice photo and very nice mom ! Well done!
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
NN (K:26787)
6/9/2006 9:15:12 AM
Hi Luke! Scenes like this are so relaxing. Wonderful colours/mood; a joy to watch!
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Marija Ristic (K:4136)
6/8/2006 11:45:08 AM
This one is fantastic. Superb DOF and lovely combination of warm and cold colour tones. These textures are always attractive for me. Excellent!
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Marija Ristic (K:4136)
6/8/2006 11:39:50 AM
Hi Luke! No wonder this one was awarded, it's perfect. It seems to be you are at your best with abstracts - this one is so captivating in its simplicity. I have always admired some photographers ability to 'see' the potential in such ordinary things...and you sure are one of them Great work!
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Jim Budrakey (K:24393)
6/8/2006 7:11:40 AM
The color gradient from left to right makes this picture for me. Nicely seen.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Nilanjan Mitra (K:12955)
6/8/2006 7:10:38 AM
Wow!!!. what is this.. ? is it made of GOld.. superb capture of the same.. Regards, nil
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Galal El Missary (K:84569)
6/8/2006 7:02:11 AM
Golden tones , nice composition , well taken .
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Serkan ATASELIM (K:789)
6/8/2006 6:48:58 AM
Gold city nice image..
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
6/8/2006 5:31:12 AM
Mary, not having to worry about lighting and exp compensation gave me the freedom to "see the scene". I knew I was going to expose for the shadow areas. Certain amount of freedom comes with practice. Thanks! Oh, am I ever glad I had the camera!
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
6/8/2006 5:28:47 AM
Chris, even with the fading light I was able to find something else in the midst of the beauty to compositionally enhance this photograph. It may have been my tranquil state. Intentionality is a good thing. Thanks!
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Mary Brown (K:71879)
6/8/2006 5:21:41 AM
A scene like this would surely be medicine for anyone. It looks so tranquil. I do believe that there is healing in beauty. The golden hue to the water is lovely. Including the birds is a great compositional element as they help add to the mood. It would not be a beautiful without them. I'm sure glad you had your camera to share this with us. MAry
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Chris Boivin (K:9030)
6/8/2006 5:17:21 AM
Peaceful moody picture. The golden sunset on the water looks great. Having the birds in the picture I find helps to add to the overall mood as well. Also the perspective you chose to have the entire picture covered in water works very well. Glad this was a good day for you. Regards, Chris
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
6/3/2006 1:32:00 PM
No flash allowed during actual ceremony. I had to choose between the 70-210 f/4 and the 28-70 f/2.8. I went for the reach instead. It was one of those learning moments. I was not paid for the ceremony images, anyway. I only took the formals following the ceremony. I did re-enact the Broom shot with studio flash.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Hugo de Wolf (K:185110)
6/3/2006 1:01:52 PM
Hi Luke,
Good composition, and a very good detail, telling a story.
Just curious why you didn't use a flash; the dynamism and motion is nicely captured, but withouth the flash as fill flash on the rear (or front) curtain, the image looks a bit on the soft side; I think freezing a split second with perhaps a smaller apperture and an even longer shutterspeed would result in both a well focussed feel of the photo (by the fill flash) as well as increase the drama and motion.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Jimmy Piper (K:5742)
6/3/2006 12:05:47 PM
love the colours and DOF of this one.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Jimmy Piper (K:5742)
6/3/2006 12:05:00 PM
holy **** that's an awesome shot luke, love it...
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Rashed Abdulla (K:163889)
6/1/2006 6:08:18 AM
wonderful portrait here my friend and with very great lighting and colors, very sharp and pleasant to view, all of the best my friend
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Marta Azevedo (K:4237)
5/31/2006 11:32:30 PM
great shot
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Claude Tenot (K:9960)
5/29/2006 9:44:03 PM
Je dirai qu'il est vraiment charmant ce jeune homme....tu as bien soigné le traitement de ton image Luke...à bientôt
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Kambiz K (K:37420)
5/29/2006 5:53:05 PM
although he is not happy, but I like your image!
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
5/28/2006 1:43:07 PM
i agree with you...framing and composition can make or break your photo for sure...thanks for the suggestion!
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Evaristo E Mitchell (K:511)
5/27/2006 5:51:36 AM
Hello Luke.I love this image of yours. This spring I am also trying my hand at shooting flowers. How would you like this composition if the flower were not so dead centered?. Example, less space from the right side would make it look less static. What do you think my friend?. Truly Evaristo E.
Photo By: Luke Luther