Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/12/2005 1:07:52 AM
Magical...I even like the portfolio category you have this placed within. I agree that this is a moody landscape, with an air of mystery. Keep shooting!
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/10/2005 8:20:54 PM
great shot. needs a bit of reflected light under the hat into her eyes, but still nice pose and great DOF.
Photo By: antonio harrison
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/10/2005 8:12:31 PM
The Four Faces of Eve trapped behind the fence, wanting to come out and be real. The real world looking around trying to figure out why not her. The two bikes pointing in opposite directions with a wire basket on one and a woven basket on the other. One light; one dark. Dark top; light colored slacks. Polar opposites yet all the same.
Photo By: Kimmy Magino
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/10/2005 8:08:47 PM
This is exactly how I remember it, Marion. Good lighting in a tough situation.
Photo By: Marion Luijten
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/10/2005 3:26:53 PM
the slight movement gives the image a 3D effect. the sparks look as if they are coming off the page.
Photo By: Lea Mulqueen
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/10/2005 3:25:15 PM
everything but the flash reflection make it a good image. can you tame it somehow?
Photo By: Emily Enderes
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/10/2005 3:22:16 PM
the combination of lighting and the color red repeated in the background and the dress really make this a richly sensuous photograph. enough so that it goes to my favorites.
Photo By: Pawel Chrzanowski
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/10/2005 3:00:56 PM
What impresses me is that you were able to coax them into shooting in the rain. I kind of like both images, but this one will always be a treasure. Luke
Photo By: Louise Vessey
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/10/2005 2:57:11 PM
Your eyes really must have been open to catch this. One human and one larger than life itself. The white kaftan really makes it work and it is not all blown out. Hurray to the slide film!
Photo By: Lukasz Kuczkowski
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/10/2005 11:30:51 AM
Simple image, with excellent lighting and great highlights. The elbow rest completes the frame.
Photo By: Lodovico Ludoni
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/9/2005 11:32:42 PM
Excellent capture, Rebecca. This is my virtual respite spot for the day.
Photo By: Rebecca Raybon
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/9/2005 12:27:08 PM
stunning! great color. nice DOF with leading lines towards top of image. works well.
Photo By: Daniel Michalski
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/9/2005 11:15:12 AM
Thanks, Elisa. I think I was giving in to the muse at that moment.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/9/2005 3:55:31 AM
i think this is a technical problem waiting to be dissected, but it is definitely a great image. the small rectangle needs to go; there is no light on the eye of your friend/modle whose head rests upon your knee. There is a bit of soft focus and ....but this image has style. It screams of sincerity and genuineness, not artifice. I like this and I have looked at it a couple times today. I like enough to add to favorites. Nice work!
Photo By: marília campos
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/7/2005 11:58:52 AM
I was looking for a final image to comment on this morning. This is the one. Two classic beauties - one floral, one human. Well done with both. the pearls, the slight softness on her face, the beautiful red contrast of the rose make for a complete romantic image.
Photo By: tosti francesco
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/7/2005 11:49:17 AM
i can almost feel the walls closing in on me. very well done with a difficult lighting situation. nicely balanced with the white walls and the colorful stairway banister for contrast.
Photo By: Vasso Stamoulis
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/7/2005 11:47:08 AM
Rui, this is so colorful and imaginative. Instead of capturing the entire boat, you left something to the imagination. You also framed this nicely so that one might think of motion. I ask myself, "Where are they going?"
Photo By: Rui Baess
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/7/2005 11:44:04 AM
excellent macro right down to the nicely lit irridescence on the dragonfly.
Photo By: Pierre Martin
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/7/2005 2:15:18 AM
Photo By: Laurie Gould
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/7/2005 2:07:39 AM
Sometimes you can spot a winner before the image completes loading. This was one such image. Great color, excellent composition, nice DOF, good use of the frame. Congratulations.
Photo By: Alessandro Raso
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/7/2005 2:05:37 AM
y a tu tambien, Gustavo. Es obvio que conoces a la nina aqui. La foto salio muy bien con la cara enlucida por el sol, y parte ensombrado. Es muy claro y la composicion es fino. Lucio
Photo By: Gustavo Scheverin
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/6/2005 11:40:59 PM
Thanks, Sam. It was one of those rare moments when my eyes were completely open as I looked around.
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/6/2005 11:39:57 PM
Thanks for the critique Stephen. Take your tripod, set it up between 8 - 12 feet from your intended space. Shut off AF and compose the frame leaving room for yourself. Think about DOF and cropping so that you can maximize your use of the frame. Keep trying until you get it "right".
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/6/2005 12:37:37 PM
Excellent capture Jeremy. Nice framing with the monument base in the image.
Photo By: Jeremy The Wicked
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/6/2005 3:53:57 AM
si, Paxti, explicanos que es Cularro. estoy de acuerdo con Avi que es una buena imagen. color y perspectiva. lucio
Photo By: carlos sanchez
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/6/2005 3:45:37 AM
it was your sage input that helped me improve a rather droll image. thanks!
Photo By: Luke Luther
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/6/2005 3:43:11 AM
i do so like this image...it is simple and pleasing to the eye. the great use of DOF to direct one's gaze to the lower left corner of the image. excellent work.
Photo By: Lukasz Kuczkowski
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/6/2005 3:41:17 AM
John, thanks for the comments. This is one very powerful image. The tones are so subtle. It could easily function as B/W image as well. Composition is spectacular in that frame is just enough off-center to pique one's interest in exploring the image deeper.
Photo By: John Reed
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/5/2005 12:49:03 PM
amazing that this fine image does not have more views or comments. appropriately titled as well. intensely intimate macro. details are good.
Photo By: Gustavo RS
Critique By:
Luke Luther (K:14693)
7/5/2005 12:47:40 PM
it was cold outside when i sat and contemplated the lighting fixture. amazing what the mind can find when given time.
Photo By: Luke Luther